Posts Tagged ‘show’

Palestinian boy of 12 in occupied West Bank is killed by rubber-coated steel bullet

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Israeli soldiers kill 12-year-old Palestinian with rubber bullet during clashes in West Bank RAMALLAH (Ma‘an) 19 July — A 12-year-old Palestinian was killed Tuesday evening during clashes with Israeli soldiers in the town of al-Ram north of Jerusalem in the central occupied West Bank after he was […]

The David Duke Show: Andrew Joyce on the Importance of a Duke Candidacy

Comments are now located on a separate page. You can follow the link at the bottom of each article, or you can view all comments threads on the bbs. We also have forums where you can post your own topics. News Forum General Discussion Forum Join us! Source Article from

Indian Government: Secret US Weapons ‘Real Cause of Global Warming’

The Indian government have accused the U.S. of using a secretive weapon system that is likely to have caused global warming. According to Environmental Minister Anil Madhav Dave, the U.S. government are able to focus electromagnetic beams via a weapon called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP) across the Earth which reduce the yields […]

Selected Articles: Turkey’s Attempted Military Coup d’Etat against President Erdogan


BOLSHEVISM FROM MOSES TO LENIN: A DIALOGUE BETWEEN ADOLF HITLER AND ME  –  MUST READ Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Hitler und mir (“Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: Dialogues Between Hitler and Me”) was first published in 1925 after it was found among the paper of Dietrich Eckhart. Much debate exists if […]

Why Police Misconduct Liability Insurance Will Not Fix Anything

  Over the course of my time with the CopBlock Network I have seen many people suggest that insuring or bonding police officers against their individual misconduct would be the great solution to issues of the police state. While the person making the suggestion always seems good-natured and well-intended, their proposed response to the many […]

Populations in the ancient Fertile Crescent are the ancestors of modern day South Asians but not Europeans

     An international research team led by Mainz palaeogeneticists demonstrates that populations in the ancient Fertile Crescent are the ancestors of modern day South Asians but not of Europeans. Sedentism, farming, and agriculture was invented some 10,000 years ago in a region between southeastern Anatolia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, an area traditionally labeled as the […]

Moment of truck rampage in Nice captured on video (GRAPHIC)

FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES Meanwhile, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi has said the truck was loaded with weapons and grenades. BMF reported that the truck with the attacker rammed the crowd for 2 kilometers before it was stopped. READ MORE: ‘We heard gunfire, ran for shelter’ – Nice eyewitness to RT Source Article from

Rise of the machines: 47% of U.S. workforce at risk of losing their jobs to robots

     A senior economic adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a warning to lower-wage earners: You risk losing your job to a machine. “Technological advances in recent decades have brought tremendous benefits but have also contributed to increasing inequality and falling [workforce] participation,” said Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, […]

Negro Fatigue: Cops Walk Out On Basketball Security Gig Because of BLM

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 They proudly display they support for killing cops. I can’t believe that in 2016 we still have cops who are from the KKK. I mean, just because a few people of color shot police officers, does that mean Black lives suddenly no longer have any value? Of course not. Thus […]

Israeli forces shoot five Palestinians during raid of Sa’ir as siege of southern West Bank continues

Violence / Detentions — Jerusalem / West Bank Israeli forces violently suppress clashes in sealed Hebron village in wake of shooting HEBRON (Ma‘an) 10 July — Israeli forces shot and injured at least five Palestinians and detained three others in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron overnight Saturday, as Israeli forces continued to […]

All Our Children Are Now FBI Terrorism Suspects

Editor’s note: this essay is good, except for the part about Americans in WWII fighting for our freedom and comparing today’s tyranny to the Gestapo.  by Thomas S. Neuberger of The Rutherford Institute In July 2015, I reported on and analyzed the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism Program and concluded that it made every adult citizen […]

Hillary Clinton has a decision to make

Elie Wiesel might have been the  most moral man to have come out of the Jewish people in the last thousand years, but at the same time, he was also inarguably an enemy to the Palestinian people. That should not be controversial. The late Israeli politician Yossi Sarid called Wiesel an “ethnic cleanser in a […]

Shooting of 11 Police Officers in Dallas is an Arch DHS Gun Control Hoax

With numerous revelations from our posters Make no mistake about it the purported shooting against Dallas police officers is a scam and a hoax, while no one can demonstrate otherwise. The number “11” is one of those arch-Masonic, arch-Satanic numbers commonly used by the arch-Zionist, extremist gun-grubbing cabal. It’s clearly a hoax. The standard arch-hoax flashlight […]

Separation and conquest: Israel’s ideological barrier

In 2002 the Israeli Government decided to construct “a barrier” separating the West Bank and Israel with the declared purpose of improving the security of Israel by preventing Palestinians from entering Israel without first being cleared at a checkpoint. Today, the Annexation and Segregation Wall consists partly of concrete slabs, which are eight to nine […]

Rich Italians Call for End to Anti-Russian Sanctions

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 6, 2016 Nobody cares about Crimea. Literally, the only people who care about it are the people who live there. And what goes on there is their own business. Italy’s wealthiest region is hoping to force Rome and Brussels to lift sanctions against Russia – after the majority of local leaders […]

The Orthodox Nationalist: Trump’s Campaign and Elite-Financed Hate – What Does the Law Say?

Radio Aryan July 5, 2016 Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson investigates the terrorist campaign designed to intimidate Trump supporters and prevent them from attending his rallies. These enemies of free speech are breaking all sorts of laws with their behaviour, but because they are funded by big business and corporate interests they appear to be avoiding […]

83 Killed in Baghdad Car Bombings

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 3, 2016 Normally, when reading the news, I just breeze past stories of Middle East car bombings, because they happen all the time. 83 is a really high score though. And these were car bombs. Something we haven’t seen yet in Europe (since the IRA), but will probably start seeing […]

‘Rain Bomb’ Phenomenon Caught on Camera During Storm

Founder of WorldTruth.Tv and Eddie (7648 Posts) Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. and Both website are dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 36+ years researching Bible, History, Alternative Health, Secret Societies, Symbolism and […]

US-protected jihadists bomb UN humanitarian convoy in Syria

     Militants from an Al-Qaeda-linked group, Jaysh al-Islam, have shelled a UN humanitarian convoy near Damascus, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Despite the group’s repeated ceasefire violations, the UN rejected Russia’s bid to add it to the terror list. “Insurgents of the Jaysh al-Islam grouping, which had claimed to belong to the [Syrian] opposition, carried […]

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