Posts Tagged ‘almallaah’

Shymaa’s story from GAZA – “We Are the Ones”

Shymaa, a little 4 yr old girl who laid in a comma in a GAZA hospital, during the summer of 2014. She would recover to find her entire family was murdered during an Israeli bombing. Her story sparked the 2 Unite All benefit album with 30 world famed musicians like Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters, Stewart […]

Italy Stops F-16 Parts Supplies to Egypt over Regeni Affair

nsnbc : The Italian Senate, on Wednesday, decided to halt supplies of spare parts for F-16 jets to Egypt over disputes over the death of Italian national Giulio Regeni in Egypt. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry, on Thursday, expressed its dissatisfaction of the Italian Senate’s decision. Regeni was associated with the American University in Cairo, which […]