Posts Tagged ‘damning’

TLAV Lawfare, Sudan War Caused/Exploited By US/Israel & Damning UN Reports Destroy Israeli Narrative

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

After Censoring Damning Autopsies, Mainstream Media Admits COVID Vaccines May Share Blame for “Unprecedented” Excess Deaths

Above image: COVID vaccine victims website Real Not Rare Biden: Our “patience” for the unvaccinated person is wearing thin [embedded content] The UK Telegraph is a 160 year-old British institution, equivalent of the New York Times “newspaper of record.” Now picked up by MSN, Yahoo News, and the New York Post. With excess deaths, i.e. […]

Elon Musk Says “Prosecute/Fauci” After Health Official Makes Damning Admission

“Prosecute/Fauci” quote tweeted Elon Musk, owner and CTO of the 𝕏 platform on Friday. Musk’s comments were in response to a New York Post cover titled “SICK LIES: After Years of Falsehoods, health official ADMITS US funded dangerous virus research at China’s COVID Lab.” Here’s a summary of the New York Post article: • NIH […]

Another Damning EU Vaccine Safety Report

Part 1 of my analysis of the Periodic Safety Update Report #3 (PSUR #3) for the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, covering the 6-month period of 19 December 2021 through to 18 June 2022, focused on the disturbing pregnancy and lactation cases. Part 2 of the report focuses on the tragic child deaths.  Firstly, a comparative look at […]

Rand Paul Issues Damning Message to Half of the Republican Party

Senator Rand Paul just called half of the Republican Party sell-outs, including Nikki Haley: “Half of my Republican caucus is, as we speak, ready to sell out, and they’re ready to sell out fake border reform in exchange for what they really want, which is to send more of your tax dollars to Ukraine. I […]

JFK: A Horrifying and Damning Israeli Perspective

READ HERE:   Source

‘Go to Hell’: Brave EU Politician Delivers Damning Message to the Global Tyrants

Originally Published on Vigilant News Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of the few politicians left who represent the interests of the European people. September 13 was […]

‘Damning’ probe finds 80% of top carbon Offset schemes are ‘likely junk or worthless’

“We cannot afford to waste any more time on false solutions.” Source

Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon

The Covid-19 virus was created as a bioweapon against humanity, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 2,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist […] The post Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon appeared first on The People's […]

Damning Life Insurance Data Proves Far More Young People Are Dying — And It’s Not from COVID

Originally Published on Vigilant News When data speaks, we must listen. And statistics from the Society of Actuaries reveal a harrowing health crisis in the American youth. While most of the attention has been directed towards the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, there’s an underreported situation emerging — a rise in the mortality rate of […]

FBI Informant Record Contains Damning Allegations for Joe Biden

The FBI form documenting the agency’s conversations with an informant contains damning allegations for President Joe Biden. Source

Damning Review Says London’s Police Force Is Racist, Misogynistic And Homophobic

The Metropolitan Police Service, which is Britain’s biggest police force, must “change itself” or risk being broken up, the report said. Source

Derrick Broze Interview – The Active Suppression Of The Damning #FluorideTrial Report

Joining me today is founder and editor of The Conscious Resistance and writer for The Last American Vagabond, Derrick Broze, here to discuss the ongoing #FluorideTrial and the recent report that was supposed to conclude the over four year process, yet this report was suppressed indefinitely with no explanation by the combined efforts of the […]

NICU Nurse Whistleblower Shares Damning COVID Vax Harms Being Caused to Mothers and Babies

 November 25, 2022 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step december 4th. One step at a time, hand in […]

Anger From Ukraine’s Backers After Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights ‘Human Shields’

Amnesty International has in a surprise shift placed its human rights scrutiny on Ukraine in a fresh report released Thursday. It immediately sparked a firestorm of criticism as both Western pundits and Kiev officials themselves blasted the findings as “unfair”.  The Amnesty report said investigators had “found evidence of Ukrainian forces launching strikes from within populated residential […]

World Inequality Report presents a damning indictment of the development path and priorities of India

The World Inequality Report (WIR) is widely regarded as a highly credible and comprehensive report on the extent of inequalities in world. The latest WIR for year 2022 has been released very recently and this presents a damning indictment of the very high level of inequalities in India. As presented in WIR, the levels of […]

Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report That Over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions Were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS

Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, bravely reports these harms and is barred from filing VAERS reports. by Aaron Siri A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking. As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community […]

Damning Reports Find Russia Protecting Herself: Put On Your Ushankas!

In the news recently, Russia and China are seen as “gripping” Asia at a time when the United States seems to have eased off having the region in her clutches. And other stories Polish military commanders say Vladimir Putin’s legions are out to reclaim a Soviet Empire. And here’s what else is new. Super sleuths […]

John Stossel Files Damning Lawsuit Against Facebook for Defamation Over Bogus ‘Fact-Checking’

(Support Free Thought) – Anyone reading this article has been, or likely knows someone who has been “fact checked” or at the very least, shared something that has been “fact checked.” Out of those folks, many of them have been vindicated, and the information they shared or created, proven true or credible — only after […]

Damning National Security and Intelligence reports caused Justin Trudeau to call 2 snap elections

This is the second time Justin Trudeau has called a snap election immediately after NSICOP delivered its report on its investigation of matters of national security and intelligence. The reports details NSICOP findings after it conducts an investigation of Parliamentarians and their departments. The first snap election was called after NSICOP found and presented “ample […]

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