Posts Tagged ‘mosquito’

FDA approves first vaccine for mosquito-born viral disease

The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) approved the first vaccine for the mosquito-born illness chikungunya on Thursday, a key step in fighting the dangerous virus. Chikungunya virus infects more than 300,000 people per year globally, the FDA said, mostly in the global south. The virus has recently become more prevalent in the north, however, leading… […]

A Deployable Mosquito Tech Can Execute, Incapacitate, or Vaccinate & The Age Of Emergency Governance

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/10/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

With malaria cases on the rise, here are some NATURAL ways to prevent mosquito bites

With malaria cases on the rise, here are some NATURAL ways to prevent mosquito bites The latest public health scare to make headlines is malaria, which the powers that be say is spreading in Florida and Texas by infected mosquitoes. With this news comes increased demand for mosquito remediation protocols, including natural remedies. There are […]

Bill Gates’ Colombian ‘Mosquito Factory’ Breeding 30 Million Bacteria-Infected Mosquitos Per Week

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Monster Mosquito–Why the Technology of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes is Dangerous and Should Be Stopped Worldwide

After sparking controversy in other countries including India, the technology of genetically engineered mosquitoes is now leading to widespread protests in Florida USA. Here the  biotechnology giant company Oxitec in collaboration with local officialdom is moving ahead with a pilot project to release millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Monroe County over a period of […]

Mosquito saliva alone triggers unexpected immune response

     Mosquito season is around the corner, bringing with it a higher risk of catching potentially serious diseases transmitted by their bite. Mosquitoes also may increase the severity of the diseases they transmit, and researchers think that mosquito saliva plays an active role in this process. A team of researchers at Baylor College of Medicine […]

GM nightmare unfolds: Humans have created a MONSTER MOSQUITO that can now RESIST the pesticides meant to kill them

(Natural News) Getting bit by mosquitoes is never fun, and it can be downright deadly if they happen to be carrying diseases like malaria. Mankind’s quest to keep this nuisance under control, however well-meaning it may be, appears to have had the opposite of its intended effect as a new study shows how mosquitoes have […]

Twitter bites back: Mosquito killer banned for posting bloody death pic

Twitter permanently deactivated the Japanese man’s Twitter account after he tweeted about a mosquito he killed, complete with a photo of the dead insect. The man wrote from his Nemuismywife account: “Where do you get off biting me all over while I’m just trying to relax and watch TV? Die! (Actually you’re already dead).” Before […]

Holistic MD in Florida Files Lawsuit to Stop Mosquito Spraying and He’s Mad As Hell

UPDATE: I spoke with Dr Hall by phone to get an update on the case.  I was told the judge didn’t even allegedly read the lawsuit, but haven’t talked to the judge to ask him (nor doubt he’d talk with me) Dr Hall and I talked at length today about the dangers of naled going way […]

90 Percent Of Public Lacks Trust In US Political System

Print Friendly Above Photo: © AP Photo/Matt Rourke Seventy percent of Americans say they feel frustrated about this year’s presidential election, including roughly equal proportions of Democrats and Republicans, according to a recent national poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. More than half feel helpless and a similar percent are angry. […]

U.S. Tells Google Computers Can Qualify as Drivers

U.S. Tells Google Computers Can Qualify as Drivers February 9th, 2016 Via: Reuters: U.S. vehicle safety regulators have said the artificial intelligence system piloting a self-driving Google car could be considered the driver under federal law, a major step toward ultimately winning approval for […]

Alaskan trout choose early retirement over risky ocean-going career

Dolly Varden was consuming eggs during sockeye spawning in Chinkelyes Creek, Alaska. Credit: Morgan Bond Even fish look forward to retirement. After making an exhausting migration from river to ocean and back to river—often multiple years in a row—one species of Alaskan trout decides to call it quits and retire from migrating once they are […]

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