Archive for the ‘Corporations’ Category

Corporations that pay their executives more than Uncle Sam

Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they’re paying Uncle Sam.  Tesla is perhaps the most dramatic example. Over the period 2018-2022, the electric car maker raked in $4.4 billion in profits but […]


As we close the door on the year 2023 and look to a new year in front of us and interesting times that lay ahead. Let us hope that people are not so naive as they now know better; the world is not like we thought it was; from our comfort zone and it has […]

11 Of The Most Faked Foods In The World | Big Business | Insider Business

Hate to break it to you, but your truffle oil wasn’t made from truffles. Your vanilla extract? Well, that’s probably just a lab-made derivative of crude oil. And your shaker of Parmesan cheese? It probably has wood pulp inside. You might feel the companies behind these food products are using deceptive packaging — but it’s legal. […]

Told “never to discuss side effects” – a Big Pharma whistle blower – now deceased – made shocking revelations on the industry

The pharmaceutical industry is now turning its attention to children said this Big Pharma whistle blower, because the baby boomers are dying out. This is why the upsurge in children’s ‘diseases’ and ‘disorders’ he said. This is a must watch video featuring the late Dr. John Rengen Virapen who also wrote books on the pharmaceutical […]

Mexico Threatens to BAN Sales of Samsung, Motorola After Companies Blocks People’s Phones

In recent months, an unusually high number of mobile manufacturers have proposed to combat the gray market for mobile equipment in Mexico, through the blocking of cell phones not approved by the regulator of that country, and that were acquired from suppliers—and importers— unofficial. Among the companies that joined this initiative are ZTE , Motorola […]

How Corporations Rule the World

The Real News Network The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world’s people, […]

The Great Oil Conspiracy: It has been known since the end of WWII that oil is not a fossil fuel; it is abiotic

There are two basic theories for the origin of crude oil: biotic and abiotic. The origin of petroleum or natural gas may seem like a strange debate to have but determining whether this fuel is a fossil fuel or not is important. If these fuels are truly fossil fuels, then they are limited in supply […]

Forestry companies buying vast amounts of New Zealand’s land

From Originally posted here in 2020 … note the role of forestry going forwards. The Gabrielle floods & the devastation they caused. The poisoning of the land. The sucking up of our water resources. Barry Smith (NZ evangelist, investigative journalist) cited long ago, ’80s and earlier, that NZ was marked out for pine trees. […]

What your doctor may not tell you about oral contraceptives and depression

(From NaturalHealth365)  In a world where contraception is often viewed as a fundamental aspect of women’s reproductive health, examining the impact of various birth control methods on physical and mental well-being is crucial.  For example, startling statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shed light on the widespread use of oral […]

How the modern corporation was invented in England – a power grab to this day

From The joint-stock corporation is an economic instrument which, in its modern form, was established in England—and it was here, too, that the company became unleashed from the state and began a power grab which continues to this day. During a period of rapid commercial growth in 16th century England, the Muscovy Company was granted […]

Chemically poisoning you isn’t new: Witness Ivon Watkins Dow & Dioxin in NZ

A repost and update of this old article from 2017. The video was censored from NZ television. Dioxin is featuring right now with the train spill in the US and the town of Palestine in Ohio. It has all the appearances of cover up of course. Listen to this young woman speaking out on that. […]

10 hazardous food additives that are banned in Europe but completely legal in the US — including suspected carcinogens and chemicals linked to low sperm counts

From to flying cuttlefish picayune for this link) Americans may be unwittingly exposed to carcinogens and harmful chemicals in their food because of lax food ingredient laws  It might surprise many Americans that food manufacturers are technically allowed to infuse products with additives that are banned in many parts of the world because they […]

NZ Streams Drying Up Under Onslaught of Pine Trees

Damaging the environment in more ways than one witness the recent flooding on the East Coast & Hawke’s Bay. So much for the ‘sustainable development’ rhetoric spouted by our government and councils. EWR From NZFFA by Ben Hope Late last year, research commissioned by Federated Farmers and Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ), found 54 […]

Surprising facts (and cover up) about copper (Wally Richards)

On a brighter note (well kind of) with impending storms and things on the horizon … latest from Wally Richards … EWR Recently a reader sent me an article which I found very interesting so I will share this with you…….. Iron gardening tools versus copper gardening tools: What we were never taught. Iron or […]

The trend to allow a Pharma-controlled govt to silence your doctor & dictate basic components of your medical care is happening globally

From NOTE: Due to censorship Dr Mercola’s articles are archived to paid sub soon after publication, in which case the source link may no longer work. The article however is republished here in its entirety. EWR Story at-a-glance In the U.S., 1 in 5 prescriptions is written for an off-label use.1 While sometimes this allows […]

New Study: Ultraprocessed foods DESTROY your Brain and give you DEMENTIA

Not a surprise, but another reason for you and your family to avoid these toxic foods… Article:… Dr Dhand METHOD Online School. BEAT the Establishment that makes you Sick : Uncensored Awakened Community on Locals: Source

How Government Regulation of Therapeutic Products Will Work in Practice …it is designed to unleash a tsunami of biotechnology and synthetic food (Hatchard)

The New Zealand government is introducing the Therapeutic Products Bill, which is an omnibus piece of legislation controlling, among many other things, the availability of Natural Health Products and the introduction of biotech medical interventions. Given our experience of the last three pandemic years, we should be doubting the capacity of governments to protect our […]

CEO of major food brand issues dire warning

From Canada: no grains because CO2 Ireland: Kill sheep because CO2 Australia: total control over food Food Plant Fires Conspiracy” SOURCE Source

CLAIM: Coca-Cola paid NAACP to call scientists who link soda pop to obesity “racist”

A former lobbyist at Coca-Cola has come forward with bombshell information about the junk food corporation’s deceptive, racist, and potentially criminal behavior. Calley Means, who worked on behalf of The Coca-Cola Company in years past, says the multinational purveyor of poison “food” paid the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) to slander […]

Obesity and corporate greed | DW Documentary

Not to spoil your holiday season, but a good reminder of how the system actually works against you. Being corporately controlled of course it’s inevitable. So is emphasized the need to be proactive. It was by falling ill that I suddenly had time to explore the vagaries and dishonesty of the corporation that is in […]

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