Posts Tagged ‘gardening’

Gardening Video – A “Lazy” Way to Grow Potatoes – Would this work in the UK? … Read the rest Source

Food freedom: Gardening options for self-sufficient preppers

(NaturalNews) If you’re willing to invest some of your precious time and effort, you can always get a harvest and be self-sufficient. Start small and scale up…. Source

Climate experts spread absurd myth that HOME GARDENING is hazardous for the planet

A recent study wants to stop people from being sustainably food-independent and discourage them from growing their own food in urban settings. The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms. This research by University of Michigan scientists, which was published in […]

Gardening: What to plant & when (Wally Richards)

With a great number of first time gardeners growing their own vegetables, a question that I am often asked is; when is the best time to plant various crops? This is a difficult question to answer as conditions vary greatly in different parts of the country. To make matters more complicated, you can have a […]

‘GARDENING WITH WALLY RICHARDS’ (Wally’s new book, release – 8 Dec 2023)

It’s been a busy spring with lots of new and not so new gardeners returning to grow some vegetables and flowers for pleasure. Doing the gardening show with Rodney Hide on Radio Reality Check has increased the phone calls to my 0800 number with a number of people saying that they have listened to the […]

A gardening checklist, heading into Summer (Wally Richards)

Now that we are halfway through Spring and quickly heading to Summer (December) there is a fair bit to do in our gardens so lets run a check list in case some things are missed. It will depend on what you have in your gardens as to whether any or all things aspects concern you. […]


I am very conscious of people that have only small sections or live in flats, retirement villages and apartments which means they have either no land or very little land to grow food in. For people in those places they need to make the most economical use of their land available and also to grow […]

FLASHBACK: Guerrilla Gardening (2015)

FROM 2015: The problems are obvious: food safety scandals, the death of family farming, food supply insecurity, the revolving door between corporate lobbyists and government regulators, and many more. The solution should be equally obvious: rolling up our sleeves and getting in the garden. Join us today as we explore this simple, natural solution to […]

Gardening: beating the veggie shortages … (Wally Richards)

It is certainly interesting times we are living in … there are also some gardening problems to overcome. Recently I went looking for some vegetable seedlings and seed packets of vegetables that I wished to add to my gardens at this time. I was after cauliflower seedlings to grow and harvest in winter and some […]

Are We Gardening in a Toxic World?

Published on Feb 20, 2023 Are we gardening in a toxic world? It seems the answer is yes– but is there anything we can do about it? The answer to that question is also yes!! In this video I share my thoughts on the recent, tragic, toxic train derailment in my own home state, other concerns we […]

December Gardening (Wally Richards)

This week I received two emails which maybe of interest to some gardeners. The first was from a gardening couple, which read: Hi Wally, Your advice and weekly email’s worked great. I got first in the Veggie Section and my wife won in the Rose categories. Jerry. What can I say? If you use natural […]

Some useful gardening tips (Wally Richards)

For most of the country it has been a poor spring and slow start of the growing season. We have the daylight hours, in fact we are now only about 7 weeks away to the longest day of the year. It is the temperatures that are the problem, we are not getting the constant warm […]

September gardening in NZ (Wally Richards)

There are plenty of chores to attend to at this time of the year as the day light hours increase and plants emerging from their winter rest. Hardy plants will be showing very good growth now including the plants you do not want commonly referred to as weeds. Unwanted plants are very valuable if you […]


Calcium (garden lime) is a very basic mineral that is often overlooked by gardeners. Kiwi gardeners in the past would dig over their vegetable garden at the beginning of winter after the last crops had been harvested. The soil would be turned to the depth of one and a half to two spade depths, bringing […]

Gardening for January: Healthy crops, healthy you (Wally Richards)

First column for 2022 Happy New Year (at least hopefully happier than 2021) The first subject is an important one and one I published 2016 (remember 2016? it was a far better country then and if you had been told back then that you had to wear a muzzle and have a special permit to […]

Gardening tasks for December (Wally Richards)

December, the first month of Summer and at this time our thoughts are more on Christmas rather than the garden. If we neglect the garden completely this month then much of our previous efforts will have been wasted. Spend a few hours making the garden Xmas ready, so you can relax over the festive season. […]

Gardening & Plant Immunity (Wally Richards)

Wally Richards is a longtime Kiwi gardening guru. I used to post his useful and excellent material earlier in the piece … I’ve neglected the food growing aspect for some time now though aside from the odd article. It seems an appropriate time now to return to it with the much announced coming food shortages. […]

Survival gardening : growing your own nutrient dense food

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch From If you read a lot of survival articles online, you’ve probably wondered, “what is  survival gardening and how is it different from regular gardening?” Survival gardening is a skill that allows you to grow your own food in the event of a short-term or long-term catastrophe. It’s gardening, but […]

Vladimir Putin Gardening In the Eastern Mediterranean

When you imagine Russia’s Vladimir Putin, do you get a vision of a tougher and older Edward Scissorhands? Neither do I, but apparently western policy advisers see Russia’s president as some kind of mad gardener hell-bent on trimming world powers to his liking. The latest example being a Carnegie Endowment storytelling how Russia is the […]

Contribution of Urban Gardening Can Improve Greatly with A Few Changes

An urban garden in Havana, Cuba One of the first  ways in which a city gets judged is by its greenery. However it is well to remember that aspects of urban greenery at first glance can be quite deceptive. There may be big lawns with very  colorful flowers on various sides. But a question worth […]

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