Posts Tagged ‘triggers’

“Day of Rage” proclamation by former Hamas leader triggers fear, anxiety among Jewish communities in NYC

(NaturalNews) The “Day of Rage” proclamation issued by a former leader of the Hamas terrorist group has sent waves of fear and anxiety among Jews living in New… Source

Mexico’s Plan to Slash Glyphosate Imports Triggers ‘Firestorm of Industry Opposition’ in U.S.

Mexico’s Plan to Slash Glyphosate Imports Triggers ‘Firestorm of Industry Opposition’ in U.S. Amid a high-stakes standoff with U.S. trade officials over favored American agricultural products, Mexico is slashing the amount of glyphosate allowed to be imported into the country by 50% for 2023. By    Carey Gillam   Miss a day, miss a lot. […]

Alleged leak of Ukraine war intelligence documents triggers US investigation

The images of alleged US documents, widely shared on social media Friday and seen by Euronews, might have been tampered with, officials warn. Source

‘Extreme violence’ triggers hunger strike at Greek detention centre

Strikers accuse authorities of denying inmates adequate food, hot water and medicine, while housing them in filthy cells infested with cockroaches. Source

Elon Musk Triggers Deep State Operative With ‘Prosecute Fauci’ Tweet

Amid his ongoing publishing of details of Twitter 1.0’s vast censorship program and intimate relationship with Biden government intelligence officials, Elon Musk further triggered leftists and one notorious deep state operative with a five word tweet. Source

Egypt presidency buys new plane for $500m, triggers controversy

The Egyptian president has purchased a new presidential jumbo jet at the cost of $500 million, triggering fierce debate on social media over the timing of the purchase, which comes amidst a severe economic crisis. Egypt has been struggling to generate foreign currency for imports and to tackle inflation, which has been hitting the country hard for […]

War in Ukraine Triggers the End of the Unipolar World

If the West – the US and EU – planned to “isolate” Russia following the latter’s military operation in Ukraine, that plan has clearly failed. Russia was duly represented at the recently concluded ministerial meeting of the G20 in Bali, Indonesia. The fact that Indonesia, instead of bowing down to the US pressure to force […]

Yosemite National Park fire triggers state of emergency in California

A fast-moving bush fire – the size of 144 football fields – has forced thousands of Californians to flee, as a state of emergency is declared. Source

Blair’s knighthood triggers public outrage

Blair’s knighthood triggers public outrage – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN- More than one million people have signed a petition calling for former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair to have his controversial knighthood removed with the number rising literally by the minute. The fact that the knighthood was announced on New Year Eve, and the petition has reached […]

Explosive Rise in Ontario Stillbirths Triggers Parliamentary Questions, Denials From Government

Questions were raised in Ontario’s Parliament by MPP Rick Nicholls about the explosive rise of stillbirths among fully vaccinated women in the country. Nicholls gave an example of Waterloo, Ontario where 86 cases of stillbirths have been reported in six months, compared to typically five to six per year. “But now Minister, I shed tears of sorrow. […]

Dow posts biggest single-day drop this year as new COVID-19 variant triggers market sell-off

U.S. stocks suffered from some of the biggest single-day declines of the year on Friday as a new, fast-spreading COVID-19 variant detected in South Africa triggered fresh fears that a resurgent coronavirus could scuttle the global economy’s recovery from the pandemic.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average – after briefly falling more than 1,000 points – ended the […]

China-Based Developer Says Bond Default Triggers Earlier Repayment Deadlines, Pulls Dividend

Men work at the construction site of a highrise building in Beijing, China, on Oct. 18, 2021. (Thomas Peter/Reuters) Chinese developer Modern Land (China) said on Monday a default on a bond repayment last week has pulled forward repayment dates for a further $321 million worth of notes, and the company withdrew an interim dividend […]

Submarine Deal Triggers a Crisis in NATO

France’s decision to call back its ambassadors from the US and Australia over the latter’s decision to cancel its deal with France and buy nuclear-powered submarines from the US has triggered a crisis in NATO. French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called the turn of events a stab in the back. “We had established […]

Trudeau triggers Canadian election, voting day Sept. 20

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau triggered an election Sunday as he seeks to capitalise on Canada being one of the most fully vaccinated countries in the world. Trudeau announced the election would be held on Sept. 20 after visiting the governor-general, who holds a mostly ceremonial position representing Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II as head of […]

US Flight from Afghanistan Triggers Another Humanitarian Crisis

The US flight from Afghanistan could trigger another humanitarian crisis, Swedish Svenska Dagbladet writes. A Spokesperson for the US Department of State Ned Price said the other day about the growing threat of civil war and crisis in Afghanistan. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated the complete failure of the US mission in Afghanistan […]

COVER-UP: Mass Vaccination Triggers Spike in Cases, Deaths

COVER-UP: Mass Vaccination Triggers Spike in Cases, Deaths The Smoking Man Source – “…WTF!?! So, the FDA KNEW that vaccinated people were more likely to contract COVID than those in the placebo group, but they approved the vaccines anyway?!? Is that criminal negligence or just plain old stupidity?” Mass Vaccination Triggers Spike in Cases, […]

Strong Earthquake Hits Off Japan Coast, Triggers Mass Blackouts

TOKYO, Feb 13 (Reuters) – A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.1 hit off the coast of eastern Japan on Saturday, shaking buildings and triggering widespread blackouts, but there appeared to be no major damage and no tsunami warning was issued. The epicentre of the earthquake was off the coast of Fukushima prefecture […]

Himalayan glacier collapse triggers flood of mud and water with 150 feared dead

Up to 150 people are feared dead after a mountain glacier in the Indian Himalayas broke away, sending a deluge of water and debris crashing into nearby dams and homes. The devastation was triggered by a portion of the Nanda Devi glacier breaking off, which sent water and mud trapped behind it surging down the […]

Greta Thunberg Triggers Criminal Investigation In India After Twitter Debacle

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg posted a document to Twitter containing tweets that she was told to post and actions she should take regarding the current protests in India. She quickly deleted the tweet. — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 3, 2021 The “toolkit” of suggested content gave a series of tips on what to post, […]

Americans Filmed Living Life Normally In Naples, Florida Triggers Outrage On Twitter

By Chris Menahan There is nothing more infuriating for the Twitterati than to see happy, smiling people enjoying life without crippling, media-induced neuroses. As #Flordia fights community spread of COVID on a massive scale, this is a 15-second snapshot of a supermarket in Naples. Many employees and customers- even older ones- with no masks on […]

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