Posts Tagged ‘install’

UK To Install Defibrillators in EVERY School Due to Sudden Rise in Heart Problems

The British government is set to pass a new law that would require all schools to install defibrillators due to the sudden rise in heart problems among fully jabbed children. Wales will become the first […] The post UK To Install Defibrillators in EVERY School Due to Sudden Rise in Heart Problems appeared first on […]

“I’ve Been Totally Ghosted”: After Install, Solar Panels Become Maintenance Nightmare

“I’ve Been Totally Ghosted”: After Install, Solar Panels Become Maintenance Nightmare The green new deal and switch to “alternative’ energy looks like it’s going exactly as planned: costing the taxpayer trillions of dollars and generally pissing everybody off. That was the case with a number of solar panel owners who are now finding it difficult […]


THE Government has passed a bill allowing authorities to use “reasonable force” to enter homes and ensure smart meters are installed. Reporting in The Daily Sceptic, David Craig, author of There is No Climate Crisis, says Britain is set to “create a totalitarian regime which will intrude on people’s lives, restrict people’s freedoms, wreck the economy […]

The EU Wants To Make It Legal To Install Spyware on Journalists’ Devices

In a contentious turn, EU leaders have unveiled draft legislation permitting national security agencies to deploy spyware on journalists’ phones in certain circumstances. The move has obviously triggered an outcry from media and civil society organizations, who argue that the draft European Media Freedom Act could be a perilous weapon against the press. Source

Install a Standby Generator

A power outage can be a major inconvenience to any household and cause problems a generator is designed to solve. The job of a standby generator is to keep the appliances and systems of a house working when the power goes out. When a major power outage occurs, the lights go out, the food in […]


August 13th, 2022 The Irish government is throwing this farmer off his land to install solar panels on this A1 premium crop-growing land. The government’s agenda is obvious to anyone with eyes to see. NETHERLANDS – TRUTH BOMB FROM THIS DUTCH FARMER DUTCH FARMER PROTEST A ‘PEACEFUL HINT OF WHAT’S TO COME’ Share this: Like […]

Sri Lanka opposition aims to install new government after protests force leaders to quit

The president and prime minister agreed to step down after protesters stormed both leaders’ residences on Saturday over the country’s economic chaos. Source

‘Canada Has Morphed Into Cuba’: RCMP Admits They Install Spyware on Citizens’ Devices

In a stunning admission, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have confessed they have installed spyware on Canadians’ devices to obtain audio and visual recordings of citizens without their knowledge. According to Politico, the RCMP […] The post ‘Canada Has Morphed Into Cuba’: RCMP Admits They Install Spyware on Citizens’ Devices appeared first on News […]

Houston Tyranny: Businesses Must Install Surveillance Cams At Own Expense, Cops To View Footage Without Warrant

Tough on crime or just lawless tyrants? The Houston city council has gone completely 1984 by forcing businesses to spend their own money to install high definition security cameras, from which the police can then extract footage without a warrant. This is flatly unconstitutional on several counts and will certainly be challenged in court

New Law Will Install Backdoor ‘Kill Switch’ In All New Cars

Buried deep within the massive infrastructure legislation recently signed by President Joe Biden is a little-noticed “safety” measure that will take effect in five years. Marketed to Congress as a benign tool to help prevent drunk driving, the measure will mandate that automobile manufacturers build into every car what amounts to a “vehicle kill switch.” […]

Satanic Temple to Install ‘Baby Baphomet’ Statue Among Illinois Capitol Holiday Display During Christmas Week

The Satanic Temple is installing a “Baby Baphomet” statue among the Illinois Capitol Rotunda holiday display. The statue will be installed on December 20th at 1 pm. The Satanic Temple recently made headlines for seeking a court declaration to allow abortions for their Texas members, claiming that the laws violate their “religious freedom” to perform “abortion rituals.” In a press […]

Poland-Belarus: Latvia to install temporary fence as migrant crisis escalates

Latvia said it will install a 37 kilometres-long temporary fence on its border with Belarus, which should be completed by next week as the migrant crisis on the Polish border makes headlines. The installation of barbed wire on the Latvian-Belarus border has been delayed because of issues with the company delivering the actual fence. But […]

Washington Cathedral to Install “Racial Justice” Stained Glass Windows

Christianity has long been addling the brains of Europeans, but it has been increasing its anti-White zeal to a fever pitch recently. I have already detailed how White skin is the new “original sin” and how Christianity pushes White guilt non-stop these days. Catholic charities are currently assisting the invasion of the United State by […]

Swiss Citizens Revolt, Install Tables Outside in Front of Bars, Restaurants to Ignore Vax Passports

Swiss Citizens Revolt, Install Tables Outside in Front of Bars, Restaurants to Ignore Vax PassportsDate: September 19, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source: Matt AgoristThroughout Europe, despite their heads of state promising otherwise, countries have begun to roll out vaccine passports. Under the tyrannical measures, citizens must present proof of vaccination, usually on a smartphone, before being allowed in […]

Swiss Citizens Revolt – They Install Tables Outside in Front of Bars & Restaurants to Ignore Vax Passports

Throughout Europe, despite their heads of state promising otherwise, countries have begun to roll out vaccine passports. Under the tyrannical measures, citizens must present proof of vaccination, usually on a smartphone, before being allowed in places like bars, restaurants or social events. Naturally, this attack on the freedom to travel and socialize has sparked massive […]

California’s Christian Nationalists Pushing Recall to Install Right-Wing Governor

California’s religious-right leaders have rallied around an effort to recall the state’s Gov. Gavin Newsom, and many are backing the campaign of right-wing radio host Larry Elder. A group of Christian nationalist and dominionist pastors in California have declared their intention in recent years to transform the state by turning out enough conservative evangelical voters. […]

Cambridge U. to Install Signs Explaining the ‘Whiteness’ of its Roman and Greek Statues

Cambridge University, which was once considered a prestigious institution of higher learning, has decided it needs to contextualize the “Whiteness” of the statues in its Archaeological Museum. Apparently some students were feeling a little uneasy being surrounded by so much White culture, and the University wants people to know that the statues give a “misleading […]

Apple to Install Vaccine Passport Feature on All iPhones

Apple has announced the coming iOS15 update will include a vaccine passport-like feature within the Health app. The new feature will allow users to store their medical records within their phone, which can then be shared to regain access to basic aspects of society, such as travel, work, and entertainment. According to Apple’s website: “Institutions will […]

Is The CIA Looking To Install A New Puppet Palestinian Leader?

Instead of addressing the innumerable Human Rights abuses committed by the Palestinian Authority’s corrupt regime, the CIA may well be preparing to intervene and install a new puppet in order to save Israel from having to confront the costs of maintaining an illegal military occupation in the West Bank. Palestinians across cities in the West […]

Operation to install Jask oil terminal’s 1st SPM system started

TEHRAN- The operation for the installation of the first single point mooring (SPM) system of the Jask crude oil export terminal was started, the operator of Jask oil terminal project in southern Iran announced. Vahid Maleki also said that this project has an over 90 percent progress in the early stage, Pars Oil and Gas […]

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