Posts Tagged ‘paradise’

Sanctuary City Paradise: Tuberculosis Found in Chicago ‘Migrant Shelters’

Sanctuary City Paradise: Tuberculosis Found in Chicago ‘Migrant Shelters’ Source

Right Wing Round-Up: A Fascist’s Paradise

Josh Kovensky and Kate Riga @ Talking Points Memo: Colorado Ran Into A SCOTUS Buzzsaw In Trump DQ Clause Case. The Supreme Court cut across partisan lines Thursday to make one concern shared by most of the justices quite clear: They were squeamish about a single state unilaterally disqualifying a candidate for president on the […]

How to Turn Your Home Into a Tropical Cocktail Paradise

I don’t really like many things that can be described as kitsch, but for some reason I love home tiki bars. This goes beyond rum being my favorite spirit. Maybe my affinity has to do with the fact that I’m a born-and-raised Floridian who no longer lives in a warm place, and sipping an ornate […]

Persian readers find “Paradise” in Iranian bookstores

TEHRAN – “Paradise”, a historical novel by the Nobel Prize-winning Zanzibar-born British writer Abdulrazak Gurnah, has come to Iranian bookstores. Source

Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government. America Is a Prison Disguised as Paradise

“If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government.”— President Dwight D. Eisenhower The […]

1942 NSDAP Exhibition: The ‘jewish’ Soviet Paradise – Lies, Terror, Poverty and Mass Murder

The jews exterminated the best elements to make themselves the absolute rulers of an area from which they hoped to establish world domination. According to the GPU’s figures, nearly two million people were executed during the years 1917 to 1921. A direct result of the revolution was the terrible famine that demanded 19 million victims […]

 Summer paradise: Chalkandi of Dezful

Locals and travelers splash water in a river sandwiched between rocky hills in Chalkandi of Dezful, southwestern Iran, September 21, 2020. The semi-canyon is situated in an intact zone of the slow-moving Dez River. With its great depth and high walls on both sides, Chalkandi radiates cool air in summer and provides a relaxing and […]

 Summer paradise: Chalkandi of Dezful

Locals and travelers splash water in a river sandwiched between rocky hills in Chalkandi of Dezful, southwestern Iran, September 21, 2020. The semi-canyon is situated in an intact zone of the slow-moving Dez River. With its great depth and high walls on both sides, Chalkandi radiates cool air in summer and provides a relaxing and […]

 Summer paradise: Chalkandi of Dezful

Locals and travelers splash water in a river sandwiched between rocky hills in Chalkandi of Dezful, southwestern Iran, September 21, 2020. The semi-canyon is situated in an intact zone of the slow-moving Dez River. With its great depth and high walls on both sides, Chalkandi radiates cool air in summer and provides a relaxing and […]

Trouble in Paradise

A new survey has found that almost four out of five refugees living in Sweden have vacationed in the countries that they originally fled from. Yes, really. The survey was conducted by polling firm Novus on behalf of the Swedish online newspaper Bulletin. It found that 79 per cent of people who arrived in Sweden […]

Behold the Beauty: A Glimpse of a Heavenly Paradise

Rare and sublime, The Cleveland Museum of Art’s 15th-century “Amitabha Triad” features three divine beings central to Buddhist belief. Only a hint of the gilt remains of this once-hallowed Buddhist treasure, yet the deities’ meditative serenity shines on. Each deity is sitting on a lotus-flower throne in readiness to welcome Buddhist adherents to the Western […]

Paradise Lost – Documentary on the Cuban Invasion of South Florida

Fidel Castro announced the Mariel Boatlift and allowed Cubans to leave the communist country and head for the shores of Miami. When they arrive, they raise hell and rape, rob and murder Whites. Bitchute link

Once home to one of Latin America’s most notorious prisons, San Lucas is now a tourist paradise

In Costa Rica, the dismal prison island of San Lucas has been transformed into a tourist paradise with a natural park and wild beaches. Not far from the coast of the Gulf of Nicoya, on the Pacific coast, the island of San Lucas was until now notorious for its prison which operated from 1873 until […]

Nine reasons Israel is not a ‘progressive paradise’

From March 4th to March 6th, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference convened in Washington DC. This gathering is the largest of the year for AIPAC, the main arm of the American pro-Israel lobby. AIPAC represents one of the most powerful lobbies in the United States, having a clout similar to that […]

Trouble in paradise: Maldives crisis locks China & India in tug-of-war

The Maldives has been divided by a political crisis, with each of the two sides calling on one of their big neighbors for help. Both India and China have a vested strategic interest in the archipelago. Early in February, the Maldives Supreme Court dropped charges against opposition leader and pro-Indian former President Mohammed Nasheed, and […]

Medical TYRANNY in paradise: Hawaii to go door to door, confiscating LEGAL firearms from all medical marijuana users

(Natural News) Over the past several years, liberals have constantly assured the American people that even though they support the idea of stricter gun laws, they are not out to take away anyone’s legally owned firearms. But liberals lie every chance that they get, so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that many of […]

Calls come for Queen to release financial records amid Paradise Papers leak

The Queen must open up her full financial records to the public in the wake of revelations about her investments in the Paradise Papers scandal, Labour has said. … The Paradise Papers – a dossier of 13.4 million documents – sent a shockwave across the world when they revealed tax-avoidance of […]

Going Underground – Ep. 542: Paradise Papers, Theresa Mays Endless Scandals & The Florida Project

Going Underground – Ep. 542: Paradise Papers, Theresa Mays Endless Scandals & The Florida Project Going Underground with Afshin In this episode, we speak to Chris Williamson MP about Paradise Papers. Member of the UK Justice Select Committee John Howell on Theresa Mays government. Plus, the cast and makers of The Florida Project! LIKE […]

Paradise Papers: Global Elite’s Offshore Tax Havens Exposed In Financial Leak

Paradise Papers: Global Elite’s Offshore Tax Havens Exposed In Financial Leak Jamie White November 7th 2017 A massive cache of leaked financial documents – dubbed the Paradise Papers – has exposed hundreds of politicians, multinationals, celebrities, and high-net-worth individuals and how they use complex structures to avoid paying higher taxes. The documents, obtained by […]

Sanders: Paradise Papers Expose ‘Rapid Movement Toward International Oligarchy’

The major issue of our time is the rapid movement toward international oligarchy, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) declared in a statement to the Guardian on Monday, which noted that “Sanders’ intervention in the debate sparked by the Paradise Papers marks the most prominent political response to the leak in their opening 24 hours.” Decrying a world “in which a handful of […]

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