Posts Tagged ‘equality’

Vic Supreme Court rules that courts have fair hearing and equality obligations to assist self-represented litigants

There is a LOT of ‘misbehaviour’ by the judiciary going on in the colony’s court rooms. MANY judicial registrars/magistrates/judges do not follow the rules or worse the law. Their misbehaviour goes unnoticed the accused, which could be understandable, but that’s worse it’s not caught out by the so called legal professionals. Because they’re ‘officers of […]

As an Israeli, I believe there is just one way forward: Freedom, justice, and equality for Palestinians 

Freedom, justice, and equality for Palestinians is the only path forward. The events of the past week have not weakened my belief in this at all. Source

Anti-LGBTQ Equality Leader Raising Money for Indicted Trump Attorney John Eastman

Frank Schubert, the National Political Director for the anti-equality National Organization for Marriage, is urging NOM supporters to contribute to the legal defense fund for right-wing lawyer John Eastman, whose efforts to help former President Donald Trump stay in power after losing the 2020 election have him in serious legal trouble. Eastman’s legal defense fund […]

PLO calls for UNRWA to respect Palestine gender equality norms

The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and other Palestinian factions on Friday called for The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to respect the norms and religion of Palestinian refugees regarding its gender equality policy. In a statement issued by the refugee department, the PLO rejected statements regarding sexual orientation […]

G77: A forum for global equality

September 15, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Sammy Ismail The G77 effectively serves as the plenary body uniting the nations of the Global South to realize the common interests of states in the G77 coalition. Friday will see the G77+ China summit convening in Havana. Themed “Addressing Contemporary Development Challenges: Harnessing the Power of Science, […]

Old Habits Are Hard to Break: Anti-Equality Leaders’ Dishonest and Alarmist Attacks on the Respect for Marriage Act

Commentary A bipartisan majority cleared the way this week for the U.S. Senate to consider legislation that would protect legal recognition for same-sex couples’ marriages even if the far-right Supreme Court majority overturns the court’s 2015 marriage equality ruling. ​And like clockwork, anti-LGBTQ activists put their fearmongering about the Respect for Marriage Act into high gear. Before we dig into […]

Anti-Equality Leaders Demand Congressional Conservatives Stop Bill Protecting Freedom to Marry

Members of the Conservative Action Project, a far right-wing network that supported former President Donald Trump’s efforts to stay in office after his 2020 election defeat​, are demanding that Congress reject legislation protecting the freedom to marry. So are the anti-equality Alliance Defending Freedom and leaders of dozens of other religious-right groups. The Respect for […]

House Passes Bill to Protect Marriage Equality, Angering Anti-Equality Activists

In the wake of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ call for the Supreme Court to review its “demonstrably erroneous” marriage equality ruling, the U.S. House of Representatives voted Tuesday to enshrine marriage rights for same-sex and interracial couples in federal law. Anti-equality activists and leaders fumed that 47 Republicans joined House Democrats to support the […]

Pro-Confederacy, Anti-Equality, Christian Nationalist Extremist Michael Peroutka Wins GOP Primary for Maryland Attorney General

Far-right extremist Michael Peroutka became the Republican Party’s nominee for Maryland state attorney general with a victory in Tuesday’s primary. Peroutka’s victory is a fiery red flag about the increasing extremism of the Republican Party’s base—as is the gubernatorial primary victory of Trumpist Dan Cox. In April, both Peroutka and Cox appeared at a gathering […]

Poll: Washington D.C. Has Least Racial Equality in USA

An analysis from WalletHub revealed that Washington, DC, is at the bottom of the list (Number 51) in most equality categories and overall.

International Women’s Day: Girls’ education is key to gender equality, UN’s Fleming tells Euronews

Today is International Women’s Day – an annual initiative promoted by the United Nations to raise awareness of gender-related issues. Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the UN, has been setting out what needs to change to ensure a gender-equal future. She was speaking to Euronews at the Dubai Expo in the United Arab […]

Desmond Tutu, South African Equality Activist, Dies At 90

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Desmond Tutu, South Africa’s Nobel Peace Prize-winning icon, an uncompromising foe of the country’s past racist policy of apartheid and a modern-day activist for racial justice and LGBT rights, died Sunday at 90. South Africans, world leaders and people around the globe mourned the death of the man viewed as the country’s […]

Lauren Witzke Says the Equality Act Will ‘Illegalize Jesus Christ’

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Ex-LGBT Visit DC to Warn Senators About Dangers of the So-Called Equality Act

(LifeSiteNews) WASHINGTON, D.C. – Former [identifying] gay, lesbian and transgender individuals have come to the nation’s capital this week to warn members of the U.S. Senate against the dangers of the so-called Equality Act, which threatens to diminish religious liberty and severely hinder those seeking to deal with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria. About 50 […]

French Minister, Elisabeth Moreno, calls for greater equality post-covid

In July 2020, Elisabeth Moreno was appointed Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in France. She is a relative newcomer to politics having spent most of her professional life rising through the social ranks to become a powerful business leader. Her humble beginnings as the daughter of immigrants from Cape Verde and […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Lying About the Equality Act

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Lauren Boebert criticised for calling Equality Act ‘supremacy of gays’

Controversial freshman lawmaker Lauren Boebert has been criticised online following her recent remarks about a bill banning discrimination of LGBT+ groups, calling the act “supremacy of gays”. On Wednesday, the Colorado representative appeared on Real America’s Voice, a right-leaning media network, where she lashed out at the Equality Act. Ms Boebert claimed that “there is […]

Backlash Over The Equality Act Is Fueling State-Level Attacks On Trans Youth

Above photo: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and members of the House Freedom Caucus conduct a news conference outside the Capitol to oppose the Equality Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, on February 25, 2021. Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call Inc via Getty Images. The Equality Act — the landmark […]

Heritage: 11 Myths About the Transgender ‘Equality Act’

The Heritage Foundation exposed 11 of the most revolutionary demands in the Democrats’ so-called Equality Act, which would force Americans to accept the transgender ideology’s far-reaching claim that each person’s legal sex is determined by their inner feelings of “gender identity,” not by their measurable biology. Heritage reported: The proposed Equality Act of 2021 (H.R. […]

Liberty Counsel Falsely Claims Equality Act Would Force Religious Schools to Hire Pedophiles and ‘Goat Lovers’

Religious-right fearmongering about the Equality Act, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity protections to federal civil rights laws, has been increasingly extreme around Thursday’s vote in the House of Representatives, which passed the legislation on a 224-206 vote. Today, an email from Mat Staver of the stridently anti-LGBTQ Liberty Counsel declared that if […]

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