Posts Tagged ‘spy’

White Plains, NY, Spies On Residents With Drone

Print Friendly Above Photo: From Turkish Confusion by Anthony Freda. At right is a photo of a drone taken by Sue McAnanama at a July 14, 2016, march, in White Plains, N.Y. Nick Mottern of says, “I just spoke with White Plains Assistant Chief of Police Anne Fitzsimmons who declined to acknowledge whether or not the […]

Why are US Presidents and Dallas Hoax Relatives Laughing and Smirking Over Five Dead Cops?

Why are US Presidents and Dallas Hoax Relatives Laughing and Smirking Over Five Dead Cops? What are arch-murderous war criminals George Bush, Jr., and Barack Obama doing laughing and smirking over the purported death of five Dallas cops? Too, what are certain relatives of such cops, including wives, doing belittling their deaths through bizarre imagery and […]

Venezuela Backs Worker Takeover of Kimberley Clark as Citibank Moves to Close BCV Account

Luucas Koerner (VA) : Venezuela’s Labor Ministry approved Monday a workers’ request to occupy a plant owned by the US consumer products giant Kimberly-Clark after the latter closed its doors in the South American country. Labor Minister Oswaldo Vera signs a workers’ petition to reopen the factory under worker control. (@Carluisv-@rogertradicion) The order came directly […]

90,000 Secret CIA Files on Telepathy, Clairvoyance and MK-ULTRA Public

Tens of thousands of secret CIA files were made public after years of wrangling. These include more than 12,000 documents about the Stargate program, a research into remote viewing, which the intelligence service secretly conducted. by Heathcliff In the early seventies, the CIA supported a program to examine a form of extrasensory perception called remote […]

CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Scheming With Coca-Cola

We have two choices when it comes to food. We can either feed disease or we can fight it. Unfortunately, many of us are electing for the former, and our eating habits, ingrained from childhood, aren’t helping. Sugar continues to be named among the worst disease-promoting culprits, and yet from a young age, we crave (and are […]

Increased risk of chronic pain may be transmitted from parents to children

     Can an increased risk of chronic pain be transmitted from parents to children? Several factors may contribute, including genetics, effects on early development, social learning, and more according to a report in the journal PAIN, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). Amanda L. Stone of Vanderbilt University, […]

All Israelis Will Have to Join Biometric Database From Next Year, Minister Says

Interior Minister Arye Dery announced on Thursday that starting next year, joining the biometric database will be obligatory. “From now on anyone obtaining a document from the Interior Ministry, whether an ID card or a passport, will receive a biometric one. We’ve decided on having this database and we’ll soon decide what will be […]

Video of Woman Brutally Beaten by Cop in Front of Young Daughter Surfaces 2 Years Later

The footage appears to have been found and posted by the woman’s elder daughter, and emerged on YouTube on Tuesday. It immediately caused a stir both online and with the Salt Lake City police, whose chief issued a public statement on Wednesday, alleging that the matter was only brought to his attention after the video […]

Shymaa’s story from GAZA – “We Are the Ones”

Shymaa, a little 4 yr old girl who laid in a comma in a GAZA hospital, during the summer of 2014. She would recover to find her entire family was murdered during an Israeli bombing. Her story sparked the 2 Unite All benefit album with 30 world famed musicians like Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters, Stewart […]

Battle of the bulge: Binge drinking & eating leaves N. Korean leader overweight – report

N Korea backs ‘wise politician’ Trump, slams ‘dull Hillary’ Kim has never been noted for his slender figure, but he has been piling on the pounds over the last four years. A South Korean National Intelligence Service (NIS) report to a parliamentary committee revealed that the leader is suffering from insomnia and paranoia, which are […]

SJW Infighting: BLM Negros Boycott Pride Rally Because of Police Presence

ZeigerDaily Stormer June 28, 2016 How can homos survive without the support of Blacks? Our enemy, the SJW coalition, is formed from Blacks, perverts, homos, Hajis and the government. They are united in their struggled to bring down us evil straight White males. The problem, though, is that the Hajis want to kill the homos […]

Saltwater Powered Car Runs 1,000 km on a Full Tank

The automobile industry has been looking for alternative power sources for decades as fossil fuels won’t last forever. Several countries are trying new fuels and technologies such as hydrogen cars, electric cars, organic ethanol based cars, solar cars and what not. Some car manufacturers have even found interim solutions like hybrid vehicles. Today, we are […]

There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines

There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report. Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling […]

DNC Financial Records Stolen By "Guccifer 2.0"

The hacker forwarded an assortment of Excel spreadsheets containing the names, e-mail addresses, occupations, and phone numbers of thousands of individuals, many of whom are listed as Democratic donors. According to metadata embedded in the spreadsheets, the documents were created by various Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee staffers. The pilfered records include entries […]

Labour MP Jo Cox Critically Ill After Being Shot & Stabbed In Leeds

Labour MP Jo Cox is fighting for her life after being shot and stabbed near her constituency in Leeds. She was ‘shot three times and stabbed with foot-long knife’ and, according to witnesses, the 41 year old mother of two was left lying in blood on pavement. The attacker allegedly screamed ‘Britain First’ as he […]

Update: Oakland Sex Scandal Now Includes 2 Dozen Cops & Prostitution

is a writer living in Iowa City. Besides helping to expose the growing police state, he also writes fiction and does a bunch of other creative stuff, which you can find at his website-Advanced Ape To learn more about Joshua, click here to view his profile. If you enjoy my work please consider donating to […]

Terrorist Attack Against Florida Homosexual Nightclub is a Total Fake – Complete Fabrication

Terrorist Attack Against Florida Homosexual Nightclub is a Total Fake – Complete Fabrication Could it get more inane than this? What an arch-Zionist, sophomoric, terminally corrupt hoax it is. It’s the same, standard fake, make no mistake about it. This is tied, though, to a real shooting in Tel Aviv, where a professor who had […]

UK terror suspect’s car abandoned 1 year ago found parked at Rome airport

A yellow Seat Alhambra with a British license plates was left for over a year at Rome’s Fiumicino airport parking-lot before suspicions started to be vocalized, La Republica reported.  Although police found nothing suspicious in the vehicle, the investigation showed that the car belonged to a 37-year-old British national who is believed to have joined an […]

US military tests massive GPS jamming weapon over California

he US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) is warning aircraft to stay a few hundred miles away from the Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake, California, because the military is testing a new gizmo that disrupts GPS – and may also mess with flight control systems. Like Bob Marley, the US military […]

Al-Nusra Terrorists Seen Heading For Aleppo From Turkey

According to the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation, a column of trucks escorted by 160 Al-Nusra Front terrorists have been seen crossing over from Turkey into Syria in the north of Idlib province. The Al-Qaeda affiliated militants are said to be heading for Aleppo to reinforce terrorists fighting there. According to the center’s report, ISIS […]

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