Posts Tagged ‘en’

The Globalization of War. America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Settler runs over sheep flock belonging to Palestinian, killing 25

Violence / Detentions — West Bank, Jerusalem Israeli settler runs over Palestinian shepherd’s flock of sheep, kills 25 JERICHO (Ma‘an) 10 June — An Israeli settler ran over a flock of sheep belonging to a Palestinian shepherd near the al-Zubeidat village in the occupied West Bank district of Jericho on Friday, causing the death of […]

Were ISIS Or ‘Moderate’ Terrorists Behind Wave Of Bombings In Syria?

On Monday a series of coordinated and organized bombings across the Syrian coast left more than 100 people dead. There has been little or  no mention of the Syrian attacks other than ISIS being the group responsible and there was no mass expression of condolences or solidarity with Syria as was seen during the Paris […]

Assembly of Expert concludes session with final statement

The 5th Assembly of Experts met in former Parliament building where newly elected 86 clerics sat in its crimson-red seats. The two-day meeting concluded on Wednesday with an 8-article statement where they voiced major concerns over cultural, political, regional, and no less important nuclear issues. Read aloud by Ayatollah Ghorbanali Dorri-Najafabadi, the statement announced the AE’s […]

Will Taxpayers Foot Cleanup Bill For Bankrupt Coal Companies

Print Friendly Above Photo: Acid drainage from surface coal mining site, North Lima, Ohio. Jack Pearce/Flickr, CC BY-SA Coal’s share of the U.S. energy market is rapidly plunging. Low-cost fracking-generated natural gas has overtaken the use of coal at America’s power plants. Impending implementation of the Obama administration’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which would place stringent regulations on coal-fired power plant […]

Will Taxpayers Foot Cleanup Bill For Bankrupt Coal Companies

Print Friendly Above Photo: Acid drainage from surface coal mining site, North Lima, Ohio. Jack Pearce/Flickr, CC BY-SA Coal’s share of the U.S. energy market is rapidly plunging. Low-cost fracking-generated natural gas has overtaken the use of coal at America’s power plants. Impending implementation of the Obama administration’s proposed Clean Power Plan, which would place stringent regulations on coal-fired power plant […]

Man To Fly Plane Into Building To Settle 9/11 Conspiracy Debate

American businessman, Paul Salo, has decided to “recreate” the 9/11 attacks by purchasing a Boeing 747 and crashing it into the side of a building at 500 mph in Thailand.  Salo says the 9/11 reconstruction is aimed at confirming or debunking the 9/11 conspiracy theory that the twin towers were brought down by controlled demolitions. […]

Russian Face Recognition App Promises to Destroy Public Anonymity

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times Mark Zuckerberg has hinted at the personally invasive future of social media. His new artificial intelligence technology doesn’t even need your face to determine who you are, but a new social media platform in Russia is launching that will make keeping your privacy in public nearly impossible – […]

Report: Vaccines Are Biological Weapons Of Mass Disease

A US-based pharmaceutical company has distributed vaccines laced with the deadly live Avian Flu Virus to 18 countries, putting millions of lives at risk.  Baxter International Inc. have been accused by a Czech Republic laboratory of including the deadly virus in a recent shipment of vaccinations. reports: When challenged, at first Baxter attempted to invoke […]

UFO Enthusiasts To NASA: Explain This Photograph of UFO Clusters

UFO Hunters are requesting an explanation of a photograph that they believe depicts a “formation of UFOs” Even though the photograph was published in 2001, it has sparked a new debate The Huffington Post reports: Conspiracy theorists believe this picture, captured during the STS 100 Space Shuttle Endeavor Mission to the International Space Station, shows […]

Sean Penn: My interview with world’s most wanted – Drug trafficker ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán

Disclosure: Some names have had
 to be changed, locations not named, and an understanding was brokered with the subject that this piece would be submitted for the subject’s approval before publication. The subject did not ask for any changes. “The laws of conscience, which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from custom.” — […]

La fregatura delle “primavere arabe”

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Massaging the numbers and cooking the books: Zika microcephaly link greatly exaggerated

     First, many thanks to great investigative reporter and researcher, Jim West, for help on this story. Okay, here we go. Of course, I’m talking about the Associated Press (AP)—and its recent coverage of the Zika story: January 27, “270 of 4,180 suspected microcephaly cases confirmed.” AP actually had its hands on the most explosive […]

Foreign companies keen on leasing planes to Iran

Tehran, Feb 2, IRNA – Chairman of Iran Civil Aviation Organization Ali Abedzadeh said foreign companies are keen on leasing their planes to Iran. Talking to IRNA, Abedzadeh said the presence of companies affiliated to Center for Asia-Pacific Aviation (CAPA) in Iran Aviation Summit 2016 dubbed ‘Iran 2016’, indicates their willingness to lease planes to […]

Selected Articles: There is Hope for the Future. Populism in a “Complex Digital Age”

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Las imposiciones y el chantaje del BCE a Grecia

1.- Jean-Claude Trichet, presidente del BCE durante la preparación del memorando impuesto a Grecia en mayo de 2010, amenazó con reducir la liquidez que necesitaban los bancos griegos si Grecia pedía una reducción de su deuda. Panagiotis Roumeliotis, representante de Grecia en el FMI entre marzo de 2010 y diciembre de 2011, antes de ser vicepresidente del Piraeus Bank, declaró durante […]

Cops Terrorise Family After They Speak Out About Vaccine Reaction

An Australian family say that they have been targeted by Police for speaking out against the adverse reactions of vaccines following the paralysis of their new-born son after he received the dTpa vaccine.  After the myriad of serious health problems their son faced following the vaccination, the family decided to speak out publicly to local TV […]

William Turner: Tribute to a Courageous FBI Agent Turned Critic

First published by WhoWhatWhy I first met William Weyland Turner at a political conference, in a hotel bar in Los Angeles. He was 71, and Parkinson’s disease made his every move a staggering, slow-motion effort; walking, taking a sip of a drink, even laughing. Yet his brain remained sharp. We bonded immediately over our distaste […]

Filthy Black Animals Shoot Cute College Girl In Head

By Phillip Marlowe I saw this over on NEW NATION NEWS just the other day and man, oh man, did it piss me off. I immediately looked for photos of the girl for my WHITE VICTIMS page (up under my masthead above). Earlier today, FOX news briefly reported the story as a “road rage” incident, without […]

Pregnant Women Die Mysteriously In Italy Over Christmas Week

A pregnant woman relaxing in the sun and expecting a miracle Italian officials have launched an inquiry after five pregnant women died within the week after Christmas from unknown causes. Sputnik reports: Four investigative teams have been sent to hospitals to look into a string of deaths of heavily pregnant women in the north of the country, which has one of the lowest […]

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