Posts Tagged ‘days’

Putin: Russia Will Avenge Bastille Day Terrorists

President Putin has said that Russia is ready to work with France in order to seek revenge against the terrorists who committed the Bastille Day attacks in Nice.  Putin has urged world leaders to join his fight against extremists, saying that “terrorists only understand force, and we must use it”. reports: The Kremlin have […]

Bible justifies rape in times of war, despite rabbis’ efforts to spin or hide the teaching

The Talmud discusses the passage in question (Deut. 21:10-14) at Qiddushin 22a. Most of the passage is devoted to the details of the process that, according to these verses, must precede the soldier’s marriage to the captive woman. However, it is unclear from the Talmud whether or not the soldier is allowed to RAPE the […]

3 armed thugs killed southeast of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian intelligence forces killed 3 armed outlaws in the southeastern province of Kerman on Thursday night, a security official said. The provincial intelligence forces clashed with a groups of armed outlaws near Roudbar region on Thursday night, Khalil Homaei, a top security official at Kerman’s governorate told Tasnim on Friday morning. According […]

Drug resistant tuberculosis could lead to government quarantines, high mortality rates … so why are infected refugees being settled in America?

(NaturalNews) It’s another one of those things that is happening in our country that we’re not supposed to talk about, because to do so gets us labeled as bigots and racists (by people who are really the bigots and racists). But it is a subject that needs to be roundly discussed in the […]

Rise of the machines: 47% of U.S. workforce at risk of losing their jobs to robots

     A senior economic adviser to U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a warning to lower-wage earners: You risk losing your job to a machine. “Technological advances in recent decades have brought tremendous benefits but have also contributed to increasing inequality and falling [workforce] participation,” said Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, […]

Activists Expose Monsanto’s Senate Lackeys Minutes Before DARK Act Vote

Actions highlight how senators who took money from Big Ag companies are voting against majority public opinion on GMO labeling by Nadia Prupis Just before a controversial genetically modified (GM or GMO) labeling bill came up for a cloture vote in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, food and consumer advocates dropped over $2,000 on the […]

Washington’s ‘New Managers’ in Latin America: Oligarchs, Bankers and Swindlers

‘Price to pay for US’: Beijing ready to confront Washington if it intervenes in S.China Sea dispute

The American military build-up in the South China Sea, including the deployment of two carrier strike groups, comes in defiance of China’s vital interests and represents “a direct threat to national security,” the state-run Global Times said in strongly-worded editorials in its Chinese and English editions on Tuesday.  Beijing should accelerate developing its strategic deterrence capabilities […]

Iran’s top general hopes for liberation of Muslim lands

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In a congratulatory message ahead of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Fitr, the new Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri prayed for liberation of all Islamic territories from the yoke of occupiers. The senior general on Monday sent a message to Iranian military and civilian […]

Breathing outdoor air polluted with industrial particles increases risk of early death, heart disease and lung cancer

(NaturalNews) As a kid, how many times did your parents tell you to go play outside and get some fresh air? Or maybe that’s exactly what you said to your kids yesterday. While keeping them indoors in front of TV screens will definitely not improve their health and well-being, depending on where you […]

How a secretive elite created the EU to build a world government

The Anglo-American political lobby at work. Photo: Central Press It has been one week since the world was left in a state of shock following the results of a referendum in the United Kingdom to exit the European Union, with many debates continuing from campaigners about the long-lasting effects a decision like this could have […]

13 hostages freed from Dhaka cafe after overnight attack saw 20 victims killed

“The operation is over and the situation is under control,” army spokesman Colonel Rashidul Hasan told Reuters. At around 8 am, following a 13-hour siege and failed negotiations with the terrorists, over 100 heavily armed Bangladeshi forces launched an operation to free the people being held inside the upscale cafe in Dhaka’s diplomatic district. It […]

Russian jets kill 5 Palestinian refugees in Syria

Days of Palestine, London -Russian fighter jets killed on Tuesday night five Palestinian refugees in Khan al-Sheikh Refugee Camp in Damascus countryside. Task Group for the Palestinians in Syria, based in London, said in a statement issued on Wednesday that the Russian fighter jets launched several airstrikes on the refugee camp. Like our page on Facebook […]

Unprecedented Galactic Cosmic Rays Are Accelerating

REMINDER: “In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. “It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. “Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center […]

India’s spice trade at risk, as pesticides and pathogens contaminate popular seasonings including turmeric, chili and pepper

(NaturalNews) Pesticides are causing serious problems all over the world. Most pesticides and herbicides, once taken up by the body, go to war with the endocrine system, blocking the body’s ability to regulate its own hormones. In India, these dangerous pesticides are beginning to contaminate the country’s most healthy, top export spices. Countries […]

US General Urges Military Action In Libya

The US military’s plans to counter ISIS  in Libya “makes no sense,” according to top US general who urges Washington to take a tougher stance in the country. Marine Lieutenant General Thomas Waldhauser made his comments before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. Waldhauser who is President Obama’s pick to lead US troops in […]

Austria may legally recognize 3rd gender as intersex person challenges authorities in court

The court proceedings follow a complaint filed by Alex Jurgen, an Austrian who demanded that local authorities in the town of Steyr in the region of Upper Austria change his gender to ‘X’ or ‘Inter’ in the passport and on the birth certificate. First-ever French person legally recognized as ‘gender neutral’ Jurgen, 39, was born […]

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Thursday, 23-06-2016

Liberation of Fallujah, a model for annihilation of Daesh Iraq’s important and sensitive city of Fallujah, which was the most strategic base for the Daesh terrorist group in the country, was… Source Article from

You’re Black? Not In My Neighborhood!

If it wasn’t on camera you wouldn’t believe it. The narrative is synonymous with something taken from a pre civil rights area; white’s only drinking fountains and the like. If you thought racism is dead in America, you’d be wrong. The two gentlemen that recorded the incident released the video after being stopped at a […]

Two marines under investigation for posting Facebook picture threatening gays

     Two marines are under investigation for posting a threatening picture on a Facebook page for male Marines. The image shows a corporal holding a rifle with his finger on the trigger accompanied by the caption “Coming to a gay bar near you!” The picture was shared just days after a mass shooting on Sunday […]

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