Posts Tagged ‘poisoning’

Poisoning Your Data

July 23 2024, SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: Do you use any big tech service or mainstream website? Do you like, comment or subscribe on social media. Do you browse reddit or use any major video streaming platform? Do you leave a digital data trail anywhere? Then you are most likely feeding the AI beast. So, […]

Poisoning Your Data – #SolutionsWatch

Do you leave a digital data trail anywhere? Then you are most likely feeding the AI beast. So, what if you started to feed that beast poisoned data instead . . . ? Source

Are the Skies Poisoning Us?

FEB 15, 2024 Is there a weather modification conspiracy taking place? What methods would climate geoengineers use to change precipitation rates, cloud coverage, UV radiation and other aspects of meteorology? ‘Financial Rebellion’ hosts welcome guest Dane Wigington to the show for exciting discourse on this hot topic. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over […]

UK Woman Charged with double attempted murder after Poisoning her own Children

    A 38-year-old woman has been charged with two counts of attempted murder after two children were victims of a suspected poisoning. Jilumol George of Hunters Way appeared at Brighton Magistrates’ Court today, where she was charged with two counts of attempted murder and two counts of administering poison with intent to endanger life […]

WHO’s poisoning babies?

Sunday, June 14, 2020 WHO and UK trials use potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine dose–according to WHO consultant The Solidarity Trial is a WHO-led conglomeration of many national trials of treatments for Covid-19. In March alone, the WHO collected $108 million from donors to cover costs of Solidairy clinical trials. Per the WHO: As of 3 June 2020, more than 3500 patients have been […]

France Probes Possible Poisoning Of Russian Journalist Who Denounced War On TV

Marina Ovsyannikova drew international attention in March 2022 after appearing behind a news anchor with a sign that urged to stop the war. Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Poisoning the Blood

Robert Downen @ The Texas Tribune: Influential Texas activist Jonathan Stickland hosted white supremacist Nick Fuentes at office near Fort Worth. John Fea @ Current: Trump: Immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.” Joe Jervis: Rally Pastor Asks Jesus To Strike Down Trump’s Enemies. Brian Slodysko @ The Associated Press: How Trump’s MAGA movement […]

June 19 – Thai Royal Heiress Believed Dead from Vaccine Poisoning

  (left, Royal heir, Thai Princess Bha)      Please send links and comments to [email protected]     The fact the Thai monarchy is forced to swallow this travesty shows the power of Big Pharma.     From our Bangkok Correspondent June 18-    "Every evening at 8:00 p.m. there is news-from-Royal-Palace on all television […]

Chemically poisoning you isn’t new: Witness Ivon Watkins Dow & Dioxin in NZ

A repost and update of this old article from 2017. The video was censored from NZ television. Dioxin is featuring right now with the train spill in the US and the town of Palestine in Ohio. It has all the appearances of cover up of course. Listen to this young woman speaking out on that. […]

Iran investigates ‘mysterious poisoning’ of schoolgirls as wave spreads

Iran's President, Ebrahim Raisi, on Wednesday ordered a time-bound investigation into the poisoning of schoolgirls in different Iranian cities, Anadolu News Agency reports. Chairing a cabinet meeting in the capital, Tehran, Raisi instructed Interior Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, to find the cause of the mysterious poisoning, which has sent hundreds of schoolgirls to hospitals in recent […]

After poisoning most of Ohio and parts of PA and Canada are they killing the toxicologists? UPDATE >> Chemical weapons allegation

Originally posted on flying cuttlefish picayune: After culling the microbiologists are they going to start in on the toxicologists after the Ohio chemical explosion? 5 killed in Arkansas plane crash while en route to scene of a fatal explosion at Ohio factory “The plane was carrying employees of the Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health… […]

Ohio Cover Up: Vinyl Chloride Poisoning, Dioxin Byproducts, Hydrochloric Acid Rain, myID & HHS Docs

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/19/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

President Bolsonaro Hospitalized In Florida With ‘Abdominal Pain’ Amid Poisoning Fears

Former President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro has been hospitalized in Orlando, Florida, after suffering the sudden onset of severe abdominal pains as his supporters claim he might have poisoned. His hospitalization comes a day after […] The post President Bolsonaro Hospitalized In Florida With ‘Abdominal Pain’ Amid Poisoning Fears appeared first on News Punch. Source

Poisoning the Planet and Your Body

Poisoning the Planet (copy and paste) More:  Death by Vaccination 20 Million COVID Vaccine Deaths? Dr. Rodger Hodkinson [VIDEO INTERVIEW] Please consider donating to EFR via:  ANP 900 Commerce Pl.  #1016 Forsyth IL 62535 Share this: Source

Meta-Study Shows Ancient Maya were at High Risk of Mercury Poisoning

The Maya Empire dominated large swaths of Mesoamerica for more than 3,000 years. But despite their impressive record of survival, the Maya civilization did not live completely in harmony with their environment, as a review article published by Frontiers in Environmental Science clearly reveals. Surprisingly, for the Maya mercury poisoning was a serious problem. It […]

Russian soldiers in Ukraine hospitalized with severe chemical poisoning – Moscow

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Decriminalized Marijuana Reinvents Racism and Poisoning

by Don Fitz and Susan Armstrong The change in marijuana laws across the US raises issues far beyond, “Hey, dude, we can blow a joint now without getting busted.”  The racism that permeated the age of criminalization now lurks throughout the phase of decriminalization.  The burgeoning business of growing pot raises the specter of corporate […]

Mass Poisoning With Fluoride and Mind Control

It has been nearly a century since the widespread implementation of fluoride in our water supply. More than 377 million unsuspecting people worldwide consume the chemical each day. World Health Organization representatives state the product prevents tooth deterioration. Authorities insist the additive is essential for oral hygiene. However, many independent researchers dispute these claims. They […]

The Many Ways War Is Poisoning Us

When we wage war, we dehumanize – then kill – a specific segment of humanity. In the process, we “fray” our own humanity. War spews hell in all directions. Just ask the guys at Talon Anvil, a secret U.S. “strike cell” recently exposed by the New York Times as a unit with a reputation for ignoring the […]

COVID shots intended to reduce world’s population by poisoning ‘billions’: South African doctor 

‘The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,’ said Dr. Shankara Chetty.  Dr. Shankara Chetty PatrickDelaney […]

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