Posts Tagged ‘malaria’

DEPOP OP: Bill Gates once again pushing deadly malaria vaccines on world’s poorest countries

(NaturalNews) In 2024, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is planning to spend more money than ever before on new health “innovations” for the world’s poorest… Source

Cameroon Starts World’s First Malaria Vaccine Program For Children

Cameroon will be the first country to routinely give children a new malaria vaccine as the shots are rolled out in Africa. Source

FLASHBACK: “The presence of elements of HIV and germ of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.” — French virologist & Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier

COVID-19 pandemic In 2020, Montagnier argued that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was man-made in a laboratory and that it might have been the result of an attempt to create a vaccine for HIV/AIDS. His allegation came after the United States had launched a probe into whether the virus came from a laboratory. According to Montagnier, the […]

With malaria cases on the rise, here are some NATURAL ways to prevent mosquito bites

With malaria cases on the rise, here are some NATURAL ways to prevent mosquito bites The latest public health scare to make headlines is malaria, which the powers that be say is spreading in Florida and Texas by infected mosquitoes. With this news comes increased demand for mosquito remediation protocols, including natural remedies. There are […]

Bill Gates, WHO announce plans to send Africa millions of malaria “vaccines” that actually cause an INCREASE in disease

This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2017 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for educational […]

All Of A Sudden, Outbreaks Of Malaria, H5N1, Swine Flu, And Monkeypox Are All In The News…

All Of A Sudden, Outbreaks Of Malaria, H5N1, Swine Flu, And Monkeypox Are All In The News… Date: June 29, 2023Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: | NwoReport After a bit of a lull, it appears that pestilences are going to start making headline news once again.  Of course that is the last thing that many […]

Good News: Malaria cure, solar-powered hospital and which language is best for your mental health

Watch our good news round-up: stories of hope handpicked by our team. Source

App designed to combat malaria Finalist in IBM Watson XPRIZE contest

An app development team, called ZzappMalaria, which developed an app which uses AI to combat malaria, has become one of three finalists in IBM‘s the IBM Watson XPRIZE “AI for Good” challenge, according to a statement by the companyThe team is one only three finalists chosen from 10,000 teams interested and will receive $500,000 to […]

Coronavirus disruption could lead to tens of thousands of malaria deaths in Africa warns WHO

Disruption to malaria treatment caused by the coronavirus pandemic could lead to tens of thousands of malaria deaths, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned. In its world malaria report, the organisation says that at 50% reduction in access to treatments could lead to as many as 100,000 extra deaths from a disease that has […]


This week, Microsoft founder Bill Gates announced the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would invest $1 billion in the fight against malaria. Speaking at the London Malaria Summit on Wednesday, he urged global leaders to unite in fighting the ancient and deadly disease. After more than a decade of dramatic decline drug and insecticide resistance, political […]

Allied Hypocrisy & The Execution Of Dr. Klaus Karl Schilling For Malaria Experiments At Dachau

By John Wear During the Doctors’ Trial at Nuremberg, Dr. Karl Brandt and the other defendants were infuriated at the moral high ground taken by the U.S. prosecution. Evidence showed that the Allies had been engaged in illegal medical experimentation, including poison experiments on condemned prisoners in other countries, and cholera and plague experiments on […]

Chemicals causing malaria outbreaks across Africa as mosquitoes grow increasingly resistant to insecticides

(Natural News) Though it might seem like a rare, foreign disease to many Americans, nearly half of the entire world’s population is at risk of contracting malaria, a serious and sometimes fatal parasitic disease spread by Anopheles mosquitoes. Symptoms vary, and can include less acute conditions like fever, nausea, vomiting and general weakness, or serious, […]

Drones will soon release swarms of sterile male mosquitoes to ‘fight’ Zika and malaria

Drones will soon be used in the battle against malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases like Zika. In an experiment to try and crowd out mosquito populations by using sterile male insects that cannot reproduce, researchers are hoping to bring down their reproduction in Latin America. Large swarms of mosquitoes can be dropped […]

U.S. soldier who murdered Afghan civilians will blame controversial malaria drug

An Army court will decide this week whether to review and perhaps reduce the life sentence of a soldier who massacred Afghan civilians — and in the process it will judge a controversial malaria drug given to troops that is known to cause hallucinations, anxiety and paranoia. Attorneys for Staff Sgt. Robert […]

WHO splurges more on posh travel than it spends on fighting AIDS & malaria – report

According to internal files obtained by the news agency, since 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) has allocated $803 million for travel – approximately $200 million per year. The WHO’s two-billion-dollar annual budget is made up of contributions made by 194 member countries, of which the US is the largest sponsor. UN is an ‘entirely corrupt […]

Mainstream media pushing malaria vaccine while refusing to mention that wormwood herb has a 100% cure rate

(Natural News) Though there is a natural cure for malaria that has been used to successfully treat this disease in the Amazon, China and Africa for thousands of years, it is not this cure that is making headlines internationally, but rather a vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline that will be tested in Malawi, Kenya and Ghana […]

Malaria cure "developed" by academic institute found to have been documented in ancient Chinese Medicine text written over five centuries ago

(Natural News) When dried plant leaves completely cured all 18 malaria patients who were approaching death, it was very encouraging news, but there is one part of this story that no one else reported: the same cure that the academic institute claims to have “developed” has actually been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more […]

World’s first-ever malaria vaccine to be tested on innocent Africans in global depopulation scheme

(Natural News) Clinical trials of the world’s first malaria vaccine are scheduled to begin next year in three African countries – Kenya, Ghana and Malawi – but a number of questions remain regarding the vaccine’s efficacy and whether or not the program is actually part of a globalist-funded depopulation campaign. Despite decades of fighting the […]

Toxic malaria vaccine to be tested in Africa, even after Health Ranger reports on a botanical alternative with an astounding 100% cure rate

(Natural News) Though malaria is a virtually unknown disease to many in the U.S., it is a global menace that affects upwards of 212 million people annually, killing close to half a million in any given year. In the past, the medical approach to the treatment of malaria has been to prescribe a type of […]

Phytomedicine: Critically ill patients with drug-resistant malaria cured using dried leaves of Artemisia annua plant

     When the standard malaria medications failed to help 18 critically ill patients, the attending physician in a Congo clinic acted under the “compassionate use” doctrine and prescribed a not-yet-approved malaria therapy made only from the dried leaves of the Artemisia annua plant. In just five days, all 18 people fully recovered. This small but […]

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