Posts Tagged ‘planet’

Bottom Line: Planet Fitness lobbies up amid culture war controversy

Health Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck registered to lobby for Planet Fitness on policies and regulations related to health and wellness, data privacy, contracts, fees and subscriptions. One of the lobbyists on the account is Andrew ​Usyk, who previously worked on Capitol Hill as a staffer to Sens. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). Over… […]

Bill Gates wants to use AI for genetically modifying beef cows to “save the planet”

The combination of AI and the world’s food supply is in its infancy stage and will advance rapidly if Bill Gates has anything to say about it. He has been obsessing over “cow-burps” and “cow-farts” for years, unable to do anything about them until AI came on the scene. ⁃ TN Editor Microsoft founder Bill […]

Government comes up with another new excuse for the genocide they’ve unleashed upon the planet: ‘accelerated aging’ among the young is causing all of these ‘turbo cancers’

(NaturalNews) The latest mind-boggling story over at the NY Post on Tuesday proving just how full of ‘s’ our ’globalist overlords’ and the mainstream media… Source

WEF Leader Working To Radically Depopulate the Planet Fighting For Life After Emergency Brain Surgery

Sadghuru, the WEF Agenda Contributor who famously declared his goal is to have “less souls” on the planet, is currently fighting for his life after undergoing emergency brain surgery following massive swelling and bleeding in […] The post WEF Leader Working To Radically Depopulate the Planet Fighting For Life After Emergency Brain Surgery appeared first […]

Climate Dieticians Push Americans To Cut Beef For The Sake Of The Planet

Authored by Eric Worrall via, “… Replacing beef with a different protein — even for just one meal — can cut the emissions footprint of a person’s diet that day by as much as half. …” One Simple Change to Reduce Your Climate Impact? Swap Out Beef Replacing beef with a different protein — even for just […]

We Need to Eat Bugs & Insects to Save the Planet

Feb 12 2024 In this video, we’re going to take a look at edible bugs as an alternative protein source. Some say that we should be eating bugs by 2050 because of the growing population. Some blame climate change or claim that beef is not sustainable and that we need to find other sources of […]

Climate experts spread absurd myth that HOME GARDENING is hazardous for the planet

A recent study wants to stop people from being sustainably food-independent and discourage them from growing their own food in urban settings. The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms. This research by University of Michigan scientists, which was published in […]

Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet

The Trudeau regime has urged Canadians who feel stressed or depressed to seek government assisted suicide as a means to ease the burden on the state and help save the planet. On Monday, Trudeau’s Health […] The post Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet appeared first on The […]

As planet heats, U.S. ramps up fossil fuel production, casting a shadow on COP28 climate goals

NationofChange remains a vital, ad-free source of progressive news and activism, all thanks to donations from readers like you. Support our transparent, reader-funded journalism with your generous donation. In a year predicted to be the hottest on record, the United States is paradoxically on track to achieve record-breaking levels of fossil fuel production. This surge […]

Jeff Bezos Teams up with WEF, calls for People to Eat Cockroaches to ‘Save the Planet’

The mainstream media is ramping up pressure on the public to begin switching from traditional animal-based diets to exclusively insect-based diets in order to ‘save the planet.’ Corporate media outlets are promoting the switch to the WEF’s insect-based diet and are admitting that there won’t be much choice in the matter. The WEF, and other […]

Jeff Bezos Says Public Must Switch to WEF’s Bug-Only Diet To ‘Save the Planet’

The mainstream media is ramping up pressure on the public to begin switching from traditional animal-based diets to exclusively insect-based diets in order to ‘save the planet.’ Corporate media outlets are promoting the switch to […] The post Jeff Bezos Says Public Must Switch to WEF’s Bug-Only Diet To ‘Save the Planet’ appeared first on […]

Bill Clinton and Pope Francis Call for ‘Urgent Depopulation’ To Save the Planet

Bill Clinton and Pope Francis have joined forces to urge world leaders to pursue human depopulation as a strategy for saving the planet from so-called “global boiling. The pope held talks with the former President […] The post Bill Clinton and Pope Francis Call for ‘Urgent Depopulation’ To Save the Planet appeared first on The […]

How a private school became the biggest loser on the planet.

My son attends a private school where he was complaining about a teacher hitting him, kicking him and dragging him by the collar, as well as shouting at him.  I told him that next time the teacher does this to him, to stand back and shout at him ‘you kicked me’ or ‘you hit me’ […]

The United States and Canada are among the world’s top 5 ‘planet wreckers,’ new fossil fuel report contends

The U.S. is both the largest historical carbon emitter and the world’s top oil and gas producer. Source

Mysterious Earth-Like Planet Has Just Appeared in Our Solar System, Scientists Say

Astronomers have found likely evidence of an Earth-like planet in the Solar System that may be circling the Sun in an orbit beyond Neptune. Physicists, including those from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, said the planet could be much closer than the hypothetical Planet Nine thought to exist in the far outer edges of […]

A Mysterious Earth-Like Planet Has Just Appeared in Our Solar System, Scientists Say

Scientists say they have found evidence of a new Earth-like planet that has suddenly appeared in our Solar System and is orbiting the Sun. Physicists, including those from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, said […] The post A Mysterious Earth-Like Planet Has Just Appeared in Our Solar System, Scientists Say appeared first on The […]

WEF Adviser: UK Population Collapse ‘Good for the Planet’

AUG 21, 2023 Remember how depopulation was called a right-wing conspiracy theory? Things have changed, and “population collapse,” which can no longer be denied, is now good for us! The Telegraph picked the perfect messenger to communicate the new way we should think about population declines. [emphasis, links added] A high-level WEF adviser tells us: Source Oxford Professor Sarah Harper is a very important person. The […]

Population Collapse “Good for the Planet”, WEF Adviser Prof Sarah Harper Explains


EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT: The Coming AI-Conducted Wars Across The Planet

: The Future Of AI Is War… And Human Extinction As Collateral Damage By Michael T Klare A world in which machines governed by artificial intelligence (AI) systematically replace human beings in most business, industrial, and professional functions is horrifying to imagine. After all, as prominent computer scientists have been warning us, AI-governed systems are prone […]

‘On what planet is that fiscally responsible?’ GOP spending cuts would kill 500,000 jobs

“Even by the low standards of Congress in 2023, it’s shocking how quickly House Republicans ripped up their end of the bargain that steered the country clear of default last month.” Source

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