Posts Tagged ‘las’

You’re Black? Not In My Neighborhood!

If it wasn’t on camera you wouldn’t believe it. The narrative is synonymous with something taken from a pre civil rights area; white’s only drinking fountains and the like. If you thought racism is dead in America, you’d be wrong. The two gentlemen that recorded the incident released the video after being stopped at a […]

Elon Musk’s Brother Is Launching A Restaurant Where The Food Is Under $5

From Chop’t to Sprig to Sweetgreen, a launch of healthy quick food joints are on a rise. But these places are still flattering expensive: Depending on where we live, dishes can cost upwards of $10. Kimbal Musk (yes, he’s Elon’s brother) wants to give people a quick food corner that’s both affordable and healthy. This […]

German schools set to teach anal sex and sadomasochism to children

Leftist efforts at destroying everything decent and wholesome in Germany continue unabated. RT reports: Anal sex practices, sadomasochism and adult sex toys should become known to German pupils through “theatrical performance,” lectures or workshops, according to teaching materials promoted by a state-supported anti-homophobia project. Fourteen-year-olds in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), the most-populous state in Germany, may […]

Alabama Cop Arrested After He Pepper Sprayed Another Cop During Workplace Spat

I’m sure you’ve heard the popular Gandhi quote: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight each other, then everyone wins (and we all laugh).” I’m pretty sure that’s how it goes anyway. But even if not, a cop in Alabama did a great job of illustrating how appropriate that version […]

FL Deputy Was Caught Driving Drunk 3 Times; Each Time He Was Driven Home, Not Arrested

Deputy Stephen Miller, of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office,  has  been caught at least three times driving while drunk. In his most recent incident he was found in his car, which was in gear at the time, “loudly snoring … and smelling of a strong odor an alcoholic beverage.” An unnamed officer who found […]

Secret Service Agents Illegally Accessed Congressman’s Private Info in Attempt to Retaliate For Criticism

One Secret Service agent resigned and forty others have received “some level” of discipline after they illegally accessed background information on Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz. The intended purpose of the background inquiries were to find embarrassing information on Rep. Chaffetz that could be used to retaliate against him by smearing his name publicly. Although he […]

Dallas Police Rain Bullets on Man Outside of Airport for Brandishing a Rock

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

Plainclothes Cop Indicted After Killing Church Drummer Stranded On Highway

A former Florida police officer has been indicted on charges of manslaughter by culpable negligence and attempted first-degree murder with a firearm for the fatal shooting of Corey Jones. Jones, a 31-year-old church musician, was shot and killed by Palm Beach Gardens Police Officer Nouman Raja during the early morning hours of October 18 after […]

NY Cop Deliberately Falsifies Report for Woman, Uses Family Connection to Avoid Investigation

The following post was shared with the CopBlock Network by Robert Lieb, via the Submissions Page. This details a conflict Lieb had with an ex-girlfriend and, according to him, inappropriate conduct by the responding officer, as well as a failure to investigate his claims in respect to that conduct by Deputy Sheriff Chris Rolison. […]

Copblock Radio EP 120 “Uncovering the Myths”

May 25, 2016 This week on Copblock Radio our hosts were myself (Severin Freeman) from Lehigh Valley Copblock, Matt Taylor of Carbon County Copblock, and Brian Sumner of Fresno Copblock. Unfortunately, Derrick J couldn’t make it tonight, so the phone lines were closed for this episode. We started off the show discussing Matt’s new pool– party […]

A Few Corrections To “Cop Block Terminology”

We get a lot of haters here at Cop Block because there’s nothing the Average American hates more than people who have the gall to complain about police violence. Police are heroes (practically gods) in the United States, albeit taxpayer-funded gods, so clearly they should not be subject to the same moral scrutiny as the rest […]

NYPD Costs Taxpayers Over $66 Million Dollars After Six People Wrongfully Imprisoned For Murder

The city settled lawsuits Thursday brought by five wrongly convicted people who spent nearly two decades in prison, agreeing to pay out $40 million — one of the largest such amounts in city history. The four men and one woman were wrongly identified as the killers in two 1995 murders, at least one of which […]

German principal accused of ordering students to strip naked

Prosecutors in Kleve, near Düsseldorf, are investigating why the principal at Kamp-Lintfort high school apparently instructed the students from the Europa School to take all of their clothes off. The principal reportedly said the students were brought to his attention by a teacher on suspicion of theft, but he has not yet been questioned by […]

Federal “Investigations” Only Enable Local Police Departments’ Abuses

The following post was originally posted at by Timothy Lynch under the title “Washington Can’t Fix Broken Policing.” It addresses the idea that having a the Department of Justice (DoJ) or some other federal agency such as the FBI investigate abuses by local police or court official will lead to a fair or meaningful resolution. […]

Despite 365 days of Saudi coalition bombardment, Yemen is steadfastly resisting

“Together against the tyrannical Saudi aggression,” read a large banner in the hands of the demonstrators as Saudi warplanes were flying overhead, reportedly breaking the sound barrier to frighten the protesters. ~ Al Manar Hundreds of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, to protest one year of Saudi coalition bombardment of […]

MEDIA SILENT: But The Man Who SHOT 3 Deputies Yesterday Was A…

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– A demented liberal shot three law enforcement officers, killing one while being served an eviction notice on Wednesday. The man, who was identified by police as 58-year-old Martin Wirth spent years fighting the foreclosure of his Colorado home and ranted online about police and corporate corruption. The officer killed at the scene has […]

Undercover Wisconsin Cops Targeted Teen “Forts” in the Woods

The human tendency to hoard knowledge for a few has never been more transparent than in the modern digital age. With it came a ravenous, collective thirst for vast stores of information just a click, or tap, away. Even so, we seem no closer to laying one enduring philosophical question to rest: do we need […]

Israeli Labor Party Adopts The Apartheid Mantra

Print Friendly Above Photo: To get rid of Palestinians who are residents of Israel and have an Israeli identity card, Herzog endorses cutting off Palestinian villages from Jerusalem, writes Gordon [Reuters] It does not seem likely that a just solution to the Palestinian plight will come from within Israel. On Sunday night, Israel’s Labor Party unanimously approved their […]

Israeli Labor Party Adopts The Apartheid Mantra

Print Friendly Above Photo: To get rid of Palestinians who are residents of Israel and have an Israeli identity card, Herzog endorses cutting off Palestinian villages from Jerusalem, writes Gordon [Reuters] It does not seem likely that a just solution to the Palestinian plight will come from within Israel. On Sunday night, Israel’s Labor Party unanimously approved their […]

Israeli Labor Party Adopts The Apartheid Mantra

Print Friendly Above Photo: To get rid of Palestinians who are residents of Israel and have an Israeli identity card, Herzog endorses cutting off Palestinian villages from Jerusalem, writes Gordon [Reuters] It does not seem likely that a just solution to the Palestinian plight will come from within Israel. On Sunday night, Israel’s Labor Party unanimously approved their […]

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