Posts Tagged ‘city’

How ‘Black Boxes’ In Autonomous Cars Will Be Used to Blame Humans

In the wake of a Tesla car’s fatal crash while on autopilot, German lawmakers are proposing mandatory “black boxes” for self-driving cars, similar to the devices in airplanes that record the moments before a fatal accident. The idea is that this type of recorder would help authorities piece together what happened in the […]

The Arrogance of Ignorance

These Popular Foods Have tBHQ, a Cancer and Allergy Causing Additive WakingTimes | July 12, 2016 | 2 Comments Source Article from

U.S. has no (reasonable) alternative but to work with Russia, but that doesn’t mean they’ll do so

     The US leadership appears to have finally understood that Washington and Moscow should join efforts to stop the bloodshed in and bring lasting peace to Syria, James Jatras, a former US Senate foreign policy analyst, told PressTV. But although US State Secretary John Kerry’s visit to Moscow is a good sign, it might not […]

NSA Claims Olympics Spying Allegation is “Implausible”… but No Denial

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The National Security Agency asked a judge Thursday to dismiss a lawsuit from a former Salt Lake City mayor who says the agency conducted a mass warrantless surveillance program during the 2002 Winter Olympics. The NSA argues the claims are implausible speculation about a program that may […]

Toddler injected with 37 vaccines before the age of two left paralyzed and wheelchair-bound for life

(NaturalNews) At just 17 months of age, Otto Coleman’s life changed drastically and suddenly. After receiving a shocking number of vaccines – 37 to be exact – he ended up being paralyzed with transverse myelitis, and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. His father, Joshua Coleman, said that he […]

US Racist Repression Exposed, Nationwide Protests against Police Brutality and Killings

Why Are People Starting To Believe In UFOs Again?

The 1990s were a high-water mark for public interest in UFOs and alien abduction. Shows like “The X-Files” and Fox’s“alien autopsy” hoax were prime-time events, while MIT even hosted an academic conference on the abduction phenomenon. But in the first decade of the 21st century, interest in UFOs began to wane. Fewer sightings were reported, […]

How Nikola Tesla Used ‘Spirituality’ & Philosophy To Learn About Reality, ‘Limitless’ Energy & Science

The Properties of Space Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them. One example is “free energy,” also known as “zero-point energy,” which utilizes the substance that exists […]

Tehran Eid al-Fitr prayers to be led by Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei will lead Eid al-Fitr prayers in Tehran, according to Baqer Pishnamazi, the head of the headquarters of holding Tehran Friday prayers and Eid al-Fitr prayers. The first day of the month of Shavval marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan and is celebrated as Eid al-Fitr across […]

‘Price to pay for US’: Beijing ready to confront Washington if it intervenes in S.China Sea dispute

The American military build-up in the South China Sea, including the deployment of two carrier strike groups, comes in defiance of China’s vital interests and represents “a direct threat to national security,” the state-run Global Times said in strongly-worded editorials in its Chinese and English editions on Tuesday.  Beijing should accelerate developing its strategic deterrence capabilities […]

Buckingham Palace Admit Queen Elizabeth ‘Is Not Human’

An internal document acknowledging that Queen Elizabeth is a shapeshifting reptilian was briefly published as a press release on the Royal Family’s official website yesterday before being taken down – but not before alert internet users captured screenshots of the extraordinary article and proof that the press release appeared on Google. It is understood that […]

‘Biggest NATO reinforcement since Cold War’ to be focus of Warsaw summit – Stoltenberg

“We will deploy four robust, multinational battalions to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. I welcome Canada’s recent announcement that it will lead one of these four battalions,” Stoltenberg said at a pre-summit press event.  “We will also agree to develop a tailored presence in the southeast, based on a multinational brigade in Romania,” he added. NATO’s collective […]

People mark Int’l Quds Day in US capital

According to Tasnim dispatches, Muslims attended the Friday prayers before being joined by tens of other Christian, Jewish and Muslim activists. The ralliers then marched on Dupont Circle in the heart of the District to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian nation. The spontaneous gathering was not funded by any organization. Imam of the […]

US seeking Iraq, Syria disintegration: Iranian commander

“Evidence indicates that the US is seriously seeking to undermine Muslim countries,” Brigadier General Jazayeri said in an interview with the Arabic-language Al Alam news channel. “Today is the turn of Iraq and Syria and tomorrow it may be the turn of other countries,” he said, adding that disintegration of Iraq and Syria is in […]

Top 11 ‘conspiracy theories’ we all found out were TRUE and hugely destructive to our health and safety

(NaturalNews) It’s funny how so many people try to discredit natural health enthusiasts when they hear about food or medicine they’ve been consuming or taking for years – mainly because they just don’t want to find out that they’ve been “doing it wrong” for so long. Then, when undeniable proof comes along, they […]

Congress’s Move To Delay IRS Muzzle Rule Another Year Is Not All Good News

Print Friendly Above Photo: While the US Congress may have postponed the enforcement of the IRS muzzle rule once again, they missed the opportunity to stop this threat to free speech for good. (Photo: New Statesman) Note: A new IRS rule was set to take effect on October 1, 2016, that would severely limit the ability of […]

Israeli forces kidnap 25 Palestinians

Days of Palestine, West Bank/ Jerusalem -Israeli occupation forces kidnapped on Tuesday night 25 Palestinian citizens from occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. According to Palestinian sources, the Israeli occupation forces raided several neighbourhoods of the occupied Jerusalem and stormed several Palestinian houses. In the wake of the Israeli occupation raids, families reported the kidnapping six […]

DHS Warns Of More ‘Homegrown’ Terrorist Attacks

A new terrorism bulletin has been issued by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), warning Americans of more “homegrown” terrorist attacks similar to the one that killed nearly 50 people in Orlando over the weekend. The DHS bulletin said: “In this environment, we are particularly concerned about homegrown violent extremists who could strike with […]

200 foreign banks start business links with Iran: CBI

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Central Bank of Iran (CBI) said some 200 foreign banks have so far forged business ties with Iran since the implementation of a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers in January. “Two hundred small and medium-sized international banks have started correspondent relationships with Iranian banks,” CBI said in an emailed […]

The Holocaust Impact

We’ll analyze the psychological impact of the holocaust, the how and why of its success, and what has been lost with it – what it managed to corrupt within the White racial Spirit. The holocaust itself of course is a Lie and made up story, but all the Jews had to do, as with anything, […]

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