Posts Tagged ‘steal’

Leftist Confesses to Plan to Steal 2024 Election Using Illegal Aliens

Leftist Confesses to Charlie Kirk, the plan to steal 2024 Election using Illegal Aliens. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Leftist Confesses to Plan to Steal 2024 Election Using Illegal Aliens first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Government using tax tyranny to steal every last penny from Americans

(NaturalNews) No amount of your stolen labor is ever enough for the corrupt United States government, which is committed to taking as much of your money as… Source

In US, Illegal immigrants can steal your home while you are on holiday


They’re Going to STEAL the Election

Mar 10 2024 “And we know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so out loud.” _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account […]

Top 6 MOST PREDICTABLE ways the Democrats could STEAL the 2024 election

The Communist-led Democratic Party in Washington DC is no longer trying to hide their agenda for the upcoming election, for the nation’s demise, and for their plan to run everything with absolute power, forever. Of course, it is currently “illegal” to protest any election that a Democrat wins, but if a Republican wins, that can […]

Tucker Carlson: “They’re Going to STEAL the Election”

Tucker Carlson issued a chilling warning following Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Thursday evening. Carlson declared, “Joe Biden can’t win in a fair election. Joe Biden will lose in November. He cannot win. That’s the thing that nobody in any media wants to say out loud. In a fair election, Joe Biden cannot […]

It’s probably best for a Rusky pilot not to steal a helicopter from the Russian military before killing his comrades and then land it in Ukraine unless he want to be shot several times before being run over by a car.


Source who revealed how taxes steal for the rich rewarded with five years in prison

“If you can prove it, you should not be subject to incarceration.” Source

Hungarian nationalist party wants to Steal Lands from Ukraine if Russia Wins the War

Hungary should lay claim to Ukraine’s westernmost region of Transcarpathia if Ukraine faces dissolution due to its conflict with Russia, proposed right-wing lawmaker Laszlo Toroczkai, leader of the ‘Our Homeland Movement.’ Toroczkai referred to the territory once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later under Soviet control after World War II. Transcarpathia, now part of […]

Romanian nationalist party wants to Leave NATO and Ally with Russia so they can Steal lands from Ukraine

The leader of Romania’s right-wing nationalist party, Claudiu Tarziu, made a controversial proposal in a speech delivered in Iasi on Friday, suggesting that Romania should abandon its NATO membership and collaborate with Russia to partition Ukraine. Tarziu asserted that Romania’s true sovereignty could only be achieved by reclaiming its historical borders, even if it meant […]

You Will Own Nothing – Because They Will Steal Everything– David Rogers Webb

by Greg Hunter Posted by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World @ Substack David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden.  Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own nothing . . .”  According to DRW, this […]

Failed State — Lebanese Banks Steal Reader’s Money

“Run by an unholy, mostly undeclared, coalition of warlords, businessman and clerics, this trinity has recently orchestrated what could be defined as the only government-sponsored Ponzi scheme the world has ever witnessed. Citizens’ (and Expats’) bank deposits – the majority of which in the form of lifelong savings, mine included – have evaporated overnight.”  “Prior to […]

The Great Taking: How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone (If they can)

From Dr Mercola Video Link Story at-a-glance You’ve heard of The Great Reset? Now delve into The Great Taking, described by former hedge fund manager David Webb as a system put in place by central bankers to take everything, from everyone. “It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of […]

Armed suspects steal a UPS truck in Prince George’s County in broad daylight

(NaturalNews) A doorbell camera caught an armed carjacking of a UPS truck last month in Prince George’s County, Maryland.A UPS driver was out delivering… Source

David Rogers Webb – How the Cabalists Will Steal Our Property (2)

SOME FACTS BEHIND THE WEF BOAST “2030 OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY”  Webb asks “How might it come to pass that you will OWN NOTHING, as so boldly predicted by the WEF?” but he has already answered that question.  Webb showed exactly how the Talmudists intend to achieve this.  by Patrick O’Connell  ( Webb lists […]

Video: St. Louis Man Accused of Trying to Steal Baby Before Breaking 82-Year-Old’s Arms

A St. Louis man was caught on surveillance video allegedly trying to grab a baby from a mother’s arms during what police described as a string of “random attacks” on strangers, the Daily Mail reported on Sunday. Source

The REAL plan comes out: Forced RELOCATION of 2+ million Palestinians so Israel can STEAL more land (Gaza)

(NaturalNews) The war in Gaza was never about just protecting the Jewish right “to exist.” It has always been about expanding stolen Jewish territory in the Middle… Source

Did We Steal America from the Indians?

Very thought provoking article. Short answer: not really     Jeff Fynn-Paul, Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World, Bombardier Books, 2023, 386 pp., $17.26 (paper) The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, opens every public lecture with this: In the spirit of respect and reconciliation, we acknowledge that Perimeter […]

The Democrats’ ‘Steal’ Curtain: Trump Team Arrives in Colorado to Fight Efforts to Keep Him Off the Ballot

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team arrived in Colorado on Monday for the five-day trial that will decide his eligibility to be on the state ballot. Source

How Easily Can Cops Steal Your Stuff, and Other Hard Questions For the Supreme Court

Police departments use civil asset forfeiture to seize millions of dollars’ worth of property every year. In Culley v. Marshall, the justices will decide whether to help them get away with it. Source

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