Posts Tagged ‘excuse’

The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup

We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.  Source

Government comes up with another new excuse for the genocide they’ve unleashed upon the planet: ‘accelerated aging’ among the young is causing all of these ‘turbo cancers’

(NaturalNews) The latest mind-boggling story over at the NY Post on Tuesday proving just how full of ‘s’ our ’globalist overlords’ and the mainstream media… Source

Smedley Butler Explains The Latest Excuse For American Intervention In Ukraine

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, Senior Fellow Alex Pollock drew my attention to an important quotation by Smedley Butler:  1935 speech and later a book by Major General Smedley D. Butler (USMC), includes  “… A racket is best described, I believe, something that is not what it seems to the majority of […]

Excuse me. Is the blood transfusion vaxxed or unvaxxed?

American Red Cross employee revealed that donated blood isn’t filtered by COVID-19 vaccination status, potentially mixing vaccinated and unvaccinated donations. “…situations where you may be in a car accident or something, you need blood right away, there is a possibility that you’ll be getting vaccinated blood…the blood isn’t separated depending on if you are vaccinated or […]

Muslim Terrorists Will Be an Excuse to Crackdown on White ‘Anti-Semites’

This current “Muslim terrorist” threat is a “2 birds one stone” scenario for our enemies. They will be Source

Israel-Hamas ‘War’ – Another Excuse To Shutdown Free Speech

By Kit Knightly As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into Source

Migration Advocates Excuse, Downplay Teen Migrant ‘Brutal’ Work Abuse

Migration advocates claim to be shocked by the New York Times‘ admission that many teenage migrants are working in sometimes “brutal” jobs, but they also are trying to keep the migrants coming “I was particularly alarmed to learn that some of these children are working full adult shifts in food processing facilities and factories after school,” said Sen. Alex […]

Dad Empties Dishwasher So He Has An Excuse To Watch 19 Hours Of Football This Weekend

MOBILE, AL — According to sources, local husband Brad Sanders has completely emptied the dishwasher without any prompting from his wife in hopes that she’ll be cool with him watching 19 hours of football this weekend. “Ka-ching! This is money in the relationship bank, baby!” said Sanders in a statement. “Doing this easy 5-minute chore […]

Dad Empties Dishwasher So He Has An Excuse To Watch 19 Hours Of Football This Weekend

MOBILE, AL — According to sources, local husband Brad Sanders has completely emptied the dishwasher without any prompting from his wife in hopes that she’ll be cool with him watching 19 hours of football this weekend. “Ka-ching! This is money in the relationship bank, baby!” said Sanders in a statement. “Doing this easy 5-minute chore […]

The Barbarian Excuse

By Dr M D Magee (1998) Christians pretended the destruction of the classical works and libraries of the ancient world was the result of the barbarian invasions, as though the barbarians were ignorant savages. Well, perhaps they were, but they were Christians. The invasions of the Western Empire were by the German nations, the Visigoths […]

Sorry Excuse For Apostle Only Walks On Water For Ten Feet Before Sinking

GALILEE—According to local sources, one of Jesus’ disciples attempted to step out of his fishing boat and walk to Jesus during last Tuesday’s storm, but he only made it ten feet before sinking into the waves. What an idiot! Witnesses say Jesus was out for an evening stroll on the sea of Galilee when he […]

Excuse me, but… (a covid19-covid21 blog message)

PliscaPlace Dr. Fauci said the unvaccinated should think of their ‘community’ because allowing COVID-19 to spread and mutate could create variant ‘more problematic than the Delta’ ********* Uhhh – – sure, nothing has changed for me (unvaccinated) – everything has changed for you (vaccinated). There wasn’t even a variant mentioned until AFTER people started getting […]

Delta Variant Just an Excuse For Another Lockdown; It’s About the TRANSFER of Wealth to Us Goyim to Khazarian ZIONIST Mafia Fake Jews aka AshkeNAZI’s

[embedded content] Is the ‘Delta Variant’ a Hoax? Or is it a Cover for COVID Vaccine-Related Deaths? July 26, 2021 in News, Video by RBN Staff source:  needtoknownews July 5, 2021 Humans Are Free, Dr. Kaufman and CNBC 12 Pixabay Medical authorities and the media are hyping the new Delta variant of COVID-19, and the World Health Organization is urging people to return […]

Couple Has Baby Just To Have Excuse For Getting Out Of Social Functions

WADSWORTH, OH—Local couple Cole and Brittany Fisher proudly announced today the arrival of baby Gabe, their long-sought ticket out of every social situation on planet earth. “We are just so, so excited to finally be able to watch Netflix more,” beamed Cole proudly. “My mom won’t stop rambling at dinner? Baby Gabe! Nephew’s ball game goes to […]

The Fake Covid “Pandemic” Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps

The Fake Covid “Pandemic” Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps / pcr3 The Fake Covid “Pandemic” Is the Excuse for Concentration Camps for Dissenters from the Establishment’s Narratives Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts Since the year 2000, we have witnessed two epochal events, 9/11 and COVID-19. Both produced massive changes in civil liberty and […]

Harvard newspaper to Biden: Cancel more than $10k in student debt and don’t use Ivy League as excuse not to

The editorial board of Harvard University’s daily student newspaper on Tuesday pushed back against President Joe Biden’s misleading claim that Ivy League graduates would be the primary beneficiaries of bold debt cancellation and urged the president to support forgiveness beyond the $10,000 he has vowed to pursue. In an editorial published late Tuesday, The Harvard Crimson rejected as “misguided” Biden’s recent attempt […]

COVID Was Excuse For CBP To Install Facial Recognition At 76 Airports

The Federal government is driven to build a comprehensive biometric database on all Americans and has used the Great Panic of 2020 (COVID) to accelerate its efforts, all in the name of making citizen feel safe. ⁃ TN Editor A recent DHS report titled the “CBP Trade and Travel Report” reads like an instruction manual […]

Warnock: ‘Shameful’ Georgia Republicans Moving to End No-Excuse Absentee Voting, Ballot Drop Boxes

Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) expressed outrage over state Republican lawmakers moving to end no-excuse absentee voting, automatic voter registration, and ballot drop boxes, calling the proposals “shameful.” “This is shameful,” the newly-elected senator said of the proposals. “We need to swiftly pass the For The People Act to strengthen access to the ballot and […]

COVID has given Israel an excuse to tighten the blockade of Gaza

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Rand Paul: Dems STOLE Election Using COVID as Excuse to Change Law

Senator Rand Paul accused states of stealing the election for Democrats, claiming they used COVID as an excuse to change election law. In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, Paul was asked about voter fraud, including allegations that over 1,700 voters illegally submitted two ballots in Georgia. [embedded content] “You’d think that all of […]

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