Posts Tagged ‘ghosted’

“I’ve Been Totally Ghosted”: After Install, Solar Panels Become Maintenance Nightmare

“I’ve Been Totally Ghosted”: After Install, Solar Panels Become Maintenance Nightmare The green new deal and switch to “alternative’ energy looks like it’s going exactly as planned: costing the taxpayer trillions of dollars and generally pissing everybody off. That was the case with a number of solar panel owners who are now finding it difficult […]

Bad-clown Rising – GHOSTED Edition

Co-op Group Urges Help For The ‘Ghosted Generation’ Of Youth

Above Photo: Pupils at the Co-op Academy Walkden in Greater Manchester. Children as young as 10 are afraid the Covid-19 pandemic will set them back for the rest of their lives, a new study from the Co-op Group reveals. The report, the Ghosted Generation, is one of the largest post-pandemic studies of its kind, asking more than […]

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