Posts Tagged ‘responsibility’

Butler, Penn., commissioner says Secret Service is LYING; responsibility to secure building where shooter climbed was on Cheatle and her team, not local PD

(NaturalNews) In her most recent interviews, Secret Service head Kim Cheatle has repeatedly claimed that it was the responsibility of local law enforcement in… Source

‘I Take Responsibility’: Nancy Pelosi Fesses Up To J6 Blunder

by Robert McGreevy, DailyCaller Newly released video HBO provided to congressional investigators shows former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claiming responsibility for the lack of police preparedness on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C., while she was fleeing the Capitol. The video, shot by Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra, shows an irate Pelosi complaining about a lack of […]

Egyptian Group Claims Responsibility for Killing ‘Israeli Agent’ in Alexandria

 May 8, 2024 Egypt – Live News – Middle East – News – Top An Israeli businessman, identified as Ziv Kipper, was found dead in Alexandria, Egypt on Tuesday, sparking an investigation by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Kipper, the CEO of OK Group LLC, a company specializing in exporting frozen fruits and vegetables, reportedly entered Egypt with a Canadian passport. A group known […]

In the University of Manchester, ‘social responsibility’ means collaborating in genocide

The University of Manchester signed a £822,000 contract with BAE Systems, the company providing fighter jets to Israel in its ongoing genocide. Students, activists, and staff are fighting back. Source

YouTube Declares It Has ‘Moral Responsibility’ To Rig Election for Biden

YouTube had declared that it has a “moral responsibility” to tweak its algorithm in order to help the Democrats defeat Trump in the 2024 election. According to YouTube’s chief product officer, Johanna Voolich, YouTube is laser-focussed on ensuring Trump doesn’t set foot in the White House again. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

US intelligence confirms Islamic State responsibility for Russia attack, official says

(NewsMax) — The United States has intelligence confirming Islamic State’s claim of responsibility for a deadly shooting at a concert near Moscow, a U.S. official said on Friday. The official said the United States had warned Russia in recent weeks about the possibility of an attack. “We did warn the Russians appropriately,” said the official, […]

Gaslighter Mayorkas “washes hands” and denies responsibility for the border crisis

(NaturalNews) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has denied accountability of the currently burgeoning border crisis, claiming it… Source

Gaslight Supreme: Mayorkas Says “We Don’t Bear Responsibility” For Border Crisis

The Biden administration can’t stop lying to the American public. On Sunday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had the audacity to claim that the Biden administration doesn’t bear responsibility for the border crisis, despite, among other things: Terminating the National Emergency at the Southwest border Revoking a Trump-era Executive Order that was designed to ensure […]

US claims responsibility for Iraqi official Iraqi PMF senior official assassination in Baghdadair strike

Iraqi PMF senior official assassinated in airstrike January 4, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English This comes in the context of the continuous attacks by the Iraqi resistance against US occupation bases in Iraq and Syria as part of their commitment to stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in […]

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Mass Casualty Suicide Bombings In Iran Source

Who blew up the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza? Israel initially took credit, then denied all responsibility

(NaturalNews) Nobody is fessing up to bombing the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza this week as both “sides” blame each other for this very serious war… Source

Alex Marlow: Joe Biden Bears Responsibility for Hamas’s Terror Attack on Israelis

We can’t say we weren’t warned. Joe Biden’s abject incompetence at foreign policy is legendary. Source

US bears responsibility for displacement of Syrians: Nasrallah

2 Oct 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen In a speech commemorating the birthday of Prophet Mohammad, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah discussed several issues including Syrian displacement to Lebanon and Lebanon’s border with occupied Palestine, among other important issues. By Al Mayadeen English The United States holds the responsibility for the displacement of Syrian citizens, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed […]

PKK claims responsibility for Ankara attack, says ‘sacrificial action’

1 Oct 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Kurdistan Workers’ Party says a team from its so-called “Immortal Brigade” carried out the earlier bombing in Ankara. The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), listed as a “terror group” by Turkey and its Western allies, claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in the Turkish capital of Ankara on […]

Sanders aims to convince Fox News readers climate action ‘is a moral responsibility’

“If this is what you believe I would respectfully disagree and I would urge you to get on the phone and call friends and family around the country to hear about what their communities are experiencing.” Source

Sanders aims to convince Fox News readers climate action ‘is a moral responsibility’

“If this is what you believe I would respectfully disagree and I would urge you to get on the phone and call friends and family around the country to hear about what their communities are experiencing.” Source

True responsibility and the need for change 

Change is essential if we are to survive, systemic/institutional change flowing from individual change and  a shift in attitudes. Source

Sayyed Nasrallah to Palestinian Factions: Any Time Responsibility Is Imposed on Us to Take Steps, We Will Not Hesitate

May 14, 2023 Subtitled by Al-Ahed News Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the Lebanese Resistance group is in continuous communication with the Resistance command in Gaza. His Eminence voiced Hezbollah’s readiness to offer support to the Palestinian resistance factions at any time responsibility requires so. Sayyed Nasrallah made the remark […]

Fracking Company Admits Criminal Responsibility

Landmark Deal: Fracking Company Admits Criminal Responsibility, Will Pay $16.29 Million to Build Pennsylvania Water System Coterra Energy (formerly Cabot Oil & Gas), the gas-drilling company made famous by the documentary “Gasland,” will pay $16.29 million to connect the homes of residents in the rural Pennsylvania community of Dimock to a clean water source. By  […]

Right Wing Round-Up: The Responsibility of True Liberty

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

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