Posts Tagged ‘fall’

Banker Cronyism Hits EU Ship Rocked by Brexit Torpedo

Finian Cunningham (SCF) : It couldn’t come at a worst time. Just as the European Union is reeling from the historic setback of Britain voting to leave the 28-member bloc, then comes the scandal of a former top commissioner taking a plum job at a Wall Street bank – to advise on the fallout from […]

بطاقة معايدة للنبي .. أمة بلا نبي ونبي بلا أمة

بطاقة معايدة للنبي .. أمة بلا نبي ونبي بلا أمة ملاحظة هامة جدا ياأيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود والنصارى أولياء بعضهم أولياء بعض ومن يتولهم منكم فإنه منهم* إن الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين قال بعضهم وبعض اليهود هنا هم اليهود الصهاينه  أما بعض النصاري فهم أتباع المسيحية الصهيونية فهم أولياء بعض أما اليهود والنصارى  المعادين […]

Brexit: Wtf Just Happened? What Comes Next?

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

Rabbi Lerner Watch Your Language

By Gilad Atzmon Can you imagine the Archbishop of Canterbury using the word ‘asshole?’ Can you imagine a supreme Islamic cleric referring to an intellectual in this manner? Rabbi Michael Lerner, the man who used Muhammad Ali’s funeral as a Jewish propaganda podium, wrote to me yesterday: “Wake up, asshole–you are spreading lies and deceit […]

USA desperate to save their Al Qaeda terrorists in Aleppo

US Presents Proposals to Russia on Reinforcing Syrian Ceasefire in Aleppo  The United States is waiting for Russia’s response to US proposals on reinforcing the ceasefire in Syria, State Department spokesperson Mark Toner told reporters on Monday. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US-Russian brokered ceasefire entered into force on ceasefire agreement came into force across Syria on February 27. Terrorist organizations such […]

25 States Now Call Marijuana Medicine, What’s Taking the DEA So Long?

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Thanks to Governor John Kasich, Ohio is now known for more than just producing Arsenio Hall and Steven Spielberg. In the heart of the US Corn Belt marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes, just like half of the country. Kasich […]

Lightning strikes kill 6 people and 6 goats in Marathwada, India

     As many as six people were killed after being struck by lightning in four districts in Marathwada. Reports reaching here today said, two people killed identified as Arun Rupnar (30) at Telwadi area and another Rangnath Sonawane were killed near Brisk kiln near Paithan town. Two women sustained injuries in this accident. Two peope […]

What If We Are The ‘Bad Guys?’

Irwin Ozborne, ContributorWaking Times “We were told to just shoot people, and the officers would take care of us.” – Iraqi War Vet Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, was a 14-year-old girl who was gang-raped by U.S. Soldiers while they killed her family before ending her life. It was all pre-meditated, and they […]


In Gaza In this forum, particularly interesting is the speech given by Sara Flounders, of the International Action Center, on her visits to Syria, on the reasons behind the global war on Syria and the documentation of US planning the destabilization of Syria since at least 2005. Flounders also gives historical context to the lead-up […]

Stop Male Genital Mutilation!

Daily Stormer May 19, 2016 Yes, mutilating a baby’s penis is wrong. Why anyone would need told this, I have no idea. The Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) was launched because the medical community has never investigated the long-term adverse physical, sexual, emotional or psychological consequences of infant/childhood circumcision on the health of adult […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

K. O’Keefe in Burlington VT: (Prince, Chemtrails & Jewish Supremacism)

Filed under: Activism, AngloZionist Empire, Jews, Ken O’Keefe, Supremacism, USA Source Article from

Why kids who play outside are smarter, more creative and better adapted to the challenges of real life

(NaturalNews) Somewhere deep inside every one of us, beating as natural as a heart’s pulse, is innocence and goodness. Somewhere deep inside, our inner child desires a sense of freedom, to take up the calling of who we are, to build something of our own, to explore the unknown, to be unique. Somehow […]

Jews Don’t Know What to Think About Donald Trump

[Ed. note – Is Donald Trump “good for the Jews” or not? There doesn’t seem to be a consensus on that question. Below are two opposing arguments, one from Tablet Magazine, the other (the pro-Trump position) put forth by  Israel Hayom, Sheldon Adelson’s rag. There is also a Jews for Trump Facebook page, and you […]

EU to go for tougher refugee stance at Turkey summit overshadowed by newspaper crackdown

At the EU-Turkey summit in Brussels on Monday, European leaders will call on Ankara to help stop refugees trying to reach Greece across the Aegean. The meeting will also likely seek to declare the so-called Balkan route closed – this is the main passageway for refugees. It stretches between Greece and wealthy Austria and Germany. […]

Iran English language newspaper headlines on Tuesday,23-02-2016

Iran Daily   Moody’s: Banks in Persian Gulf Arab states under oil prices pressure Banks in the six-nation Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) are being increasingly challenged by a liquidity squeeze resulting from low oil prices, Moody’s Investor Services said on Monday.   Syria terrorist attacks draw condemnations Iran, Russia and the UN condemned Sunday’s […]

‘I guess it’s food stamps’ then: 400,000 Americans in jeopardy as giant pension fund plans 50% benefit cuts

     Dale Dorsey isn’t happy. After working 33 years, he’s facing a 55% cut to his pension benefits, a blow which he says will “cripple” his family and imperil the livelihood of his two children, one of whom is in the fourth grade and one of whom is just entering high school. Dorsey attended a […]

Are The US Payroll Jobs Reports Merely Propaganda Statements?

Are The Payroll Jobs Reports Merely Propaganda Statements? US economics statistics are so screwed up that they do not provide an accurate picture. Consider the latest monthly payroll jobs report. According to the report, in January 151,000 new jobs were created. Where are these jobs? According to the report, 69% of the new jobs are […]

Obama’s “Master Plan” Is To Destroy The United States, Says Russia

The Kremlin have issued a disturbing report this week that says President Obama has embarked on a “master plan” that aims to completely corrupt the electorate of the United States, which threatens to destroy America as we know it. According to the report, the Obama administration is fighting a US Supreme Court case that aims […]

Pictures: displaced Gazans face cold wave in open air

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip –Due to the strict Israeli-led siege, thousands of displaced Palestinian families in Gaza face the strongest cold wave, hitting the region, in the open air. Palestinian Meteorological Department said that the cold wave would last until Wednesday, warning of floods and road closures due to the expected snow fall. It […]

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