Posts Tagged ‘nasty’

Trump-Biden race gets nasty: When they go low, let’s get lower

The gloves are coming off less than six months before Election Day. Former President Trump has compared the Biden administration to the “Gestapo,” the Nazi secret police, while calling Biden “grossly incompetent” and “crooked as hell.” “He’s the Manchurian candidate,” Trump said, according to audio of a lunch he recently held with top donors, which was… […]

Meghan McCain Threatens The View With Lawyers As GRIFTER FEUD Gets Nasty, And She Hilariously Says ‘I Am No Hunter Biden’

Last Updated on December 17, 2023 Meghan McCain might be plunging facefirst into a legal conflict with The View, the terrible daytime talk show panel that she used to sit on. Ana Navarro, who somehow may actually be thinner than Meghan McCain now, implied that McCain peddled influence in politics using her last name, “McCain.” […]

The Short but Nasty Truth About Biden’s Bluff in Ukraine

The American’s aren’t coming, they won’t be ‘on the ground’ nor in the air nor on the seas.  There is no combat environment for the US against a grade one power.  Let me tell you why. America is all about bluff.  Stealth planes, nukes when that threat doesn’t work, or they will unleash ISIS (is […]

The Trump world-Fox News war gets nasty

Ten minutes in, Bannon went after the network again, rousing the audience to their feet as he called out Fox for not having Trump on since he announced his campaign in November. He called out Rupert Murdoch, the News Corp. founder who sits atop the media empire. “Murdoch, you’ve deemed Trump’s not going to be […]

Nasty, Tyrannical, Foul-Mouthed Lori Lightfoot Finally Concedes in Mayoral Race After a Third Place Finish in First Round of Voting

Nasty, Tyrannical, Foul-Mouthed Lori Lightfoot Concedes in Mayoral Race After a Third Place Finish in First Round of Voting Source

Poems Inspired By a Now Dead Nasty Evil Israhell Hasbara Troll

Years back on Disqus there was this evil, nasty, vulgar Hasbara troll. IT would use one name until no one at all would play with IT, change names and come back for more. At different times IT claimed to be male, female, Khazarian Jew, African American, and everything in-between. A group effort labeled IT, She-He-It, […]

Get your F-15s ready! It’s getting nasty!

Biden chose a rather interesting look for his speech on Thursday evening… Biden’s speech had an ominous and threatening tone from start to finish, as dark red lighting shone on the president with Marines stationed behind him. And just after accusing millions of Americans of being violent “extremists,” calls to impeach President Joe Biden began […]

AIPAC’s nasty stealth campaign to stop progressive Yuh-Line Niou may backfire

I live in New York City’s 10th Congressional District — and I was at first enraged when I learned that AIPAC, the right wing of the pro-Israel lobby, had secretly intervened in our Democratic primary election on August 23. But then, on reflection, I realized that AIPAC’s sneaky move may backfire. The lobby does get […]

AIPAC’s nasty stealth campaign to stop progressive Yuh-Line Niou may backfire

I live in New York City’s 10th Congressional District — and I was at first enraged when I learned that AIPAC, the right wing of the pro-Israel lobby, had secretly intervened in our Democratic primary election on August 23. But then, on reflection, I realized that AIPAC’s sneaky move may backfire. The lobby does get […]

AIPAC’s nasty stealth campaign to stop progressive Yuh-Line Niou may backfire

I live in New York City’s 10th Congressional District — and I was at first enraged when I learned that AIPAC, the right wing of the pro-Israel lobby, had secretly intervened in our Democratic primary election on August 23. But then, on reflection, I realized that AIPAC’s sneaky move may backfire. The lobby does get […]

AIPAC’s nasty stealth campaign to stop progressive Yuh-Line Niou may backfire

I live in New York City’s 10th Congressional District — and I was at first enraged when I learned that AIPAC, the right wing of the pro-Israel lobby, had secretly intervened in our Democratic primary election on August 23. But then, on reflection, I realized that AIPAC’s sneaky move may backfire. The lobby does get […]

AIPAC’s nasty stealth campaign to stop progressive Yuh-Line Niou may backfire

I live in New York City’s 10th Congressional District — and I was at first enraged when I learned that AIPAC, the right wing of the pro-Israel lobby, had secretly intervened in our Democratic primary election on August 23. But then, on reflection, I realized that AIPAC’s sneaky move may backfire. The lobby does get […]

The nasty voices in our heads

The paranoid nature of American foreign and domestic policy. Source

4 Ways To Help You Sell Your apartment quickly Even With Nasty Code Violations

If you receive code violations about your property but don’t have the funds to repair them or pay fines and interest that accrue daily, it might be hard not think of selling as quickly. However, a big concern for homeowners is that buyers will avoid properties with non-compliant codes in an effort drive down prices […]

The Nasty Truth About 2022’s ‘Engineered War’ on Humanity

It’s called “liberalism.” It denotes the self-ordained task taken on by adherents to “liberate” others, even if it means death or a lifetime of slavery. The West’s been “liberating” folks for a long time, often with a bible in one hand and a machine gun in another. Taken at face value, the current struggles in […]

Alex Jones Sues Nasty Nancy for Political Persecution of Trump Supporters

Alex Jones is suing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her congressional committee that’s investigating last January’s Capitol protest, claiming she is unconstitutionally persecuting Trump supporters. The lawsuit, filed Monday in US District Court in Washington, claims that Pelosi and the investigative committee that she appointed are trying to suspend constitutional liberties “in coercive secret proceedings specifically designed […]

The political war around daylight saving time takes a nasty turn

Each suggests that the other is in the pocket of special interests. Yates has gone so far as to question whether Jay Pea is actually a real name (Pea showed POLITICO a California ID with his name on it) and accused Pea of operating several fake accounts on Twitter (Pea said he didn’t have time […]

Nasty Nancy Confesses to NATO: ‘I’d Like To Rule the World’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told NATO leaders on Monday that she “thinks a lot” about one day ruling the world. Pelosi made the remarks at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Liston, Portugal, where she was given a “Woman For Peace and Security” award. “When people ask me, ‘If you ruled the world, what one thing […]

Nasty Nancy: ‘What’s His Name’ Will Lose Bigly If He Runs in 2024

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has warned President Trump that if he dares run again in 2024, she will personally ensure he loses by a catastrophic margin. During a visit to Britain for a meeting of G7 nations’ legislative leaders, Pelosi was asked about former President Trump and replied that she “[doesn’t] ever talk about him.” She then […]

Fox News welcomes back guest it vowed to ban over nasty attack on Greta Thunberg

Political commentator Michael Knowles has been welcomed back to Fox News after calling environmentalist Greta Thunberg a “mentally ill Swedish child”, despite the network previously saying it had “no plans” to book the guest again. “The comment made by Michael Knowles who was a guest on The Story tonight was disgraceful. We apologise to Greta Thunberg […]

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