Posts Tagged ‘playgrounds’

WATCH: IDF Identifies Hamas Rocket Launchers Near Children’s Playgrounds, Pools

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Sunday that it had discovered Hamas rocket launchers near sensitive sites, including schools, as IDF soldiers penetrated deeper into Northern Gaza. Source

Death Threats, Closed Playgrounds: QAnon Queen Wreaks Havoc in Small Town Canada

Tensions are growing in a small Canadian town after a cult took over an abandoned school and followers of the so-called “QAnon Queen” sent death threats to local officials. On September 13, the small quiet town of Richmound, Saskatchewan, had its world turned upside down when Romana Didulo—a woman who has convinced a sizeable group […]

Ontario Goes Communist: Checkpoints at Borders, Churches Restricted, Playgrounds Closed

Ontario Goes Communist: Checkpoints at Borders, Churches Restricted, Playgrounds Closed Tap News / Weaver ER Editor: There’s been a bit of weekend evolution in the Ontario situation. AmericanThinker/Zerohedge ran this story yesterday – Canadian Cops Refuse To Enforce Ontario’s New ‘Police State’ COVID-Lockdown Laws. As the article states, Ontario is a whopping 38% of Canada’s […]

Hazardous levels of lead uncovered in Philadelphia playgrounds and swanky neighborhoods

(Natural News) Unaware of the danger concealed beneath the vintage decorations and stylish architecture in the fancier parts of Philadelphia, parents have let their guard down, unknowingly exposing their children to toxic substances. One such example is Jana Curtis, whose daughter was poisoned by lead from the soil in their backyard. The horrifying news came […]

Drugs Addicts, Prostitutes, Playgrounds and City Property in Mitch Landrieu’s New Orleans

Hunter Wallace Occidental Dissent May 22, 2017 Robert E. Lee was so angry with Mitch Landrieu that he forgot to wear his politically correct filter and let slip a few truths that started “a conversation about race” in New Orleans: Behold, the 21st century New Orleans that will be defined by a […]

Toddler injected with 37 vaccines before the age of two left paralyzed and wheelchair-bound for life

(NaturalNews) At just 17 months of age, Otto Coleman’s life changed drastically and suddenly. After receiving a shocking number of vaccines – 37 to be exact – he ended up being paralyzed with transverse myelitis, and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. His father, Joshua Coleman, said that he […]

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