Posts Tagged ‘glimpse’

New film gives a harrowing glimpse of Gaza’s endless night

First published by The Electronic Intifada Wedad Al-Ghaf, a survivor of an Israeli bombing in Gaza, who lost her mother and brothers. Al Jazeera The head of Amnesty International says that Israel’s unprecedented violence in Gaza has proven international law to be “frankly useless.” “We are really as close to the abyss as we have ever […]

Glimpse The Digital/Nano Cage Being Built Around Us & Israel Publicly Executes Arab Jewish Convert

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/30/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Roman Chronicle Fragments Offer a New Glimpse of Emperor Hadrian’s Agenda

2,400 years ago, at the mouth of the Tiber River, the Romans established an armed camp and settlement known as Ostia Antica. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

ACH (2156) Truthspoon – Quantum Physics And A Glimpse Of The Ultimate Reality – Part 1

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (2156) Truthspoon – Quantum Physics And A Glimpse Of The Ultimate Reality – Part 1 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on May 19 2023, Andy is joined by Truthspoon, for a show entitled, “Quantum Physics […]

Codex Mendoza: A Glimpse into the Aztec World

Ever wanted to step back in time to the days of the Aztecs? With the Codex Mendoza, you can. Reading this document takes you back to the mid-16th century, shortly after the Spanish conquest of Mexico, to the Aztec empire.  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Writings News Read Later  Source

The Great Forbidden City: A Glimpse into China’s Imperial Past

The Forbidden City of China, a sprawling imperial palace that once housed the China’s powerful emperors, is a marvel of ancient architecture and Chinese history. Spanning an impressive 720,000 square meters, the UNESCO World Heritage listed site contains the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. With over 800 buildings and nearly […]

Take A Rare Glimpse Inside China’s Zero-Covid Madhouse

The western world has been given a rare, intimate look inside the confines of a Chinese Covid-19 concentration camp, after Financial Times Shanghai correspondent Thomas Hale was ensnared by the President Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid regime.   It’s not that Hale had tested positive. Merely being designated as a “close contact” was enough to sentence him to 10 days […]

From TUT: New and Controversial Glimpse Into Israel’s Biological Warfare Arsenal

October 16, 2022 By tuteditor New article indicates that Israel attempted mass poisoning of Arab Gentiles during the war in 1948 ed note–As usual ladies and Gentile-men, LOTS of important protocols associated with this one…  First and foremost is the following– For years, and years, and YEARS, the OBLIGATORY response on the part of Israel’s defenders/worshipers when […]

What Is Heaven Like?: Retired Professor’s Book of 50 Near-Death Experiences Gives a Glimpse

A retired computer science professor has complied the near-death experiences (NDE) of 50 people into a book. Using his research expertise, he has compared their moving testimonies of both heaven and hell to existing descriptions of what lies beyond our mortal lives, giving the readers a clearer picture of heaven than perhaps ever before. Dr. Jacques LaFrance, […]

Behold the Beauty: A Glimpse of a Heavenly Paradise

Rare and sublime, The Cleveland Museum of Art’s 15th-century “Amitabha Triad” features three divine beings central to Buddhist belief. Only a hint of the gilt remains of this once-hallowed Buddhist treasure, yet the deities’ meditative serenity shines on. Each deity is sitting on a lotus-flower throne in readiness to welcome Buddhist adherents to the Western […]

Neolithic Fingerprints In Orkney Offer ‘Unparalleled Glimpse’ of Life

The Neolithic fingerprints of two young male potters have been identified on a 5,000-year-old fragment of clay discovered in Orkney. In April this year The Press and Journal announced that archaeologists excavating at the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site discovered a “5,000 years old” finger print on the surface of a clay vessel. […]

A glimpse inside the UK’s “quarantine hotels”Compare and contrast the G7 barbecue with how ordinary people are “quarantined”

Licensed through Adobe Stock A short video was recently brought to our attention on twitter. It shows a man and woman (off-camera) pulling up to a chainlink fence around a concrete yard and engaging in a brief conversation with a man on the other side. The man is one of several dozen people walking in […]

Freedom, nature and training for war: A boy’s diaries offer poignant glimpse into 1940s kibbutz life

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Thousands of Filippino faithful gather at church to glimpse ‘miraculous’ statue

Thousands of Filippinos crowded outside a church in Manila on Saturday for a glimpse of a centuries-old statue of Jesus Christ believed to have miraculous healing powers, after an annual parade was cancelled due to COVID-19. Ignoring official pleas to stay home because of the virus threat, Catholics wearing masks and face shields gathered along […]

The Enigmatic Argimusco Plateau: A Glimpse into Sicily’s Distant Past

Sicily is well known for its rich and unique history. The largest island of the Mediterranean Sea, it hides a turbulent story and hosted some very distinctive ancient cultures. Before the age of antiquity and the rise of the Greek and Phoenician settlements on Sicily, this island was home to old megalith builder societies and […]

One Yellow Star – a glimpse into tribal psychosis by Elias Davidsson

February 08, 2018  /  Gilad Atzmon “The surrender to a regime of correctness is a surrender to Jerusalem. It is a strict divergence from Athens and its spirit.”  Introduction by Gilad Atzmon: Elias Davidsson wasn’t  happy with my recent expose of his tribal sabotage attempt of  the 9/11 truth movement and so  he took revenge: a one star Amazon […]

A Rare Glimpse Into the Inner Workings of American Empire in the Middle East

In recent testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, four former U.S. diplomats provided remarkably candid commentary on recent U.S. involvement in the Middle East, revealing a number of the most closely guarded secrets of U.S. diplomacy. The four former diplomats emphasized the importance of the region’s oil, spoke critically about the weaknesses of U.S. strategy, made […]

Dr Bouthain Shaaban: ‘Catching a Glimpse of Tomorrow’s World’

Dr Bouthaina Shaaban, Political & Media Advisor to Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad Despite all the pain and suffering imposed by the ongoing nihilistic wars in our region, I thank God that we are witnessing this historical era, which is one of the most complex eras mankind has passed through. The daily regional and international […]

PM Fico: Islam has no place in Slovakia

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico has said that his country is not suitable for Muslims and that he did not want to have ‘tens of thousands of Muslims’ in Slovakia. Anti-refugee PM’s controversial remarks were made in an interview with a local press agency published on Wednesday. Fico claimed that Slovakia is not suitable for […]

Americans: A Conquered People — The New Serfs

Today Americans exist as a conquered people. They have lost the Bill of Rights, the amendments to the Constitution that protect their liberty. by Paul Craig Roberts Anyone, other than the One Percent and their political and legal servants, can be picked up without charges and detained indefinitely as during the Dark Ages, when government […]

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