Posts Tagged ‘presidency’

How Congress would decide the presidency if there’s an Electoral College tie

A tie in the Electoral College in November is a very real possibility — and it could even end with a new President Trump and a new Vice President Harris sharing power. The odds are unprecedented in modern history, but the setup of the country’s electoral system and the fact that a nail-biter election is… […]

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States. Source

1 – How to Win the US Presidency

The upcoming elections have never been more important. Again. JOHN DROZ JR. JAN 11, 2024 {This is the first installment of a four part series on the upcoming 2024 US elections.} There are few things more important for us to apply Critical Thinking to than who we should elect as our next President. My take […]

Blair Gaza plan is to ‘complete Balfour Declaration’, presidency warns

January 1, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Palestinian presidency expresses strong rejection of the Israeli plot to forcibly displace Palestinians in a plan to be executed by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. The Palestinian Presidency warned of attempts to “complete the Balfour Declaration” after reports that the Israeli occupation entity delegated […]

Anticipating a New Trump Presidency, US Congress Bars Future Presidents from Withdrawing from NATO

Congress has just approved legislation that would stop any president from withdrawing the United States from NATO without approval from the Senate or an Act of Congress, The Hill reports. “The measure, spearheaded by Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), was included in the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which passed out of […]

Benjamin Netanyahu is using Joe Biden, and it could well cost Biden his presidency

There are many failures in the U.S. mainstream media’s coverage of the latest crisis in Israel/Palestine. But one of the greatest examples of malpractice is that the mainstream media continue to ignore the hard fact that Benjamin Netanyahu is using Joe Biden for his own selfish reasons, an unpleasant truth that could lure the U.S. […]

Over 10 Million Estimated to Have Illegally Entered the US Since Biden’s Presidency

More than 10 million individuals may have illegally entered the United States since President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021, as reported by the Center Square, a conservative US-based website. Since the outset of his presidency, President Biden’s border policy has faced intense criticism, as it witnessed a sudden surge of migrants crossing the […]

RFK Jr. Officially Announces His Run for the Presidency as an Independent

A true three-way race is officially underway, as Robert Kennedy Jr. just made a major announcement in Philadelphia. In September, Kennedy asserted that the DNC’s dominance with super delegates and automatic delegates creates a near-impossible scenario for anyone but Biden to clinch the nomination. In order to triumph, Kennedy said he would need to win […]

Al-Assad to visit China at Xi’s invitation: Syrian Presidency

19 Sep 2023 15:46 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Syrian Presidency confirms that President Bashar al-Assad and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will hold a Syrian-Chinese summit. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will visit China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the office of the Syrian President confirmed on Tuesday. Earlier in […]

Kim Jong Un To Hold Talks With Vladimir Putin Soon, Russia’s Presidency Office Confirms

The two leaders are expected to discuss North Korean supplies to assist Russia in its ongoing war in Ukraine. Source

‘Sickening’ Tape That Will End Biden’s Presidency To Be Released Soon: Newsmax Host

Newsmax host Greg Kelly claimed that a ‘”sickening” tape containing “incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption” exists and will soon be released to the public in the coming weeks. According to Kelly, the tape is […] The post ‘Sickening’ Tape That Will End Biden’s Presidency To Be Released Soon: Newsmax Host appeared first on The […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Retribution Presidency

Charlie Kirk declares that “Trump 2.0 will be a retribution presidency.” Dalton Clodfelter asserts that “the country would be better off if President Trump was a monarch.” Neo-Nazi Ryan Sanchez, who posts under the name “Culture War Criminal,” praises “hero Kyle Rittenhouse” for having “liquidated two Jewish Antifa terrorists and wounded a third in Kenosha, […]

Russian shelling kills six in Kostiantynivka, Ukrainian presidency says

The industrial hub is some 20 kilometres west of the embattled city of Bakhmut Source

DeSantis Boasts He Can ‘Win Presidency’ Now That Trump Is Getting Arrested

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has boasted that he has a clear path to presidential victory now that President Trump is about to be arrested. In a sit-down interview with Piers Morgan that airs Thursday, DeSantis […] The post DeSantis Boasts He Can ‘Win Presidency’ Now That Trump Is Getting Arrested appeared first on News Punch. […]

Archive video: Moments from Jimmy Carter’s presidency

Archive video: Moments from Jimmy Carter’s presidency lead image Source

New Report Indicates Biden ‘Quiet Quit’ The Presidency Months Ago

WASHINGTON, DC — An anonymous White House aide has leaked sensitive information which confirms the validity of rumors that have long been circulating throughout the nation’s capital: Joe Biden “quiet quit” the presidency several months ago. “I first became suspicious after his fifty-fourth vacation,” said the anonymous tipster. “I only get two weeks a year!” […]

New Report Indicates Biden ‘Quiet Quit’ The Presidency Months Ago

WASHINGTON, DC — An anonymous White House aide has leaked sensitive information which confirms the validity of rumors that have long been circulating throughout the nation’s capital: Joe Biden “quiet quit” the presidency several months ago. “I first became suspicious after his fifty-fourth vacation,” said the anonymous tipster. “I only get two weeks a year!” […]

Report: Biden Has Spent 40% Of His Presidency On Vacation

Following Joe Biden’s Darth Brandon’s official declaration from the bowels of hell that half of all voters in America are dangerous extremists, MSNBC fell in line behind their dear leader, with one pundit proclaiming that Republicans are “evil” and that “we are at war”. MSNBC host Tiffany Cross used her platform to hammer home the […]

Report: Biden Has Spent 40% Of His Presidency On Vacation

Following Joe Biden’s Darth Brandon’s official declaration from the bowels of hell that half of all voters in America are dangerous extremists, MSNBC fell in line behind their dear leader, with one pundit proclaiming that Republicans are “evil” and that “we are at war”. MSNBC host Tiffany Cross used her platform to hammer home the […]

Egypt presidency buys new plane for $500m, triggers controversy

The Egyptian president has purchased a new presidential jumbo jet at the cost of $500 million, triggering fierce debate on social media over the timing of the purchase, which comes amidst a severe economic crisis. Egypt has been struggling to generate foreign currency for imports and to tackle inflation, which has been hitting the country hard for […]

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