Posts Tagged ‘lgbtq’

Christian Nationalists’ Anti-LGBTQ Plan: Allow Anyone To Sue Teacher, Librarian ‘Groomers’

When the National Association of Christian Lawmakers held its National Policy Conference at Liberty University earlier this month, participants on one panel discussed ways to take advantage of the far-right majority’s control of the Supreme Court to “unwind” the separation of church and state. During a separate session, participants, led by radical right-wing conspiracy theorist and […]

March 19 – 30% of Young Women are LGBTQ

Gallup poll: The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years Please send links and comments to [email protected] Born that way?  Hardly, when gay coercion and propaganda can double the numbers. Social engineering is designed to depopulate and destroy nuclear family. A recent annual survey by […]

March 19 – 30% of Young Women are LGBTQ

Gallup poll: The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years Please send links and comments to [email protected] Born that way?  Hardly, when gay coercion and propaganda can double the numbers. Social engineering is designed to depopulate and destroy nuclear family. A recent annual survey by […]

Gallup poll: The number of American adults identifying as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years

(NaturalNews) A recent annual survey by Gallup reveals that the number of Americans who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community has doubled since 2012, with… Source

David Mixner, LGBTQ+ activist and Bill Clinton campaign adviser, dies at 77

NEW YORK — David Mixner, a longtime LGBTQ+ activist who was an adviser to Bill Clinton during his presidential campaign and later called him out over the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy regarding gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queer personnel in the military, has died. He was 77. Mixner died Monday at his home in […]

Radical Anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Is Now The GOP Nominee For Governor Of North Carolina

In 2020, Robinson was catapulted from relative obscurity to the lieutenant governor’s office because, he says, he has been chosen by God to “literally make war on the devil” and see that this nation is “led by the people of God.” Robinson describes himself as “more preacher than politician” who has to constantly remind himself […]

Radical Anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalist Mark Robinson Is Now The GOP Nominee For Governor Of North Carolina

In 2020, Robinson was catapulted from relative obscurity to the lieutenant governor’s office because, he says, he has been chosen by God to “literally make war on the devil” and see that this nation is “led by the people of God.” Robinson describes himself as “more preacher than politician” who has to constantly remind himself […]

Anti-LGBTQ Pastor John Amanchukwu Is Creating An Army Of ‘Clones’ To Rant At School Board Meetings

Last year, right-wing pastor John Amanchukwu generated lots of media coverage for himself by making appearances before North Carolina school boards to rant about the supposedly “perverted” books that were available in school libraries. Buoyed by the praise he received from fellow right-wing activists, Amanchukwu then decided to continue his efforts in at school board […]

Pedophiles Call for Lesbians To Be Removed From LGBTQ Over Their Opposition to MAPs

Pedophile activists in Germany are calling for lesbians to be removed from the LGBTQ movement due to their opposition of Minor Attracted People (MAPs). The group is demanding lesbians be banned from an exhibit at […] The post Pedophiles Call for Lesbians To Be Removed From LGBTQ Over Their Opposition to MAPs appeared first on […]

A Trio of Anti-LGBTQ Bigots Long for the Days When Gays Were Beaten Up and Forced Into the Closet

Vincent James, an unapologetic racist, antisemite, misogynist, conspiracy theorist, and fascist who currently serves as the treasurer of white nationalist Nick Fuentes’ America First organization, appeared on the bigoted Christian nationalist program “CrossTalk” last night, which is hosted by racist conspiracy theorists Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke. During the course of the program, the three complained that gay people are infiltrating […]

Vatican rules that Catholic priests can bless same-sex, LGBTQ couples

In a landmark ruling approved by Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic religion will now allow priests to issue blessings to same-sex couples, just so long as the blessings are not issued within the context of religious rituals or liturgies. The doctrinal shift will not, according to the Vatican, legitimize what it calls “irregular situations,” but […]

Anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalist Leader Joins Arkansas State Library Board

Former state Sen. Jason Rapert has officially joined the Arkansas state library board after most senate Republicans supported his nomination. “Rapert’s appointment to the seven-member library board comes during a conservative-led push to keep children from obtaining or even seeing certain books, especially those with LGBTQ+ topics,” the Arkansas Advocate noted. Rapert’s term runs through October 2029. […]

Sarah Sanders Appoints Christian Nationalist Anti-LGBTQ Activist to Arkansas Library Board 

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders has appointed Jason Rapert, a Christian nationalist activist and former state senator to the state library board. Rapert was a zealously anti-LGBTQ and anti-choice lawmaker who ran for lieutenant governor last year but was defeated in the Republican primary. Earlier this month, Rapert tweeted a long angry rant against the Democratic […]

Tulsi Gabbard: LGBTQ+ Activists At Pro-Palestine Marches “Don’t Understand” Islamists Want To Kill Them

Former Democratic Representative Tusi Gabbard has called out the hypocrisy of LGBTQ+ activists attending pro-Palestine marches alongside radical Islamists who literally want gay and trans people to be murdered. Appearing on Laura Ingraham’s show Tuesday, Gabbard noted that “Democrats, they have called people like me an Islamophobe for many years just for speaking the truth about […]

Mass Arrests Target LGBTQ+ People In Nigeria As LGBTQ Abuses Are Ignored, Activists Say

Law enforcement authorities in Nigeria are using the country’s same-sex prohibition law to target the LGBTQ+ community while ignoring abuses against them, rights groups and lawyers say. Source

Anti-LGBTQ Equality Leader Raising Money for Indicted Trump Attorney John Eastman

Frank Schubert, the National Political Director for the anti-equality National Organization for Marriage, is urging NOM supporters to contribute to the legal defense fund for right-wing lawyer John Eastman, whose efforts to help former President Donald Trump stay in power after losing the 2020 election have him in serious legal trouble. Eastman’s legal defense fund […]

Grindr ‘Unlawfully’ Purged Staff at LGBTQ Dating App, Union Says

Grindr United, the union representing workers at the LGBTQ dating app, filed an unfair labor practice charge against the company on Wednesday after over 80 workers were forced to resign due to a return-to-office policy that gave them two weeks to decide whether to move across the country or lose their jobs, according to a […]

Megachurch Pastor Jack Hibbs’ Campaign to Out LGBTQ Students Begins at Home

Earlier this year, far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor Jack Hibbs announced that he was launching a campaign to pressure local school boards to adopt policies requiring schools to inform parents if their children identify at school in any way other than as the sex listed on their birth certificate. A bill imposing this requirement on all schools […]

Canada Advises LGBTQ People To Be Cautious Traveling To U.S.

The advisory came in response to the wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation that has passed in recent years. Source

Boy Scout Leaders Invited LGBTQ Advocates To Its National Jamboree Camp

The Boy Scouts of America scouting organization invited “LGBTQ” advocacy to its national jamboree camp in West Virginia last month. The move was applauded in the Washington Post by LGBTQ advocate and journalist Mike De Socio. […] The post Boy Scout Leaders Invited LGBTQ Advocates To Its National Jamboree Camp appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

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