Posts Tagged ‘sudden’

UK To Install Defibrillators in EVERY School Due to Sudden Rise in Heart Problems

The British government is set to pass a new law that would require all schools to install defibrillators due to the sudden rise in heart problems among fully jabbed children. Wales will become the first […] The post UK To Install Defibrillators in EVERY School Due to Sudden Rise in Heart Problems appeared first on […]

Fully Vaccinated OJ Simpson Dies After Sudden Bout of Cancer

Former Hollywood and football star OJ Simpson, who encouraged his followers to get the Covid mRNA vaccine on social media, has died of cancer at the age of 76. In a statement on X, Simpson’s […] The post Fully Vaccinated OJ Simpson Dies After Sudden Bout of Cancer appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Bill Gates Study ‘Predicts’ Sudden and Irreversible Global Population Collapse

A major new study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that the global population is set to collapse due to “reduced fertility rates” in Western countries. The study, published in the medical journal The Lancet, found that 155 of 204 countries are set to experience population collapse by the year 2050 as fertility rates […]

Healthy Lifestyles Linked To Sudden Surge In Heart Attacks, Scientists Warn

Eating nutritious food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is causing a sudden surge in heart problems, scientists have warned. According to new research published Monday at the American Heart Association’s scientific sessions in Chicago, the […] The post Healthy Lifestyles Linked To Sudden Surge In Heart Attacks, Scientists Warn appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Dr. Pierre Kory Drops “Sudden Death” Bombshell

On the Jimmy Dore show, renowned critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory revealed a disturbing statistic about “sudden” and “unexpected” deaths. Dr. Kory shared an account from a disabled veteran — who suspected he lost some friends due to the COVID-19 shots — conducted a comprehensive analysis of obituaries spanning the last seven years that […]

All Of A Sudden, Leaders All Over The World Are Warning That World War III Is Very Close

    Prominent leaders all over the globe are starting to publicly acknowledge that World War III is coming. In many cases they are expressing hope that it can still be avoided, but that becomes less likely with each passing day. Multiple parties are escalating the conflict in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine […]

The NZ Police made changes to the sudden death reporting form in May 2021, relating specifically to the covid injection

This interesting interview is from Liz Gunn speaking with former Snr Police Constable Dan Picknell. The changes were by verbal order, not officially on paper. The tweaks to the form included the number of covid (experimental) jabs the deceased had received, the time frame for those, the batch numbers, who administered them and the time […]

WEF Warns ‘Climate Change’ Causing Sudden Heart Attack Surge

The World Economic Forum has published a new study claiming that the sudden spike in fatal heart attacks and strokes are caused by ‘man-made climate change.’ The WEF-funded UPenn, which is also financed by Bill […] The post WEF Warns ‘Climate Change’ Causing Sudden Heart Attack Surge appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Top Insurance Execs ‘Alarmed’ by ‘Sudden Surge’ in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People

Executives at the largest insurance companies in the United States say they are ‘alarmed’ at the ‘sudden surge’ in deaths among fully jabbed young people. According to an Oct. 26 report in InsuranceNewsNet, U.S. insurance execuives […] The post Top Insurance Execs ‘Alarmed’ by ‘Sudden Surge’ in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People appeared first on The […]

“Sudden Death” Explosion of People and Children Around the World — This is Genocide! (Video)


Doomsday Prepping Is Trendy All Of A Sudden

Doomsday Prepping Is Trendy All Of A Sudden In the days before Covid, doomsday preppers were ridiculed and shunned as part of the fringe minority. Now, they’re being celebrated with their own spread in the The Wall Street Journal entitled: “Who Counts as a Disaster Prepper These Days? Lots of Us”. In the article, the Journal points out that […]

Sudden Athlete Deaths Over Ten Times Higher Since Vaccine Roll-Out

#ExcessDeaths (August 2023): The  International Olympic Committee reports that between 1966 and 2004, an average of 29 pro athletes each year died suddenly,  “predominantly caused by pre-existing congenital cardiac abnormalities.” But since the COVID vaccine roll-out, over 1,400 pro athletes have died in 2021, 2022, and 2023 alone, as of August 2023. This is an […]

Sudden death didn’t exist until recently

View in browser ALARMING New Data: Just 0.1% of Sudden Deaths Are Unvaxxed Statistics show that over 99.9 percent of sudden deaths are people who were vaccinated, despite only 75% of Americans having received Covid shots. LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY OCT 20 READ IN APP   By Frank Bergman October 19, 2023 An alarming new […]

Former cop, detective reveals that HALF of all SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) cases occur within 48 hours after babies get VACCINATED

(NaturalNews) Investigator Steve Kirsch recently interviewed a former police officer and detective named Jennifer who told him that more than half of all the SIDS… Source

Bill Gates Does Sudden U-Turn; Admits Climate Change Narrative Is False

Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates stunned the world last week when he declared that the official climate change narrative is a life, and the world will not end as a result of climate change. In 2021, […] The post Bill Gates Does Sudden U-Turn; Admits Climate Change Narrative Is False appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative? Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist, and climate alarmist Bill Gates has backtracked on ‘climate doom’ prophecies. The writing is on the wall for the political and financial elites, who have long championed imminent climate doom, realizing that the public sees through the charades.  In 2021, Gates […]

CDC Warns of Sudden Deadly Meat Allergy Sweeping America – Doctors Baffled

The CDC has issued a warning about the ‘sudden’ rise of deadly meat allergies among the American population. The CDC issued an alert about alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) as cases around America are spreading at an […] The post CDC Warns of Sudden Deadly Meat Allergy Sweeping America – Doctors Baffled appeared first on The People's […]

At last, some explanations for all of those sudden deaths!

Can’t of course be the unmentionable ‘safe & effective’ … it’s one or more of the many curious suggestions below … even pickled vegetables. Funny that. EWNZ This is from Mark Crispin Miller @ Substack “Science,” as reported by the press worldwide, offers many explanations for the rising global spike in sudden deaths—”explanations” fashioned to […]

All Of A Sudden, Outbreaks Of Malaria, H5N1, Swine Flu, And Monkeypox Are All In The News…

All Of A Sudden, Outbreaks Of Malaria, H5N1, Swine Flu, And Monkeypox Are All In The News… Date: June 29, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: | NwoReport After a bit of a lull, it appears that pestilences are going to start making headline news once again.  Of course that is the last thing that many […]

Ignoring Experts, China’s Sudden Zero-COVID Exit Cost Lives

Many older people weren’t vaccinated and hospitals didn’t have adequate supplies, reportedly leading to as many as hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths. Source

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