Posts Tagged ‘unleash’

Jewish law firms unleash LAWFARE against Palestinian groups in America, labeling them all terrorists

(NaturalNews) Upset about the students, professors and faculty members at United States college and university campuses who are protesting against Israel’s actions… Source

“Over 98%” of world’s central banks are preparing to unleash the global cashless society

(NaturalNews) There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.In a new report,… Source

Israel Vows To ‘Unleash Hell on Iran’ Following Attack

Israel has vowed to ‘unleash hell on Iran’ following Iran’s drone and missile attack over the weekend. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on Monday warned the Iranian attack, which was the first ever on Israel launched from Iranian soil, “will be met with a response.” BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon An expert has issued a chilling warning about the looming specter of nuclear war, asserting that regardless of its origin, the catastrophic outcome remains the same: total annihilation. Annie Jacobsen, renowned for her insightful books on America’s military, including explorations of […]

Medvedev says Russia will unleash Nuclear Apocalypse on NATO if Attacked

Not for the first time, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that a direct war between Moscow forces and NATO would lead to nuclear apocalypse. The current deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council issued the warning on Telegram Wednesday, in response to recent statements and reports that some European leaders are telling their populations […]

Wildfires unleash deadly air crisis as Western USA chokes on toxic smoke surge

Rising wildfire smoke nullifies decades of air quality gains. Source

Israeli blockade in Gaza threatens to unleash cholera, other infectious disease OUTBREAKS

(NaturalNews) Now that there is no more water, fuel, electricity, food, or medicine flowing into Gaza – Israel cut them off after the October 7 Hamas attack –… Source

Lobbyist-turned-novelist set to unleash ‘A Feeding Frenzy in Washington’

A Washington lobbyist-turned-congressional candidate-turned author is having a feeding frenzy with what goes down on Capitol Hill, releasing a new book his team calls a “laugh-filled work of fiction that exposes how Congress really works.” George Franklin spent decades in the halls of the Capitol as the Kellogg Company’s vice president of worldwide government affairs.… […]

Shocking science paper explains how 5G cell signals can unleash KILL VECTOR PAYLOADS in the human body

VIEW AT THE LINK RELATED: Mobile phone signals can be used to release drugs from graphene oxide that has been injected into our bodies Source

Police Shooting Of Black Pregnant Woman In Ohio Could Unleash New BLM Protests, Mayhem

(ZH) As we have been documenting, now that the country is poised to enter a highly charged 2024 Source

Will the Turkish Earthquake Unleash Science from the Shackles of the Statisticians?

“Can we forecast earthquakes? No. Neither the United States Geology Survey (USGS) nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future.” -United States Geology Survey website On the morning of February 6, 2023 the people […]

How Government Regulation of Therapeutic Products Will Work in Practice …it is designed to unleash a tsunami of biotechnology and synthetic food (Hatchard)

The New Zealand government is introducing the Therapeutic Products Bill, which is an omnibus piece of legislation controlling, among many other things, the availability of Natural Health Products and the introduction of biotech medical interventions. Given our experience of the last three pandemic years, we should be doubting the capacity of governments to protect our […]

World Economic Forum says the only way to “save humanity” is to unleash the pedophiles

Help depopulate the world. EXECUTE PEDOPHILE BABY RAPERS! The Ole Dog! In order to make the world a better place, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants the nations of the world to legalize or at least decriminalize pedophilia, which the globalists are now referring to as “age gap love.” To criminalize the sexual molestation of […]

New WHO pandemic treaty in final stages, would unleash medical dictatorship

Today we bring you a truly bombshell interview and critical story about the WHO’s new pandemic treaty which is specifically written to overrule the United States Constitution and all domestic laws in every nation, worldwide. How do we know this? Because treaty expert Dr. Francis Boyle studied the proposed treaty language and lays it all […]

Escobar: Terror On Crimea Bridge Forces Russia To Unleash Shock’n’Awe

Russian President Vladimir Putin neatly summarized it: “This is a terrorist attack aimed at destroying the critical civilian infrastructure of the Russian Federation.” The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, confirmed face-to-face with Putin that Terror on the Bridge was carried out by the SBU – Ukrainian special services. Bastrykin told Putin, “we have already […]

Fulani Militants Unleash Terror on Nigeria’s Christians

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Attacks Continue Unabated as Government Turns a Blind Eye  01/11/2022 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) –Fulani militants killed 28-year-old Stephen Monday and injured his wife, Ejoma, while the couple was walking to their farmland on January 10.  “Fulani militants attacked and ambushed two people on their way to farm at Ancha village,” reported […]

A Prominent Virologist Warns COVID Pill Could Unleash Dangerous Mutants

Science reported: The first oral antiviral for treating COVID-19, Merck & Co.’s Molnupiravir, received approval from the U.K. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency on 4 November. But the approval, for people at high risk of severe disease, comes as a prominent virologist has suggested using Molnupiravir could do far more harm than good, potentially unleashing […]

Hackers To Unleash Killware — And It’s as Bad as It Sounds

(USA Today) — Even as most Americans are still learning about the hacking-for-cash crime of ransomware, the nation’s top homeland security official is worried about an even more dire digital danger: killware, or cyberattacks that can literally end lives. The Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in April galvanized the public’s attention because of its consumer-related complications, […]

The Criminal Case Against Fauci, Biden to Unleash COVID Vaccine Gestapo

As the Fauci Emails so far yield little and calls from the right for his criminal prosecution center mainly on his role in funding banned gain-of-function research which, according to Chinese dissident virologist Li-Meng Yan, turned a difficult-to-transmit bat virus into a bio-weapon against the US, Fauci’s culpability for US deaths does not end there. […]

As mob of Jewish supremacists unleash ‘pogrom’ against Palestinians in Jerusalem– AIPAC crows about 331 Congress members standing by Israel

There are horrifying images from Jerusalem last night of a mob of racist Jews chanting that the city belongs to them and Arabs should burn. The young American Jewish group “IfNotNow” labeled the mob a “pogrom,” in another assertion of moral leadership over community elders who ignore the violence. “Hundreds of Jewish supremacists march in […]

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