Posts Tagged ‘confesses’

Leftist Confesses to Plan to Steal 2024 Election Using Illegal Aliens

Leftist Confesses to Charlie Kirk, the plan to steal 2024 Election using Illegal Aliens. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Leftist Confesses to Plan to Steal 2024 Election Using Illegal Aliens first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Ukrainian Hitman Confesses: “I Was Hired To Assassinate Tucker Carlson”

A hitman has confessed on video that he was hired by the Zelensky regime to assassinate Tucker Carlson due to his relentless exposure of the corruption in Ukraine and the West. The video shows a man […] The post Ukrainian Hitman Confesses: “I Was Hired To Assassinate Tucker Carlson” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Feb 1 – Insider Confesses Biden Has Dementia

Insider confesses Biden has dementia Blow up the world. Blame him. How convenient. Charlie Kruger, a top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can’t say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”     “I’m just telling you […]

Hamas Leader Confesses: ‘We Were Created to Advance Globalist Agenda’

Hamas leaders admitted to the New York Times on Wednesday that they were created by Western intelligence agencies to help advance the globalist agenda of more forever wars in the Middle East. According to several […] The post Hamas Leader Confesses: ‘We Were Created to Advance Globalist Agenda’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: ‘Billions Will Die in 2024’ 

In the final months of his life, former CIA agent Joseph Spencer gathered his family and told them he had many secrets he needed to share with the world in the form of a deathbed […] The post CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: ‘Billions Will Die in 2024’  appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

EUGENICS: British Spy Chief Confesses – ‘COVID Was Engineered To Depopulate The Planet’

EUGENICS: British Spy Chief Confesses – ‘COVID Was Engineered To Depopulate The Planet’ SM Source – “…The former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) has warned the public that Covid was engineered by scientists in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to “depopulate the planet…Dearlove, who headed MI6 between 1999 and 2004, admitted that […]

Muslim in Pakistan Confesses to Killing Christian Woman

The body of Shazia Imran was found in Lahore, Pakistan on June 7, 2023. (Morning Star News courtesy of family) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – A Christian family in Lahore, Pakistan is seeking justice and protection after four Muslims abducted, gang-raped and killed a widow for refusing to convert to Islam and marry the primary […]

Sheriff: Delivery Driver Confesses to Kidnapping, Murdering Seven-Year-Old Girl

Officials in Texas have a man in custody after a child was abducted then killed once she vanished Wednesday and her body was found on Friday. Source

NASA Contractor Confesses on Deathbed: I Helped Shoot Fake Moon Landing in 1969

    A New Mexico man has made a series of astonishing confessions since he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told he has months to live. He claims the moon landing was faked by the US government with the footage shot at a military base and the surface of the moon recreated with sand […]

Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”

Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal grilled wireless industry representatives, who admitted the industry has done ZERO health & safety studies on 5G technology. Meanwhile, dozens of independent studies indicates that 5G is a risk to all biological life. Watch the video above, on YouTube here, or on Facebook here [WASHINGTON, DC]— During… […]

Daphne Caruana Galizia: Car bomb suspect confesses to killing Maltese journalist

George Degiorgio, one of three people accused of the 2017 assassination, has confessed to a reporter that they were paid to plant the car bomb that killed her. Source

Video: Bayer Exec Confesses mRNA Shots Are ‘Gene Therapy’ Marketed as ‘Vaccines’

Big Pharma companies used the global pandemic to trick the public into receiving experimental mRNA gene therapy, a top executive has confessed. Speaking at the opening of the World Health Summit 2021 last November, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division President Stefan Oelrich confessed that if the public hadn’t been brainwashed into a state of fear, the experimental […]

Nasty Nancy Confesses to NATO: ‘I’d Like To Rule the World’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told NATO leaders on Monday that she “thinks a lot” about one day ruling the world. Pelosi made the remarks at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Liston, Portugal, where she was given a “Woman For Peace and Security” award. “When people ask me, ‘If you ruled the world, what one thing […]

UK Finance Chief Confesses: ‘Our Aim Is to Reduce the Earth’s Population’

Lord Adair Turner, the former chairman of the UK Energy Transitions Commission, had admitted that the elite want the Earth’s population to decline in the coming years. In a report from Population Matters entitled Smaller Families and Ageing Populations, Lord Turner argued that declining native populations will enhance prosperity. “The biggest reason to welcome this demographic […]

Leaked Audio: Hunter Biden Confesses To Smoking Crack With Democrat Mayor Marion Barry

Joe Biden’s drug-addled son Hunter was caught bragging about smoking huge amounts of crack with disgraced Democratic DC Mayor Marion Barry in newly leaked audio. According to audio taken from his ‘laptop from hell‘, Hunter can be heard laughing about how he “smoked crack with Marion Barry.” [embedded content] reports: Talking with a friend who […]

Google confesses propaganda agenda, bans all Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine information

Home » Manipulation, North America » Google confesses propaganda agenda, bans all Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine information     “When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.” Joseph Goebbels, January 12, 1941 in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel. There are currently 281 […]

NJ teen confesses to spearheading plot to vandalize Midwestern synagogues

A 19-year-old from New Jersey admitted on Friday to coordinating members of the neo-Nazi group The Base to vandalize at least two Midwestern synagogues. Richard Tobin, of Brooklawn, pleaded guilty to conspiracy against rights, the Associated Press reported. He faces up to 10 years in prison. Tobin said he called his efforts “Operation Kristallnacht,” a […]

Joe Biden Confesses to CNN: ‘I Like Kids Better Than People’

Joe Biden made yet another bizarre gaffe during a live TV appearance on Tuesday night. During a town hall on CNN, Biden confessed to Anderson Cooper that “everybody knows I like kids better than people.” WATCH: reports: This gaffe is especially bad considering how Biden has been roundly criticized for his inappropriate behavior around […]

‘Smallville’ Star Confesses She Sold Children To Rothschilds And Clintons

‘Smallville’ star Allison Mack has confessed that she sold children to the Rothschilds and Clintons during her time in the child sex cult.   According to police, Allison Mack worked in a senior management position for the Hollywood pedophile cult NXIVM. As second-in-command, it was her job to lure children into the cult in order to […]

Reddit User Confesses To Austin Bombings – Compares Himself To ‘Zodiac Killer’

The Austin Police Department are investigating a mysterious Reddit user who claims to be behind the recent bombings and who has vowed to keep terrorizing Texas until he becomes “as prolific as the Zodiac Killer.” “My intention is not to kill people. I am doing this simply because I want to watch the world burn,” someone using […]

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