Posts Tagged ‘arkansas’

David Pryor, former governor and senator of Arkansas, dies at age 89

Former Arkansas governor and U.S. Sen. David Pryor, a Democrat who was one of the state’s most beloved political figures and remained active in public service in the state long after he left office, has died. He was 89. Pryor, who went undercover to investigate nursing homes while a congressman, died Saturday of natural causes […]

If You Want to Understand Why the War on Drugs Failed, There is No Better Place to Look Than Arkansas When Clinton Was Governor


Anti-LGBTQ Christian Nationalist Leader Joins Arkansas State Library Board

Former state Sen. Jason Rapert has officially joined the Arkansas state library board after most senate Republicans supported his nomination. “Rapert’s appointment to the seven-member library board comes during a conservative-led push to keep children from obtaining or even seeing certain books, especially those with LGBTQ+ topics,” the Arkansas Advocate noted. Rapert’s term runs through October 2029. […]

Sarah Huckabee Signs Law Banning ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In Arkansas State Documents

Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order this week that will see ‘woke, anti- woman’ terms such banned from Arkansas State documents and replaced with the proper terms. On Thursday, the Arkansas governor announced that […] The post Sarah Huckabee Signs Law Banning ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In Arkansas State Documents appeared first on The People's […]

Arkansas Governor Bans ‘Woke, Anti-Woman’ Language In State Documents

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed an executive order Thursday that will see ‘woke, anti- woman’ terms such as ‘birthing person’ banned from State documents and replaced with “accurate, female-affirming alternatives.” Sanders announced that invented terms like “pregnant person,” “human milk,” and “womxn” have no place in official government documents and will be removed. The […]

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law restricting release of her travel, security records

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed a law Thursday restricting release of her travel and security records after the Legislature wrapped up a special session marked by a fight to more broadly scale back the state Freedom of Information Act. The law, which took effect immediately, allows the state to wall […]

Arkansas Legislator Vows to ‘Eliminate All the Funding for Public Libraries’ Affiliated With the ALA

When the National Association of Christian Lawmakers held its annual conference at Liberty University earlier this month, members of the organization held a “para-legislative session” at which state legislators and religious-right activists proposed and discussed various resolutions and proposed pieces of sample legislation. Among those participating in this session was Arkansas state Sen. Dan Sullivan, […]

Arkansas Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Transgender Restrooms in Schools

Republican Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed legislation that will prohibit transgender people in public schools from using the bathrooms that match their gender identity. According to the Associated Press, “The bill signed by the […] The post Arkansas Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Transgender Restrooms in Schools appeared first on News Punch. Source

Supreme Court won’t hear challenge to Arkansas’ anti-BDS law

The U.S. Supreme Court will not consider a challenge to an Arkansas law that targets the BDS movement. Source

Capitol Report: Arkansas City Elects 18-Year-Old Mayor; Same-Sex Marriage Codified, Concerns Over Religious Liberty

Landmark legislation codifying same-sex marriage passes the House, and now it’s off to the White House. Concerns linger over protections for religious liberty. President Joe Biden hailed the release of American basketball player Brittney Griner. But controversies arise as some Republicans question the deal made with Russia. The House Ethics Committee is investigating Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria […]

ACLU petitions U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Arkansas’ anti-BDS law

The ACLU is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court over an Arkansas law that prohibits companies from boycotting Israel. “As Americans it is our right to boycott or not boycott anyone we please and it is none of the government’s business,” Arkansas Times Publisher Alan Leveritt tells Mondoweiss. Source

KILLER JABBED Ouachita University Arkansas college football player dies suddenly at 21

Maybe referee’s whistles? Today the Ouachita community mourns the loss of senior Clark Yarbrough, who died this morning following a sudden collapse. Join us in praying for his family and friends. More information about campus gatherings following this tragedy will be released soon. <img data-attachment-id="43403" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="366,552" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Jabs 2" data-image-description=" SUICIDE VIA […]


  dognamedblue “The strategy of those who govern us is to weaken us, misinform us, divide us.  His power is nourished by our fear & our renunciation.  It is Knowledge & information that will free us from this dependence” @HORMITEK[embedded content]… And any statement out of Tusla suggesting they a) did their best b) care […]

Arkansas sheriff convicted of assaulting two detainees in custody

Accused of beating detainees who were not resisting or fighting back, an Arkansas sheriff was recently convicted on two counts of deprivation of rights under color of law. On November 21, 2018, Franklin County Sheriff Anthony Boen pushed a detainee identified as “B.E.” onto the floor and grabbed his hair or beard during an interrogation. […]

Federal judges blocks Arkansas abortion ban

A federal judge just temporarily blocked Arkansas’ extreme abortion ban which is a huge win for rights advocates.  Arkansas is one of several states that have passed abortion restrictions challenging the constitutional right to the procedure established in Roe v. Wade. Judges have temporarily blocked laws restricting abortions in states including Ohio, Arkansas and Texas, […]

Federal judge blocks Arkansas law that would ban nearly all abortions

A federal judge has blocked an Arkansas law outlawing virtually all abortions in the state from going into effect later this month. Judge Kristine Baker granted a preliminary injunction to block the law, which was passed by the GOP majority legislature, signed by Republican governor Asa Hutchinson and set to go into law on 28 […]

Arkansas Passes Ban On Child Sex Change Surgeries, Overrides Feckless Governor Asa Hutchinson’s Veto

By Chris Menahan Arkansas on Tuesday made history by becoming the first state in America to ban child sex change surgeries and the experimental drugging of children with cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers. #BREAKING: The Arkansas Senate has voted to override Governor Asa Hutchinson’s veto of the SAFE Act, protecting children from experimental medical procedures, […]

Right-Wing Activists Slam Arkansas’ GOP Governor for Veto of Extreme Anti-Trans Bill

Update: the Arkansas legislature voted on April 6 to override Gov. Hutchinson’s veto of a bill banning gender-affirming treatment for transgender youth.  Religious-right groups slammed conservative Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson for vetoing a bill that would make it illegal for transgender minors to receive gender-affirming medical care. It would have been, as Reuters noted, “the […]

Arkansas Advances Bill Preventing Biological Males from Competing in Girls’ Sports

Arkansas joins some 20 states across the country that are crafting laws designed to protect female athletes from competing against biological men who consider themselves transgender women. Republican State Senator Missy Irvin sponsored HB 354, or the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which advanced after being passed out of committee on a 5-3 vote along […]

Arkansas’ Republican governor says he wouldn’t support 2024 Trump run

Hutchinson said in January that he wanted the Trump administration to end, but stopped short of calling for the former president’s resignation. He also called a second set of impeachment proceedings “unworkable.” The governor’s nephew, an Arkansas state senator, has since announced he is leaving the Republican Party due to the direction the GOP has […]

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