Posts Tagged ‘predictable’

The Predictable Wastes of Covid Relief

If you ever had the vague sense that Covid relief funding worked in a manner akin to US aid packages in failed Middle Eastern dictatorships, your instincts weren’t wrong.  First off, there were cases of just outright fraud nearing the $200 billion mark with drug gangs and racketeers collecting Covid unemployment benefits from the US […]

Top 6 MOST PREDICTABLE ways the Democrats could STEAL the 2024 election

The Communist-led Democratic Party in Washington DC is no longer trying to hide their agenda for the upcoming election, for the nation’s demise, and for their plan to run everything with absolute power, forever. Of course, it is currently “illegal” to protest any election that a Democrat wins, but if a Republican wins, that can […]

IDF Admits To Killing 3 Hostages In Gaza & Israel’s Failing Propaganda Is Predictable And Reactive

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/15/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Biden Built ‘Predictable’ Loophole That Resulted In Flood Of Illegal “Family Units” Into US

(ZH) A change made to US immigration policy by the Biden administration led to a “predictable” rise in Source

Exclusive — Republican Whip Tom Emmer: Biden Blunders in Maui as ‘Predictable as a Snowy Minnesota Winter’

House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) told Breitbart News in an exclusive statement on Tuesday that President Joe Biden’s latest blunder in Maui as the island reels from the devastating fire is as “predictable as a snowy Minnesota winter.” Source

The Loss Of Free Speech Was Predictable And Preventable

As technology has disrupted key elements of society, Technocrats have taken advantage of the chaos to not only implement their own agenda but also to erect barriers to competition or resistance. If this had been recognized early enough, it could have been easily blocked. Now, the mere barriers have hardened into fortresses. Source

On The Predictable Demise Of RT America

Above Photo:An RT app is seen on a smartphone in front of an RT and Sputnik logo. Dado Ruvic/Reuters. A Chance For Grassroots Global Media? The closure of RT America follows effective censorship of the channel. The ultimate decision to close was made following a cut off of service by DirecTV and Roku. Big Tech firms […]

In Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev heads for a predictable landslide

Uzbeks voted Sunday in a presidential election that the incumbent is expected to win in a landslide against weak competition. Although Shavkat Mirziyoyev has relaxed many of the policies of his dictatorial predecessor, he has made little effort at political reform. Mirziyoyev, who took office in 2016 upon the death of Islam Karimov, faces four […]

US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: a Predictable Effect

The news of the beginning of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan was enthusiastically received by many media outlets worldwide. There have been many positive articles about the benefits of this decision by Washington. American soldiers will stop dying on foreign soil. The US economy will be relieved of the monstrous burden of combat […]

Myanmar’s Crisis Follows Predictable ‘Libya Model’ Pattern

All too predictably, the crisis in Myanmar has rapidly spiralled out of control with what we were told were “peaceful” “pro-democracy” protesters transforming into heavily armed militants fighting Myanmar’s central government, its police force and its armed forces with war weapons. Of course, the protests were never peaceful. The Western media only claimed as much […]

Assad Elected Through 2028 After Predictable Landslide Syria Election, Denounced By West

This week war-torn Syria took to the voting polls and as expected the result was a landslide victory for Syrian President Bashar Assad, ushering in a fourth seven-year term after he came to power in the year 2000 after the death of his father Hafez, who had been the Syrian Arab Republic’s first strongman Baath […]

America’s Predictable Betrayal of the ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’

Despite campaign promises made by now US President Joe Biden to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) better known as the Iran Nuclear Deal – Washington’s return to the deal has predictably stalled. In February 2021, AP would report in its article, “Biden repudiates Trump on Iran, ready for talks on nuke deal,” that: […]

Nimmo: Donald Trump’s Neocon Conversion was Predictable

“I watched him yesterday, actually, and he was very good in defending me in some of my views, and very, very strong. And I’ve always liked John Bolton. Well, we are thinking about it, Hugh [nominating Bolton as secretary of state]. I will say that. We are thinking about it. I mean, the negative […]

Putin calls for predictable, mutually-beneficial cooperation with US

US ‘completely & unlawfully seize’ Russian SF consulate as blacksmith breaks lock (VIDEO) Current Russia-US bilateral relations cannot “cause satisfaction,” Putin said during an official ceremony at the Kremlin in Moscow. “We are advocating constructive, predictable and mutually-beneficial cooperation,” the Russian leader stressed, adding that “strict adherence to the principles of equality, respect for national […]

VIDEO: Important Update – Court Case, Putin Trump Predictable Cease Fire

Hello Zionist Report Followers! As you know, our mission is to EXPOSE THE TRUTH. And, we need your help to achieve it. We are a team of two journalists that are tirelessly working on this mission. We have grown tremendously since we launched in January. And now we are looking to take our growth to […]

Predictable Exits: Trump and the Paris Agreement

Poroshenko’s "conditions" mean elections in Donbass will never take place

     After a briefing by the Ukrainian head of state following talks on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Warsaw, Poroshenko was approached by Russian journalists with the question of when elections will be held in Donbass. The Ukrainian President stopped in front of the reporters and said: “As soon as Russian troops withdraw […]

Unusual light phenomenon over the skies in Colorado

On June 8th, high above a thunderstorm in Colorado, an enormous ring of light appeared near the edge of space. Amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft photographed the phenomenon using a low-light video camera.      “It only lasted about a millisecond,” says Ashcraft, “but it was definitely there. The ring was about 300 km wide,” he estimates. […]

Washington Post Op-Ed Calls for “Safe Zones” in Syria

US Seeks to Turn Syria into the “Libya of the Levant.” February 5, 2016 (Tony Cartalucci – LD) – As Aleppo is finally encircled and begins the process of liberation from NATO-backed terrorists who have besieged and occupied parts of the city since 2012, and as Syrian forces backed by its allies overwhelm enemy fronts across […]

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