Posts Tagged ‘skies’

Met Office admits spraying skies

June 1st 2024 _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Donate Crypto _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: The Time for Silence is Over If […]

BEWARE! They are now called the “Unsafe Skies” by the pilots who fly them.

READ HERE: American Air Pilots Cite ‘Significant’ Jump in Safety Issues   Source

We Need To Talk About What Is Happening In Our Skies

A good piece from Sonia Poulton on what is happening above our heads. Geo-engineering researcher Ian Simpson will be expanding on the subject and giving his opinion at the forthcoming AV14 Conference. Ian Simpson Invisible Sky – How Climate Engineering is Hacking Humanity as Well as Our Weather 11.30am Sunday 26th May 2024 “Ian Simpson […]

Are the Skies Poisoning Us?

FEB 15, 2024 Is there a weather modification conspiracy taking place? What methods would climate geoengineers use to change precipitation rates, cloud coverage, UV radiation and other aspects of meteorology? ‘Financial Rebellion’ hosts welcome guest Dane Wigington to the show for exciting discourse on this hot topic. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over […]

Irrefutable Evidence of Chemical Geoengineering Plastered All Over Our Skies Like This!

CHEMTRAILS: The Planetary Catastrophe Caused by Chemical Geo-engineering Chemical geoengineering is just one prong of a multi-pronged weather warfare strategy designed to radically alter climate patterns and produce catastrophic weather events SOTN Editor’s Note: The following photo-documentary is perhaps the best of its kind on the Internet today which proves the existence of chemical geoengineering […]

Between the nonstop chemical geoengineering of skies worldwide and pumping billions of watts into the ionosphere by numerous HARRP stations, the NWO Climate Changers are manufacturing a global heat wave to implement their draconian Great Reset scheme.


Watch: balloons take to the skies in a colourful festival in Java

Dozens of homemade balloons fly during the days-long Ansor Kertek Balloon Culture Festival, which is back in full swing this year after a Covid hiatus in 2020 and 2021. Source

Dazzling Northern Lights phenomenon lights up the skies over Britain

NORTHERN Lights have lit up skies across the nation with Brits left transfixed by the dazzling colourful glow. The spectacular natural phenomenon, known as the aurora borealis, had weather watchers stunned at the jaw-dropping light show. The fascinating light spectacle is usually most visible near the Earth’s magnetic north and south poles, with Iceland being […]


nov 22 2022 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step november 27th. One step at a time, hand in […]

A Strong Outburst Of Leonid Meteors Is Possible On Saturday (Nov. 19) ** Eyes To The Skies**

Earth is approaching the orbit of Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, source of the annual Leonid meteor shower. This is not a good year for Leonids. The shower’s nominal peak on Nov. 17th is expected to produce no more than 15 meteors per hour. But! There is a chance of a surprise. Some forecasters believe that Earth might […]

New Report: UFOs Spotted Over Ukraine Skies, Reaching Speeds of Up To 53,000 km/h

New Report: UFOs Spotted Over Ukraine Skies, Reaching Speeds of Up To 53,000 km/hbyArjun WaliaSeptember 22, 2022 In Brief The Facts: A new report from the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine outlines how multiple UFOs have been spotted over the skies of Kyiv. According to the report, astronomers observed […]

New Report: UFOs Spotted Over Ukraine Skies, Reaching Speeds of Up To 53,000 km/h

New Report: UFOs Spotted Over Ukraine Skies, Reaching Speeds of Up To 53,000 km/hbyArjun WaliaSeptember 22, 2022 In Brief The Facts: A new report from the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine outlines how multiple UFOs have been spotted over the skies of Kyiv. According to the report, astronomers observed […]

Many People Seeing ‘Luminous Angels’ In Skies Over Ukraine, Says Major Archbishop

Many people are seeing “luminous angels” in the skies over Ukraine, according to the leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk was speaking in a video message recorded in the besieged Ukrainian capital Kyiv, whose patron saint is St. Michael the Archangel. “Here in Kyiv we perceive that the patron of […]

Strange Lights Seen In Skies Above Middle Tennessee

Strange Lights Seen In Skies Above Middle Tennessee Date: December 8, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: Sarah TateFolks in Tennessee were stunned over the weekend when they looked up into the sky and spotted some mysterious lights high above the rolling hills of the Volunteer State.A string of strange lights was seen by people across the […]

Apple Melts up Into Blue Skies: Is the Stock Headed for $200?

Apple Inc. was trading up 3.5 percent and made a new all-time high on Tuesday as it led the S&P 500 up 2 percent higher by mid-day. Apple has been the strongest of the tech giants recently, making a series of new all-time highs over the past 13 trading days despite the general markets experiencing […]

Heads Up! The Leonid Meteor Shower is Set to Light Up Skies this Week

» An ‘earthgrazer’ flew over the U.S., then vanished, NASA saysToday at 1:28 am by PurpleSkyz » Japan Abandons Vax Policy, Switches to Ivermectin, Ends COVID CrazinessToday at 1:25 am by PurpleSkyz » Fully Informed Consent for Childhood Vaccines – or Malpractice?Today at 1:24 am by PurpleSkyz » Dr. Peter McCullough sues medical journal for refusing to publish study showing COVID shot […]

Has Macron Closed Algeria’s Skies for France?

Emmanuel Macron, the eighth president of France, during his four and a half years in the Elysee Palace has shown himself to be a very active politician, and sometimes even very controversial as are his numerous public speeches. After becoming President of France, Macron refused the annual traditional interview on the day of the national […]

September: All Eyes to the Skies as our Redemption Draweth Nigh

Image Src Deviant Art After this I looked, and there in heaven was an open door. The first voice that I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” (Revelation 4:1) Before Zion was in labor, she gave birth;before she was in […]

Russia Closes Syrian Skies for Israel

For a long time, Russia and Israel avoided clashes in Syria, where their interests overlap. After Moscow introduced its forces into Syrian territory in 2015, it took into account Israeli interests related to the security of the Jewish state. Israel appreciated Russia’s position and tried to make the best of the situation by avoiding clashes […]

Large Meteor Lights Up Skies In Norway

HELSINKI (AP) — Norwegian experts say an unusually large meteor was visible over large parts of southern Scandinavia and illuminated southeast Norway with a powerful flash of light for a few seconds as many observers were reported to also hear a roaring sound afterwards. The Norwegian Meteor Network said that it had analyzed and reviewed several […]

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