Posts Tagged ‘elements’

EU Forced To Scrap Key Elements of Green Agenda Amid Farmers Protests

The uprisings among farmers across Europe have forced the globalist European Union leadership in Brussels to back down from key elements to its green agenda to achieve “net zero” emissions. At least for now….. Following […] The post EU Forced To Scrap Key Elements of Green Agenda Amid Farmers Protests appeared first on The People's […]

FLASHBACK: “The presence of elements of HIV and germ of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.” — French virologist & Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier

COVID-19 pandemic In 2020, Montagnier argued that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was man-made in a laboratory and that it might have been the result of an attempt to create a vaccine for HIV/AIDS. His allegation came after the United States had launched a probe into whether the virus came from a laboratory. According to Montagnier, the […]

Globalist ‘death cult’ launches all-out war on the essential elements of life: MUST-WATCH VIDEO

(Natural News) The globalist assault on life is ratcheting up and attacking from all angles, like never before. This should signal us that we are in the end times and the enemy has triggered his end-game scenario. In baseball, you always save your best pitcher for the last inning, when you need to close the […]

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

Sunday, August 28, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: agriculture, badclimate, badhealth, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon tax, Censored Science, Climate, climate alarmism, crops, deep state, depopulation, elements of life, environment, famine, fertilizer, Fertilizers, food supply, fuel supply, geoengineering, Global Elite, globalists, great reset, harvest, human population, livestock, Nitrogen, nitrogren, photosynthesis, plant life, pollution, propaganda, psychopaths, […]

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

Sunday, August 28, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: agriculture, badclimate, badhealth, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon tax, Censored Science, Climate, climate alarmism, crops, deep state, depopulation, elements of life, environment, famine, fertilizer, Fertilizers, food supply, fuel supply, geoengineering, Global Elite, globalists, great reset, harvest, human population, livestock, Nitrogen, nitrogren, photosynthesis, plant life, pollution, propaganda, psychopaths, […]

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

Sunday, August 28, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: agriculture, badclimate, badhealth, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon tax, Censored Science, Climate, climate alarmism, crops, deep state, depopulation, elements of life, environment, famine, fertilizer, Fertilizers, food supply, fuel supply, geoengineering, Global Elite, globalists, great reset, harvest, human population, livestock, Nitrogen, nitrogren, photosynthesis, plant life, pollution, propaganda, psychopaths, […]

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

Sunday, August 28, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: agriculture, badclimate, badhealth, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon tax, Censored Science, Climate, climate alarmism, crops, deep state, depopulation, elements of life, environment, famine, fertilizer, Fertilizers, food supply, fuel supply, geoengineering, Global Elite, globalists, great reset, harvest, human population, livestock, Nitrogen, nitrogren, photosynthesis, plant life, pollution, propaganda, psychopaths, […]

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

Sunday, August 28, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: agriculture, badclimate, badhealth, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon tax, Censored Science, Climate, climate alarmism, crops, deep state, depopulation, elements of life, environment, famine, fertilizer, Fertilizers, food supply, fuel supply, geoengineering, Global Elite, globalists, great reset, harvest, human population, livestock, Nitrogen, nitrogren, photosynthesis, plant life, pollution, propaganda, psychopaths, […]

Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life

Sunday, August 28, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: agriculture, badclimate, badhealth, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon tax, Censored Science, Climate, climate alarmism, crops, deep state, depopulation, elements of life, environment, famine, fertilizer, Fertilizers, food supply, fuel supply, geoengineering, Global Elite, globalists, great reset, harvest, human population, livestock, Nitrogen, nitrogren, photosynthesis, plant life, pollution, propaganda, psychopaths, […]

Middle Class Hindus Need To Speak Up Even As Fringe Elements Call The Shots

by P.S. Sahni & Shobha Aggarwal   Presently India is fast galloping towards a fascist Hindu state. The Muslim, Sikh, Christian minorities as also the Tribals and Dalits in India are facing threats to their very existence and don’t feel safe anymore. The dilemma in which middle class Hindus find themselves today is no different […]

Cultural heritage elements added to national list

TEHRAN – A total of nine cultural elements, which are practiced in Kerman province, have recently been added to the National Intangible Cultural Heritage list. The Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts on Saturday announced the inscriptions in separate letters it submitted to the governor-general of the southern province, CHTN reported. The skill of […]

What Elements of The Lockdown/Vaccine Resistance Are Reminiscent of QAnon’s “Trust the Plan”? Mallificus Scott REAL MEDIA

In today’s show originally broadcast on July 26 2021, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “What Elements Of The Lockdown/Vaccine Resistance Are Reminiscent Of QAnon’s Trust The Plan?” We discussed: the Gabriel Rossi TikTok video that we played during the show intro segment; Eric Clapton’s views on the […]

ACH (1566) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #32 – What Elements Of The Lockdown/Vaccine Resistance Are Reminiscent Of QAnon’s Trust The Plan?

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1566) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #32 – What Elements Of The Lockdown/Vaccine Resistance Are Reminiscent Of QAnon’s Trust The Plan? Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on July 26 2021, Andy presents “The Limeys” with […]

Iran eyes UNESCO status for five intangible elements

TEHRAN – Iran seeks to register five intangible elements on UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in near future, Mehr reported on Tuesday. The country has recently submitted [revised] dossiers for the ancient festivities of Mehregan and Yalda,  crafting and playing [the stringed instrument of] the Oud, traditional craft of silk spinning, and […]

Four Key Elements Of “True Love” According To The Teaching of The Buddha

The Facts: A few years ago researchers discovered that memory can be transferred between, in this case, snails. The research changed the standard theory of memory and thoughts about how the brain remembers. Reflect On: How much do we have yet to discover? Are we even physical beings? Could memories be stored beyond the physical […]

Ancient rituals, elements  added to Iran’s intangible cultural heritage list

TEHRAN – Ancient rituals dedicated to water thanksgiving, and Eid al-Adha (Eid Qurban), along with four other cultural elements, all practiced in the western province of Kermanshah, have been registered in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage list.  The Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts on Wednesday announced the inscriptions in a letter it submitted […]

US Legislators Condemn Antisemitic Elements Among Capitol Hill Mob as Congresswoman Apologizes for Hitler Comment

Police fire tear gas at supporters of President Trump as they attempt to storm Capitol Hill. Photo: Reuters/Leah Millis. Two US legislators on Friday forthrightly condemned the display of antisemitic slogans and symbols by some elements of the mob that stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday in a bid to forcibly prevent the certification of Joe […]

Elements behind Fakhrizadeh assassination, Natanz attack are the same: Iran

TEHRAN — Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has said the elements behind the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and the act of sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility are the same. “Their footprint is clearly seen in different incidents,” Behrooz Kamalvandi said on Saturday, Tasnim reported. Fakhrizadeh, who headed the research and […]

It Would Be Great to Defeat These Corrupt Elements Against Trump Although Covid Hoax Vaccine is Not Good Nor Zionism & Rothschild ZIONIST Israel

President Donald J. Trump listens as Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks Friday, Nov. 13, 2020, during an update of Operation Warp Speed in the Rose Garden of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Delano Scott) By Barbara Boyd While the November 24 mainstream media spouted the Deep State’s unhinged fantasies about how […]

Sale of F-35, other ‘elements’ to UAE still ‘on the table’, says U.S. official

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