Posts Tagged ‘60’

Marijuana Contains “Alien DNA” From Outside Of Our Solar System, NASA Confirms

It’s big news, set to shock, amaze, and entertain the world. But unfortunately, it’s got nothing to do with extraterrestrial stoners melding with Earth’s plants. However, since you’re now reading, you’ll almost certainly be interested in this research that looked into the clicking and sharing behaviors of social media users reading content (or not) and […]

David Duke was Donald Trump Before Donald Trump was Donald Trump!

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 This is why we need David Duke in Congress. He was Donald Trump before there was a Donald Trump. Trump, God Bless him, has just taken the Duke platform and presented it at a time when more people were ready to accept it. Well, more people are ready to […]

Cell Phones, WiFi Devices, Hotspots, Smart Meters..: The Health Impacts of Low Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation

Heavy snow covers national park in Venezuela – most ever seen

     Heavy snow covered the moors merideños. The Sierra Culata National Park today accumulated the most snow ever seen before. Tourists and locals took photos and enjoyed the beautiful and white landscape. A true visual spectacle.      Source: Fuerte nevada cubre los páramos merideños Thanks to Argiris Diamantis for this link. Source Article from

‘It is now a fact’: Western journalists visit Crimea, say it’s now ‘Russian territory’

Journalists from the US, the UK, Germany, South Korea, Bulgaria, Romania and Iraq have arrived to Crimea on the invitation of Russia’s Foreign Ministry. Some of have admitted Crimea’s reunification with Russia did led to some positive developments and even acknowledged that it was really the choice of the Crimean people after they visited the […]

25 States Now Call Marijuana Medicine, What’s Taking the DEA So Long?

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Thanks to Governor John Kasich, Ohio is now known for more than just producing Arsenio Hall and Steven Spielberg. In the heart of the US Corn Belt marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes, just like half of the country. Kasich […]

FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases

The Obama administration is seeking to amend surveillance law to give the FBI explicit authority to access a person’s Internet browser history and other electronic data without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases. The administration made a similar effort six years ago but dropped it after concerns were raised by privacy advocates and […]

‘Right to development’ constituting fundamental right

Ali Rabiei is in Swiss city of Geneva to participate in the 2016 International Labor Conference (ILC). He addressed a meeting of NAM members’ labor and welfare ministers on Wednesday; “today’s world faces difficult challenges and rapid changes in lifestyle, revolutionizing traditional ways of living; for some, such changes are considered as opportunity and thus […]

Man With Stage 3 Colon Cancer Refuses Chemotherapy & Treats Himself With Vegan Diet

Chris Wark shares his short and powerful testimony of how he refused chemotherapy and survived stage 3 colon cancer. by Arjun Walia We often hear of alternative methods and treatments for cancer, but rarely are they used and implemented by individuals primarily due to the fear factor. Those diagnosed with cancer are heavily encouraged by […]

America Storing Nuclear Launch Information on Floppy Disks

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 26, 2016 Do you remember these things? Yeah, neither do I. What sort of a thing is this? Pakistan has nukes – do you think they’re storing their nuclear info on floppy disks? Hint: no, they’re not. RT: The overview of how the US government continues to use archaic technologies in […]

Russian Face Recognition App Promises to Destroy Public Anonymity

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times Mark Zuckerberg has hinted at the personally invasive future of social media. His new artificial intelligence technology doesn’t even need your face to determine who you are, but a new social media platform in Russia is launching that will make keeping your privacy in public nearly impossible – […]

Turkish PM Davutoglu to step down amid ‘rift’ with power-hungry Erdogan – reports

Davutoglu will reportedly hold a press conference Thursday which will follow a meeting of the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) executive committee, which is expected to set a date for an extraordinary congress convened to select a new party head replacing Davutoglu, local media cited by Reuters report. Only the party leader can be in […]

Turkish PM Davutoglu to step down amid ‘rift’ with power-hungry Erdogan – reports

Davutoglu will reportedly hold a press conference Thursday which will follow a meeting of the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) executive committee, which is expected to set a date for an extraordinary congress convened to select a new party head replacing Davutoglu, local media cited by Reuters report. Only the party leader can be in […]

Youngest freed Palestinian prisoner fears re-arrest

Days of Palestine, West Bank -The youngest freed Palestinian prisoner Dima al-Wawi, 12, is afraid to be re-arrested by Israeli occupation. Al-Wawi, who was released from Israeli prisons on Sunday, is currently at her home in the city of Halhoul, near the occupied West Bank governorate of Al-Khalil. She receives guests celebrating her release after […]

Huge explosion and fire at chemical facility in Jingjiang, eastern China

     A powerful blast has struck a chemical storage in eastern China’s Jingjiang province, causing a massive ongoing blaze. A plume of black smoke is rising from the storage reservoir engulfed in flames. The factory stores chemicals and petrol. China’s media outlet says there are a total of 42 reservoirs at the oil processing […]

‘EU must militarize chaotic immigration, identify states behind Middle East crisis’ – Zizek to RT

Žižek, who is known for frankly expressing his views on acute social subjects, is an author, a professor at the European Graduate School, a senior researcher at the University of Ljubljana’s Institute of Sociology, and the International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London’s Birkbeck College. In an exclusive […]

Hillary Clinton Linked to Company Being Sued over Flint Water Crisis

By Claire Bernish Adding to a mounting list of scandals under the family’s belt, the Clintons have now been tied to the Flint water crisis. As the Daily Caller reports, a top executive of the same agency facing multiple lawsuits for its role in poisoning the children of Flint also has ties to […]

How to Recognize a Soul Mate

The idea of soul mates fascinates us all. But how do we define them? How do we find them? What if we have already met them and failed to recognize them? Is the person I am currently with, my soul mate? Here’s my quest of finding answers to all these questions. A soul mate is […]

Twenty-Three NYPD Officers Tied to Bribery Racket Under Internal Investigation

Two captains, three lieutenants, three sergeants, three detectives and 12 police officers were involved in a probe launched to uncover a police protection racket in Flushing’s 109th precinct. The names of the officers involved have not been released as no charges had been filed  at the time of the report. The most serious allegations involve: a captain […]

Brussels Attacked by Refugee-Terrorists

At least three of the terrorists who took part in the March 22 attacks in Brussels were “refugees” who entered Europe via Greece and the Balkans route, the Greek government has confirmed. Two of the nonwhites landed on the island of Lesbos on September 20, 2015, posing as refugees, while the third flew into […]

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