Posts Tagged ‘hits’

Black Box : 4 Air Disasters in 2 Years Above Areas with Conflict or Military Exercise in Progress

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Two years after the downing of Malaysian Airlines on Flight MH17 in Ukraine, statistics show that four airliners disappeared or crashed in a two-year period, while flying above an area with military exercises or conflict in progress. Meanwhile, the next of kin, the global flying public and journalists are kept in […]

The “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East ~ [Updated Reissue]

The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of […]

Monopoly medicine: How big pharma stops its competitors & monopolizes the health industry

     When it comes to treating illness, disease in particular, on every level; academia, research and development, marketing, diagnoses, orthodox treatment, press and politics … there is a pattern that runs throughout. This pattern reflects how Big Pharma is able to stop its alternative health competitors from getting any significant share of the market from […]

IRGC forces kill two more outlaws in western Iran

Forces of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have killed two more outlaws affiliated with counter-revolutionary groups in the country’s western province of Kordestan. In an interview with Fars news agency released on Thursday, Brigadier General Mohammad Hossein Rajabi, commander of the IRGC’s Kordestan wing, said the two were killed in the same operations that […]

Shymaa’s story from GAZA – “We Are the Ones”

Shymaa, a little 4 yr old girl who laid in a comma in a GAZA hospital, during the summer of 2014. She would recover to find her entire family was murdered during an Israeli bombing. Her story sparked the 2 Unite All benefit album with 30 world famed musicians like Peter Gabriel, Roger Waters, Stewart […]

The world’s first solar airport no longer pays for electricity

Fed up with their hefty electricity bill, managers at Cochin International Airport in southern India took matters into their own hands. Three years ago, they began adding solar panels — first on the roof of the arrivals terminal, then on and around an aircraft hangar. The success of those initial efforts led to a much […]

The world’s first solar airport no longer pays for electricity

Fed up with their hefty electricity bill, managers at Cochin International Airport in southern India took matters into their own hands. Three years ago, they began adding solar panels — first on the roof of the arrivals terminal, then on and around an aircraft hangar. The success of those initial efforts led to a much […]

The world’s first solar airport no longer pays for electricity

Fed up with their hefty electricity bill, managers at Cochin International Airport in southern India took matters into their own hands. Three years ago, they began adding solar panels — first on the roof of the arrivals terminal, then on and around an aircraft hangar. The success of those initial efforts led to a much […]

The world’s first solar airport no longer pays for electricity

Fed up with their hefty electricity bill, managers at Cochin International Airport in southern India took matters into their own hands. Three years ago, they began adding solar panels — first on the roof of the arrivals terminal, then on and around an aircraft hangar. The success of those initial efforts led to a much […]

The world’s first solar airport no longer pays for electricity

Fed up with their hefty electricity bill, managers at Cochin International Airport in southern India took matters into their own hands. Three years ago, they began adding solar panels — first on the roof of the arrivals terminal, then on and around an aircraft hangar. The success of those initial efforts led to a much […]

Nigel Farage in EuroParl on Brexit, MEPs not laughing now!

June 29, 2016 Filed under: AngloZionist Empire, Belgium, BREXIT, Europe, NATO, USA Source Article from

PM Davutoglu’s resignation gave Ankara ‘golden opportunity’ to mend ties with Moscow – ex-Turkish FM

“The change in the post of the Prime Minister (Davutoglu was replaced by Binali Yildirim) – this was a golden opportunity to launch new initiatives in the foreign policy,” Yakish, who was Turkey’s foreign minister in 2002-03, said. Davutoglu resigned in early May after two years in office due to a sharp deterioration of relations […]

No tensions here: Chinese ships join US Navy in massive Pacific exercise

     Despite the tensions between the US and China over islands in the South China Sea, a five-ship Chinese flotilla will take part in RIMPAC 2016, international naval exercises featuring 45 ships, 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel from 27 countries. Five ships of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) linked up with the carrier strike […]

We took opportunities against Argentina, Iran captain Saeid Marouf says

Iran earned a hard-fought 3-2 (25-22, 25-20, 21-25, 13-25 and 15-11) victory over Argentina in the FIVB World League on Sunday. “We played well against Argentina. The third and the fourth sets were tougher and the Argentina showed a strong block and defense. We took all the opportunities we had in the tiebreak to win […]

Mine worker killed in ‘sudden and powerful’ gas ‘blow-out’ in East Cleveland, UK

     A man has died in an underground accident at a potash mine in East Cleveland – one of Europe’s deepest. Worker John Anderson, 56, was killed by a “sudden and powerful release of gas” at the Boulby mine early on Friday, owners ICL UK said. No-one else was hurt and there was no explosion […]

Bothered by a brothel? How sex work can improve your neighbourhood

Cooper & Maginn (TC) : The sex industry, specifically sex work and prostitution, has long been perceived and regulated as a “dirty and disorderly” feature of residential communities. The stereotypical, and unfair, view of sex workers is that they are vectors of disease and social contagions; it’s a moral hangover from the Victorians. Sex workers […]

Shooter Kills Christina Grimmie Of “The Voice” Outside Florida Concert

Former star of The Voice, Christina Grimmie, was killed by a deranged fan at a concert in Florida on Friday night. Christina Grimmie, who was 22, was shot several times by the fan who then turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. Dlisted reports: Christina was big on YouTube before making it to The Voice in […]

ISIS captures 5 villages from ‘moderates’ as Al-Nusra continues shelling Aleppo – Russia’s MoD

In Saturday’s press release the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria reported that the Islamic State terror group (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has retaken five villages in the vicinity of Azaz in northwestern Syria, roughly 20 miles of the city of Aleppo. “Militants of the Daesh terrorist organization carried out the attack on the Free Syrian […]

6 Signs You Have Found Your Path in Life

Finding one’s path in life is not an easy task. It takes years of trying, failing and searching. It’s sad that most people never find the right path and end up spending their life surrounded by wrong people and doing things they don’t enjoy. In today’s society, it’s particularly easy to get confused as to […]

Were ISIS Or ‘Moderate’ Terrorists Behind Wave Of Bombings In Syria?

On Monday a series of coordinated and organized bombings across the Syrian coast left more than 100 people dead. There has been little or  no mention of the Syrian attacks other than ISIS being the group responsible and there was no mass expression of condolences or solidarity with Syria as was seen during the Paris […]

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