Posts Tagged ‘hasbara’

BEWARE of the HASBARA propaganda being spewed across the Internet as never before.



Gaza has changed the political equation in Palestine. Moreover, the repercussions of this devastating war are likely to alter the political equation in the entire Middle East and to re-center Palestine as the world’s most urgent political crisis for years to come. Since the establishment of Israel, facilitated by Britain and protected by the United States and […]

Dispelling the hasbara fog

A new guide seeks to disarm and counter “Israelspeak,” the web of misleading cliches and tropes that have driven Zionist narratives deep into the American consciousness. Source

Poems Inspired By a Now Dead Nasty Evil Israhell Hasbara Troll

Years back on Disqus there was this evil, nasty, vulgar Hasbara troll. IT would use one name until no one at all would play with IT, change names and come back for more. At different times IT claimed to be male, female, Khazarian Jew, African American, and everything in-between. A group effort labeled IT, She-He-It, […]

Investigating the Victim: On Abbas’ ‘Holocaust’ and the Depravity of Israeli Hasbara

“There was no Massacre in Jenin” was the title of a Haaretz editorial on April 19, 2002, one week after Israel ended its deadly onslaught on the besieged Palestinian refugee camp in the northern West Bank. The unwarranted conclusion by Haaretz, other Israeli media and, ultimately, numerous western outlets was not the outcome of a […]

When Israeli politicians can’t get their Hasbara straight

Israeli politicians’ thin pretext for the latest attack on Gaza doesn’t add up, and the willing media doesn’t seem to care. Source

Confronting “Hasbara Culture” with Yakov Hirsch

In this episode we have a conversation with Phil Weiss and Yakov Hirsch about the cultural sources of pro-Israel movements in American politics. For several years now Hirsch has examined what he calls “hasbara culture” — the ways that a discourse of Jewish victimhood has conquered Jewish, Israeli, and even American political culture. Hirsch explains […]

Israel can’t be faulted for anything, thanks to hasbara culture’s narrative of Jewish victimhood

My work is focused on hasbara culture: the social construction of alternative reality centering on the victimization of the Jewish people that has little to do with the real world. But despite hasbara culture’s ideas being ahistorical, its concepts and discourse on Jew hatred are now conventional wisdom in Jewish and American political culture. And that […]

Latest hasbara target: Israel as a settler-colonial state

A recent debate over the usefulness of the term “settler colonialism” in the English version of Haaretz shows how American universities and media are constant targets for Israeli hasbara. It started with Steven Lubet and Jonathan Zasloff’s deeply flawed article from July 5 titled “Is Israel really a Settler Colonial State?” where they go to […]

The Israel hasbara machine is attempting to sanitize Naftali Bennett’s “I killed many Arabs” quote

Israel just got its most right-wing Prime Minister ever, in the form of Naftali Bennett. We have already seen the signs that Israeli pundits were trying to sanitize his racist history, to make him a better sell than Netanyahu. But what do you do with phrases such as “I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, […]

Israel Targets Building Housing AP Journalists And MSM Spews Hasbara To Cover It Up

This Saturday Israeli airstrikes completely destroyed a 12-story civilian tower block also used by the US-based Associated Press, as well as Al-Jazeera, and other channels. This destruction of leading media stations was justified by MSM with unfounded claims of “Hamas, Hamas, Hamas”, which still does not justify their actions under international law. According to a […]

Hasbara fights back: Killing innocent children is ‘unavoidable burden’ of Jewish self-determination

The shift we are seeing in the US discourse over the violent Israeli response to a Palestinian uprising is evident in our press. It is open to the Palestinian narrative in a way that it has not been for some time — like the brilliant piece by Refaat Alareer from Gaza that the New York […]

Vaccine Death Hasbara

I have been noticing a disturbing trend around here in comments sections of articles that detail the murder victims of the recent Covid vaccine.  Whenever it is an article detailing the death of a beautiful young White women who was murdered by this jewish bio weapon, we get comments like these: Yes, this commenter would […]

Israeli election update: ‘The Israelis’ and corona-hasbara

Israel is headed towards a fourth election cycle in two years, this time on the pretext of failure to pass the 2020 budget. The liberal white knight Benny Gantz, the former general who entered politics two years ago boasting of bringing Gaza “back to the stone age”, has proven himself a loser and unable to […]

Hebrew Hasbara: Is Communism jewish?

Why did Russian jews support the Bolshevik revolution? Professor Glenn Dynner explains. Bitchute link

Hasbara Alert: Jordan Peterson Explains Why jews Are So Successful

Remember how so many people on “the right” were promoting this shill as the greatest thinker of our generation? His addressing of the “jewish question” is absolutely ridiculous. Bitchute link

Anti-Diplomacy: Danny Danon Ends Five Year Legacy of Israeli Hasbara at the UN

The United States is Israel’s best friend and ally in the world. It contributes over $10 million a day in no-strings-attached military aid despite the fact that Israel’s human rights record, according to the State Department’s own admission, is deeply problematic and contravenes U.S. law. The U.S. has dropped out of or defunded a number of United Nations […]

Analysis – Israel’s Hasbara Machine Had a Very Bad Week

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HBO chief got his start in hasbara

Richard Plepler is the CEO of HBO, and this week he told Jeffrey Goldberg that his media career began with hasbara– or explaining Israel’s side to the world. I had an idea right after the First Intifada started as somebody who cared deeply about Israel – that the coverage of the Intifada was reductive, and that all […]

HBO chief got his start with hasbara

Richard Plepler is the CEO of HBO, and this week he told Jeffrey Goldberg that his media career began with hasbara– or explaining Israel’s side to the world. I had an idea right after the first Intifada started as somebody who cared deeply about Israel – that the coverage of the Intifada was reductive, and that all […]

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