Posts Tagged ‘wrath’

Peter Boothroyd- Is Extreme Weather a Sign of God’s Wrath?

“Honest scientists have proven that man-made climate change  (formerly global warming) is a hoax – and a pathetic one at that.  Could a better explanation be that God has had enough of all  the ever-increasing debauchery and sexual perversion  around the world and is beginning to bring judgment  to the Earth and its inhabitants?” Has God’s […]

Wrath That Is to Come Upon The Wrongdoer. (The Kolbrin) A short Video Source

Ancient Engineering Saves Sites From Earthquake’s Wrath

Concerns have arisen for ancient sites after two earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria on Monday. Read more Section:  News General Read Later  Source

‘You will see the wrath’ — Progressives warn Biden against cutting down agenda

The situation has alarmed liberal advocates and unnerved Democrats who believe winning the support of parents is key to keeping control of power in Washington. Caregivers already exhausted by the pandemic now face rising prices due to historic inflation, with no relief in sight. Republicans, sensing an opening, are attempting to make fresh inroads on […]

God’s wrath is being unleashed upon nations of sin… Prepare yourself to walk through the valley of the shadow of death

By Mike Adams As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the United States of America. The US military, hell-bent ongoing “woke” with transgenderism and gays in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas and has been impotent in protecting the […]

Byzantium Suffers Barbarian Wrath in the Massacre of Milan of 539 AD

“Woe to the vanquished!” the old saying goes, and it was often showcased in history. During the devastating Gothic War that raged between 535 and 554 AD on the Italian Peninsula, the venerable city of Milan suffered greatly at the hands of its conquerors. The events that transpired within the walls of that city remain […]

Gods Wrath

Gods Wrath Anti-Edomite Birds

Hector of Troy: The Battle for Peace and the Wrath of Achilles

Homer’s epic  Illiad tells the mythical story of the legendary 10-year  Trojan War  between the Trojans and the Greeks, which erupted after the beautiful Helen, wife of King Menelaus, was taken by Paris, son of King Priam of Troy. In classical mythology, Hector was a heroic super-warrior, who tried to protect his city from the havoc […]

German radio host invokes wrath of K-Pop fans, after comparing BTS to Covid-19

A German radio host has invoked the wrath of K-Pop fans around the world after comparing the group BTS to Covid-19 and saying they deserve a 20-year vacation in North Korea for daring to cover Coldplay’s song ‘Fix You’. Firebrand host of station Bayern3, Matthias Matuschik, reportedly compared the Korean pop idols, whom he referred […]

Black Rapper Wiley Feels the Wrath of jewish Supremacists After Not Apologizing for “Anti-Semitism”

Honestly I have never heard of this guy, perhaps because I don’t live in Britain, but hopefully he has gotten some more Black people to start paying attention to their jewish overlords. You can tell he is genuinely mad at how he has been screwed by jews. Now he’s banned from Twitter and they’re trying […]

Wrath of the Gods

By Ron McVan Man’s desire for power over his fellow man and the material world is a story whose beginnings are lost in the primal mists of time. The all too human lust for domination and control has been the cause of untold death, misery and turmoil. Never has existence on earth been more violent […]

The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon: A short video poem by Rudyard Kipling on the Dangers of Diversity and Multiculturalism

This is the website of Lasha Darkmoon, an anglo-American academic with higher degrees in Classics who lives and works in England. You can read more about Darkmoon here. Source Article from

Apollo Unleashes His Wrath on 44 Noggers Attempting to Reach Europe

Michael ByronDaily Stormer May 3, 2017 “Ten little nigger boys went out to dine; one met my arrow and now there are nine…” It can be difficult being a God. You co-created this beautiful planet and all the creatures within it, but you made one big mistake: you granted them Free Will. This […]

Rabbi Lerner Watch Your Language

By Gilad Atzmon Can you imagine the Archbishop of Canterbury using the word ‘asshole?’ Can you imagine a supreme Islamic cleric referring to an intellectual in this manner? Rabbi Michael Lerner, the man who used Muhammad Ali’s funeral as a Jewish propaganda podium, wrote to me yesterday: “Wake up, asshole–you are spreading lies and deceit […]

‘Not dangerous, but in danger’: Pope Francis mourns drowned refugees as illegal crossings soar

During his meeting in the Vatican with hundreds of children the Pope showed them a life jacket of a drowned girl he was given by a Spanish rescuer. “He brought me this life jacket and, crying a little bit, he said: ‘Father, I failed. There was a little girl in the sea and I wasn’t […]

BREAKING: Famous Talk Show Host Drops BOMBSHELL On Who MURDERED Justice Scalia, Says Trump Is NEXT

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Tragic as well as extremely suspicious news about our conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is rocking our nation. The 79-year-old was found dead last night after a day of quail hunting at Cibolo Creek Ranch, just outside of Marfa, Texas. He was reported to be in high spirits and was “animated […]

BREAKING: Famous Talk Show Host Drops BOMBSHELL On Who MURDERED Justice Scalia, Says Trump Is NEXT

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Tragic as well as extremely suspicious news about our conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is rocking our nation. The 79-year-old was found dead last night after a day of quail hunting at Cibolo Creek Ranch, just outside of Marfa, Texas. He was reported to be in high spirits and was “animated […]

Israeli group Ad Kan continues attacks on anti-occupation activists with ‘expose’ of Anarchists Against the Wall

Two weeks ago a right-wing Israeli group called Ad Kan released an undercover video that claimed leftist Israeli activists were a driving force behind Palestinian violence. After the footage was aired on a major local news station three people were arrested on charges of conspiracy—one Palestinian and two Israelis. One of the arrested Israelis, the high-profile activist Ezra Nawi, was […]

First snowfall of the season in Elko, Nevada sets new records

     The first snowstorm of the water year created problems for electric companies, city staff, fire crews and law enforcement, and cleanup from the storm continues today. In Elko and Carlin there were reports of damage to houses, cars, fences and power lines between Monday night and Tuesday morning—largely due to fallen tree branches. The […]

Colin Jordan’s Letter to ‘British’ (Jew) MP Gerald Kaufman

Editor’s note: As this book was being produced, the publisher received word from Colin Jordan that his premises in Yorkshire had been raided by the police. Various political literature was seized, including the nearly complete manuscript of the author’s upcoming book Merrie England 2000. The raid, which took place on June 4, 1991, was […]

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