Posts Tagged ‘open’

Dr. David Duke with Pastor Dankopf Outlining Why it is Urgent and Vital that Dr. Duke Runs and Wins Federal Office!

Dr. David Duke with Pastor Dankopf Outlining Why it is Urgent and Vital that Dr. Duke Runs and Wins Federal Office!       Click here and look for the show dated 7-18-16. Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern. Here is new video of […]

New Incoming Israeli Army Chief Rabbi Accused of Condoning Wartime Rape

The appointment of a 59-year-old colonel as the next chief rabbi for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has caused controversy in the Israeli parliament, as the colonel has stated that the rape of women during wartime is permissible. Col. Eyal Karim is known for his misogynistic leanings. On the religious website Kipa, Karim answers questions people […]

These 12 Kids Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

The woes of being a grownup and the political stresses of the world have many adults living in a constant state of anxiety. But children embody a sense of peace and optimism that few adults remember how to achieve. Still seeing the beauty in this world, they are beautiful little reminders that if we approach this world with a childlike sense […]

US-Led Economic War, Not Socialism, Is Tearing Venezuela Apart

WASHINGTON — (ANALYSIS) The political and economic crisis facing Venezuela is being endlessly pointed to as proof of the superiority of the free market. Images and portrayals of Venezuelans rioting in the streets over high food costs, empty grocery stores, medicine shortages, and overflowing garbage bins are the headlines, and the reporting […]

Remembering Elie Wiesel, who inspired me to write about Palestine

I learned of Wiesel’s death through Facebook, and immediately went searching in my old file drawer for a photograph. The photo shows my face, very young and fresh, between the faces of Elie Wiesel and Oprah. I had written an essay for a contest in which we were asked to apply the story of Night […]

Obama’s AFRICOM Nominee Will Seek Authority to Assassinate

Blairites vs. Jeremy Corbyn: The Battle Heats Up

Print Friendly Above Photo: Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn attempts to address a crowd of supporters after a symbolic no-confidence vote in Parliament on Tuesday. (Photo: Getty) Corbyn Loses No-Confidence Vote, Vows Not to ‘Betray’ Supporters by Resigning ‘Labour has the responsibility to give a lead where the government will not…. To do that we need […]

SJW Infighting: BLM Negros Boycott Pride Rally Because of Police Presence

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 28, 2016 How can homos survive without the support of Blacks? Our enemy, the SJW coalition, is formed from Blacks, perverts, homos, Hajis and the government. They are united in their struggled to bring down us evil straight White males. The problem, though, is that the Hajis want to kill the homos […]

Saltwater Powered Car Runs 1,000 km on a Full Tank

The automobile industry has been looking for alternative power sources for decades as fossil fuels won’t last forever. Several countries are trying new fuels and technologies such as hydrogen cars, electric cars, organic ethanol based cars, solar cars and what not. Some car manufacturers have even found interim solutions like hybrid vehicles. Today, we are […]

The ideological collapse of the pro-Brexit Left

The referendum over Britain’s membership of the EU has from inception involved two wings of the Tory Party engaged in an internecine war, pitching the free marketeers of Cameron, Osborne and company against the empire loyalists of Johnson, Gove, and IDS et al. In the words of the song we’re talking “clowns to the left […]

PJ Media Conservatism: "The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed"

“The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed” A member of the black tribe doesn’t like white identity politics. I am shocked, I tell you, shocked! The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed When called racist, the alt-right deflects by pointing to social justice warriors. Look at all these groups openly antagonistic to white […]

Iran attends OEEC 2016 for first time

TEHRAN, June 6 (Shana) — The Dutch CBC Oil & Gas Company office in Tehran declared that for the first time, Iranian companies will have their own especial pavilion to present themselves in the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2016 (OEEC 2016). The OEEC 2016 is a good opportunity for Iranian companies active in this […]

Iran’s stances on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict unchanged: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian ambassador to Azerbaijan said Tehran still hopes that a conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh region will be resolved through peaceful means based on international regulations. “Our stances on mountainous Karabakh has not changed and we hope that the conflict would be resolved peacefully, within the framework of territorial […]

Plainclothes Cop Indicted After Killing Church Drummer Stranded On Highway

A former Florida police officer has been indicted on charges of manslaughter by culpable negligence and attempted first-degree murder with a firearm for the fatal shooting of Corey Jones. Jones, a 31-year-old church musician, was shot and killed by Palm Beach Gardens Police Officer Nouman Raja during the early morning hours of October 18 after […]

The Anti-Kosher Vaccine

Are you plagued by political correctness? Afraid to speak about your beliefs and opinions in case you may upset someone else? Do you believe… That white folks are bad and should be punished for their transgressions against non whites? That six million of “God’s chosen people” AKA Jews were gassed and made into soap and lampshades? That its in-humane […]

30,000+ people at the Costa Mesa, CA Trump Rally “MASSIVE”

30,000+ people at the Costa Mesa, CA Trump Rally “MASSIVE” “Watch out for those left-wing nuts!”… This entry was posted on May 28, 2016 by Simon Gibson. It was filed under Uncategorized . Leave a Reply Cancel reply Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Turkish speaker calls for enhanced Iran-Turkey relations

Ankara, May 26, IRNA – Turkish Parliament Speaker Ismail Kahraman in a meeting with Iranian ambassador to Turkey Mohammad Ebrahim Taherian called for the expansion of relations between the two countries. “Development and deepening of political, economic and cultural relations between Ankara and Tehran as well as boosting regional and international cooperation between the two […]

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club: Kyle Hunt – Taking the High Ground at Ragnarök Download Welcome to Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Wednesday podcast with special guest Kyle Hunt. Our Discussion focuses in on Kyle Hunt’s struggle to shift the Overton Window to the Right side of Nationalism, Community and Race. In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn discusses the Greek Myth of Icarus and Daedalus and how it […]

Rise of the robots: Smartphone maker Foxconn eliminates 60,000 factory jobs by switching to robot workers

     The manufacturing hub for the electronics industry, Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, is seeking a drastic reduction in labour costs as it undergoes a makeover after an industrial explosion killed 146 people in 2014. The county, one-seventh the size of neighbouring Shanghai and the mainland’s first county to achieve US$4,000 per capita income, was adjudged […]

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