Posts Tagged ‘forum’

Nigel Farage vows to break U.K.’s ties to World Economic Forum if his party takes control of British government

(NaturalNews) Politician and activist Nigel Farage has promised to break the United Kingdom’s connection to globalist Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) if… Source

World Economic Forum Declares “Disinformation” to be the World’s Greatest Threat

The World Economic Forum has surveyed the world’s experts and issued its 2024 “Global Risks Report.” The international elite of experts have declared that the number one threat to humanity is not terrorism or pandemic or even climate change (which is second), but “misinformation and disinformation.” Of course, that means that the only hope for […]

This is how the World Economic Forum, UN, WHO and the Chinese Communist Party Collapse Countries…

And the Holiday Sale for lifesaving products that they do NOT want you to have access to continues… Source

World Economic Forum Stripped Naked

18 dec 2023 Dr Vernon Coleman (Taken from `Their Terrifying Plan’ by Vernon Coleman.) The World Economic Forum (pompously and arrogantly announced as ‘Committed to Improving the State of the World’) was set up in 1971 by a man called Klaus Schwab, though the organisation wasn’t called that then. When Schwab began what was to […]

Iran Chairs U.N. Human Rights Forum One Month After Hamas Atrocities

Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, will become the chair of the U.N. Human rights Council Social Forum on Thursday. Source

World Economic Forum Calls For “Collective Action” To Fight “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”

First, they purposefully destroy something, and then they want to “get the contract” to rebuild it. Would you trust somebody with the job – if the above statement referred to, say, your house? Source

A Gentleman’s Guide to Trolls, Bots, Sealions, Forum Spies and Other Pests – #SolutionsWatch

Let’s face it: comments often suck. And who’s to say they’re even real? But what’s the solution to these crappy communications? Well, don’t read the comments, of course. But if you do decide to wage into the the infowar battlespace that is the comments section, then at the very least you need to arm yourself […]

G77: A forum for global equality

September 15, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Sammy Ismail The G77 effectively serves as the plenary body uniting the nations of the Global South to realize the common interests of states in the G77 coalition. Friday will see the G77+ China summit convening in Havana. Themed “Addressing Contemporary Development Challenges: Harnessing the Power of Science, […]

Tutsie Gabby, THE WORLD FORUM Bimbo Who Never Met A Child From A Foreign Land She Did Not Vote To Fund US Military To Blow To Bits: ‘Associated Propaganda,’ is ‘completely aligned’ with the Democrat elite

Tutsie Gabby, who never met a kid from a country which did not do exactly as ordered by Uncle sugar which she did not vote to fund the US Military to blow to bits, says the MSM (AP) which promotes her as an insider outsider to try to further her hanging on the public teat […]

China hosts “Summer Sessions” of the World Economic Forum

In recent years, many journalists have tended to be skeptical about the role played by the World Economic Forum in driving contemporary global political processes. The WEF is better known by the name of the town that hosts its plenary meetings, Davos, in Switzerland. A few years ago, when “world government” conspiracy theories were popular, […]

The World Economic Forum Calls For AI And “Deepfake” Regulation, Has Already Partnered With UK Government

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is unsurprisingly a part of the “deepfakes panic” that has been spread and promoted for some years now by a number of politicians and media outlets around the world. The notion of deepfake tech is used here as a stand-in for (future) AI in general – and least as far […]

Globalist 2030 agenda push by World Economic Forum set for launch as elite make final drive towards total control

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Let’s be clear about one thing: The push towards all-electric transportation has nothing to do with ‘saving the planet’ from emissions hell and everything to do with controlling how we travel.Electric vehicles are not the panacea for cleaning up the environment the tyrannical left-wing elite claim they are because they … [Read More…] Source

The World Economic Forum

Council on Foreign Relations 2.0 – Another Organized Crime Front Group Source

China’s New Premier Reiterates ‘Opening-Up’ Policy at International Forum, But Outside World Skeptical

China’s new Premier Li Qiang reiterated the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s new “reform and opening-up” policy at the Boao Forum a few days ago. However, observers believe that the CCP’s fundamental policy and economic situation won’t experience significant changes as long as the CCP is around, despite the leadership’s change in tone. Li Qiang […]

Get Woke, Go Broke? It’s Time To Talk About SVB’s Ties To The World Economic Forum

After the implosion of the FTX crypto exchange run by Sam Bankman Fried, questions of due diligence and competency immediately arose, suggesting that perhaps the company mishandled assets “accidentally” and that Fried was naive and “in over his head.” Numerous central bank officials and globalist organizations jumped into the debate almost immediately, arguing that FTX […]

Iranian Artists Forum to review “Adriana’s Pact”

TEHRAN – The acclaimed documentary “Adriana’s Pact” by Chilean director Lisette Orozco will be reviewed at the Iranian Artists Forum on Sunday. Source

The World Economic Forum has outed itself as anti-Palestinian 

Every year the World Economic Forum (WEF) gathers the world’s elite in Davos under sweeping virtuous slogans such as “improving the state of the world.” Yet no one has stopped to question who exactly is included in the WEF’s definition of “the world”? Well, I did. And the answer does not include Palestinians. It may […]

Nazis’ Children at the World Economic Forum

Hitler and the pope Grandpa BadBush was charged with violation of the TRADING WITH THE ENEMIES ACT for providing Germany with the means to kill American soldiers in WW 2. “IT’S A BIG CLUB, AND YOU AIN’T IN IT!” George Carlin One evil son of a bitch dies, two more takes their place! The Ole […]

America Will “Soon” Have “Hate Speech” Laws, EU Commission VP Tells World Economic Forum

The US will “soon” have laws to punish “illegal hate speech,” EU Commission VP for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova told the World Economic Forum on Tuesday. Source

The relaunched US-India Trade Policy Forum

During an official visit to the US from January 9-11 by an Indian delegation, headed by Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal, a scheduled meeting of the US-India Trade Policy Forum (TPF) was held in Washington DC. It is also sometimes referred to as “Strategic Dialogue” since, within the framework of this […]

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