Posts Tagged ‘mediterranean’

YAF to escalate operations in Indian Ocean, Mediterranean: al-Houthi

18 Jul 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen + Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English The leader of the Ansar Allah movement touches on the role of the Gaza support fronts, emphasizing their impact and effectiveness, and provides details regarding the YAF’s operations. The leader of Ansar Allah in Yemen, Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, emphasized the astonishing […]

Yemeni forces conduct ops against 4 ships in Mediterranean, Red Sea

June 29, 2024 Source: Yemeni Armed Forces – Military Media By Al Mayadeen English The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) attacked four Israeli-affiliated ships and an American vessel in the Mediterranean and Red Sea, the spokesperson for the YAF, Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced on Friday.  Saree said that the YAF conducted a joint operation with […]

YAF to target Israeli-linked ships in Mediterranean Sea: Saree

May 3, 2024 Source: Agenci By Al Mayadeen English Saree outlined three measures: targeting violating ships, immediate implementation, and imposing sanctions on ships related to supplying occupied Palestinian ports if “Israel” invades Rafah.  Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Yahya Saree on Friday announced a new stage in escalations that involves the targeting of ships […]

Iran Now Threatens To Close Mediterranean Sea Over US’s & Rothschild’s Israel Holocausting Tens Of Thousands Of Semitic Children

Iran had their Democratic government overthrown by Rothschild’s CIA & M16 in 1953. A brutal mass murdering hand puppet controlled by the Rothschild’s via Washington DC was installed who made life hell for Iranians until the Iranians overthrew the puppet in 1979-80. Because the Iranians dared to take their country back, US had Iraq run […]

5 Army Special Ops Soldiers Die in Helicopter ‘Mishap’ over Mediterranean Sea

Five members of the U.S. Army were killed in a training accident late Friday when their helicopter had a “mishap” causing it to crash into the Mediterranean Sea, officials said Sunday. Army representatives confirmed to the New York Times that the victims were all special operations soldiers and that search and rescue efforts continued until […]

U.S. Sends Second Aircraft Carrier to Eastern Mediterranean to Deter Iran

The United States is sending a second aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Eisenhower, to join the U.S.S. Ford in the eastern Mediterranean to deter Iran from opening a second front against Israel from Lebanon using the Hezbollah terror group and its rocket arsenal. Source

Thousands of migrants remain unidentified, missing in Mediterranean

25 Sep 2023 Source: The Washington Post By Al Mayadeen English A new report by the Washington Post sheds light on migrants who went missing in the Mediterranean with inadequate identification efforts, leaving families in anguish. Over the past decade, the Mediterranean Sea, separating Europe from the MENA region, has transformed into a theater of […]

The Eastern Mediterranean quartet: big talk, less action

SEP 26, 2023 Forget the pipelines. The growing détente between Eastern Mediterranean neighbors Israel, Cyprus, and Greece is being leveraged mainly to counter Turkish influence and expand Washington’s presence in the region. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan On 4 September, Israel, Greece, and Cyprus met at their ninth tripartite summit to endorse the wave of Arab normalization with […]

EU Rushes Firefighters To Greece As Grueling Mediterranean Heat Wave Takes Toll

New evacuations were ordered on Wednesday as wildfires raged near the Greek capital. Source

These people face 20 years in jail for saving others from drowning in the Mediterranean

Even as outrage simmers over the hundreds of migrants dying at sea every year off Europe’s coast, rescuers are still being persecuted for helping save lives. Source

A Mediterranean diet not only boosts health but also improves fertility

With an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and legumes, the Mediterranean diet has long been applauded for its multiple health benefits. New research shows that it may also help overcome infertility, making it a non-intrusive and affordable strategy for couples trying to conceive. Conducted by Monash University, the University of the Sunshine Coast, and the University… […]

Filthy Philaenis? The Ancient Mediterranean Sex Guide that Steamed Up the West

Often referred to as the author of the Mediterranean Kama Sutra , little is known about Philaenis of Samos, who likely wrote this work around the 4th century BC. She is the most mentioned author of the erotic sex guide Joy of Sex , being a rare surviving work by a woman from antiquity. She […]

PA: Palestinian refugees rescued in Mediterranean Sea

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced yesterday that dozens of Palestinian irregular migrants have been rescued in the Mediterranean Sea off the coasts of Libya and Greece. The political adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Deek, said the Palestine embassy in Libya is following up the matter after two boats carrying irregular […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Hundreds of migrants rescued from smugglers’ boats in Mediterranean

Hundreds of migrants from Africa and Syria were rescued from smugglers’ boats in the Mediterranean by a Spanish charity over the weekend.  Rescue ship Open Arms Uno said it picked up 372 peopl trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea to the mainland of Europe in unseaworthy boats. They also rescued the body of a man […]

Turks preparing new crisis with Greece and Cyprus in Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey is preparing to spark new crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and on the Cypriot continental shelf following indications that they will intensify its explorations writes Vassilis Nedos for Kathimerini newspaper. According to the news report, there has been activity in the port of Tasucu in southern Turkey in recent weeks, where the research vessel […]

Turks preparing new crisis with Greece and Cyprus in Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey is preparing to spark new crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and on the Cypriot continental shelf following indications that they will intensify its explorations writes Vassilis Nedos for Kathimerini newspaper. According to the news report, there has been activity in the port of Tasucu in southern Turkey in recent weeks, where the research vessel […]

Turks preparing new crisis with Greece and Cyprus in Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey is preparing to spark new crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and on the Cypriot continental shelf following indications that they will intensify its explorations writes Vassilis Nedos for Kathimerini newspaper. According to the news report, there has been activity in the port of Tasucu in southern Turkey in recent weeks, where the research vessel […]

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