Posts Tagged ‘lawfare’

TLAV Lawfare, Sudan War Caused/Exploited By US/Israel & Damning UN Reports Destroy Israeli Narrative

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]


June 1st 2024 _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: The Time for Silence is Over If you are […]

Jewish law firms unleash LAWFARE against Palestinian groups in America, labeling them all terrorists

(NaturalNews) Upset about the students, professors and faculty members at United States college and university campuses who are protesting against Israel’s actions… Source

New York AG Letitia James wages WAR on beef in latest lawfare climate change crusade

New York AG Letitia James wages WAR on beef in latest lawfare climate change crusade At the very same time that the beef industry is taking a massive hit due to the devastating Texas fires, New York Attorney General Letitia James is delivering a second blow by waging a climate war on the meat industry. […]

Politics as Lawfare

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL There is a wonderful quote from noted scary fascist (back when fascism was still a vogue and “the coming thing”) Oscar Benavides who was president of Peru from 1933-39. it’s as apposite as ever today: To my friends, everything; to my enemies, the law. It really says it all, doesn’t […]

Lawfare goes wild.

 I have not had a medical license in Massachusetts for 25 years. But now Massachusetts wants to initiate disciplinary action against me, because… Quoting from their letter: “This Board has the authority to discipline a physician who has been disciplined in another jurisdiction” MERYL NASS 15 FEB 2024 magine this is like being at the […]

On The Rising Danger Of Democratic ‘Lawfare’

On The Rising Danger Of Democratic ‘Lawfare’ Authored by Alex Berenson via ‘Unreported Truths’ substack, The New York state fraud case against Donald Trump is absurd; and the White House now openly tells its operatives to defy Congressional subpoenas. Democrats seem blind to the risks they’re running. Even dictatorships have judges. Which doesn’t mean they […]

AMERICAN LAWFARE GOES GLOBAL! Ex-Pakistani PM Imran Khan sentenced to new jail term after the US Govt coerces Pakistani military and courts to convict him….

…and harshly sentence him for the fabricated ‘crime’ of  his wanting to  meet with President Putin for Ukraine War peacemaking purposes.  ___ Source

ELECTION LAWFARE! “Legal System Out Of Control” – Trump Rages At $83M Damages In (Second) Carroll Defamation Case

READ HERE:   Source

NAKED POLITICAL LAWFARE! Who’s controlling this woke witch?

JUST IN: Fani Willis Asks Georgia Judge to Set Trump’s Trial 3 Months Before 2024 Election Source

Khazarians working a new type of ‘lawfare’ to wage against truth-seekers

READ HERE: Two Dozen Law Firms Warn Harvard, Yale Over Antisemitism On Campus   Source

Lawfare Project’s Brooke Goldstein Shares Old Cartel Video Claiming It’s ‘Hamas Nazis’ Cutting Baby Out of Pregnant Woman

Brooke Goldstein, executive director of the pro-Israel litigation fund the Lawfare Project, on Wednesday shared an edited 2018 Source

Lawfare with Tom Renz: Biden to bring back COVID-19 lockdowns to STEAL the election – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) The administration of President Joe Biden is expected to bring back full Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns beginning this fall to meddle with… Source

Rising resistance in Jenin and lawfare in the United States

We have two interviews in this episode. First, I’ll talk to Mondoweiss’s Palestine News Director, Yumna Patel, about her new video report published today titled On The Brink: Jenin’s rising resistance. Then we’ll hear from Ahmad Abuznaid, the executive director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, about their legal battle with the Jewish National Fund. […]

Political Lawfare, New York AG Files Another Frivolous Lawsuit Against Donald Trump and Trump Organization


China-Backed Companies Using Lawfare to Stall Western Satellite Launches, CEO Says

Corporations with backing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are waging legal warfare to prevent Western companies from deploying new, state-of-the-art communications satellites, according to one CEO. Wireless entrepreneur and Rivada Networks CEO Declan Ganley spoke to NTD, a sister outlet to The Epoch Times, about how China-backed elements within a company Rivada acquired attempted […]

Uyghur Tribunal: US Lawfare at its Lowest

The so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” is promoted across the Western media as an “independent” tribunal. AP claims that it seeks to lay out evidence that will “compel international action to tackle growing concerns about alleged abuses in Xinjiang.” The tribunal – having no legal basis or enforcement mechanism – will clearly be used to help bolster […]

Lawfare Project Urges Zoom, UC Merced to Cancel Event Featuring Palestinian Terrorist

(JNS) The Lawfare Project is urging Zoom and the University of California, Merced, to cancel an upcoming event featuring Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled. The event, titled “Free Speech and Palestine,” is scheduled to take place on April 23 at noon Pacific Time, and is being co-sponsored by San Francisco State University’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities […]

From Durban to The Hague: 20 Years of NGO Lawfare

The announcement by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) that she was opening investigations against Israel for alleged war crimes should not have been a surprise. This was the culmination of a twenty-year political campaign that began even before the ICC opened its doors in The Hague in 2002. Leaders of this effort […]

Lawfare Threatens To Derail Presidential Election In Ecuador

Above photo: Dolores Ochoa/AFP picture alliance. On February 7, the progressive presidential candidate for the Union of Hope Alliance (UNES) party, Andrés Arauz, won first place in Ecuador’s presidential election; this is uncontested. Arauz garnered 32.71% of the vote; right-wing former banker Guillermo Lasso 19.74%; and the “Indigenous” candidate, Yaku Pérez  19.38%. Since Arauz’s margin of victory […]

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