Posts Tagged ‘inequality’

Global inequality surges as top 1% capture $42 trillion in new wealth over past decade

As the wealthiest 1 percent amass unprecedented riches, inequality deepens, posing a dire threat to democracy and the planet, urging a reevaluation of global tax policies. Source

New era of inequality: Billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class

Economist Gabriel Zucman’s analysis reveals that for the first time, U.S. billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans, sparking a renewed debate on wealth tax. Source

Scales of Inequality

‘Israel’s indiscriminate bombardment of Gaza…’, writes Anatol Lieven in The Guardian, which normally welcomes a spot of international aggressive intervention. Some deaths are more equal than others? How ironic that Biden and the ‘woke’ collective West who warn us of the threat of ‘white supremacy’ are being accused of … ‘… the West has one […]

Inequality decimating social trust in Europe, finds WHO report

Governments and policymakers should heed the report’s “ominous warnings”, said the institution’s regional director for Europe. A World Health Organisation (WHO) report has linked declining levels of trust between people and institutions across Europe to yawning inequality.  Analysis by WHO’s Regional Office for Europe highlighted the connection between widening health and social inequities – reflected […]

Blut und Boden: Human Inequality and Racial Hygiene

This material comes from a booklet for Hitler Youth leaders. It provided them with the information and background needed to convey healthy National Socialist racial thinking for young boys. Source

Can we talk sensibly about inequality and ignore the rich?

The poor don’t gain, in short, when societies ignore the rich. Source

The Language We Use To Talk About Inequality, Power, And Class Matters

In the US, discourses of inequality seldom are rooted to the nation’s long history of violent class conflict. Two examples of that history which come quickly to mind are the 1892 Homestead steel strike in Pittsburgh, which earned a place in labor history as the Homestead Massacre and the 1921 coal strike known as the Battle of Blair […]

Addressing racial inequality in paid leave policy

It is time the an equitable paid leave policy meets the triple A standard: accessible, affordable, and adequate. Source

Wage Inequality Continued To Increase In 2020

Above Photo: Labor activists hold a rally in support of raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour on the National Mall on May 19, 2021 in Washington, DC. Members of the Service Employee International Union (SEIU) organized the rally in support of striking McDonald’s workers who are demanding a wage increase. Common Dreams / […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Slavery and Inequality

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

World Inequality Report presents a damning indictment of the development path and priorities of India

The World Inequality Report (WIR) is widely regarded as a highly credible and comprehensive report on the extent of inequalities in world. The latest WIR for year 2022 has been released very recently and this presents a damning indictment of the very high level of inequalities in India. As presented in WIR, the levels of […]

Inequality is set to kill millions—’We have to fight it together.’

Image Credit: Allan Tannenbaum/Getty Images This week I called out to the world to warn them that inequalities are making us all unsafe. I noted starkly our new analysis that we face millions of additional AIDS deaths—7.7 million in the next decade alone—as well continued devastation from pandemics, unless leaders address the inequalities which drive […]

America 2021: Inequality is Now Baked In

This complete capture of all avenues of regulation and governance can only end one way, a kind of hyper-stagflation. Zeus Y. and I go way back, and he has always had a knack for summarizing just how insane, disconnected from reality, manipulative and exploitive the status quo narrative has become. I’ve occasionally published his commentaries and […]

The Political Economy Of Racial Inequality

Above Photo: Molly Crabapple, The material causes of racial inequality can be overcome only with massive economic distribution. In 1965, in response to President Lyndon B. Johnson’s anemic War on Poverty legislation, the labor and civil rights leaders A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin joined with Leon Keyserling, the former chair of the Council of […]

An inequality even conservative justices can’t swallow

College football coaches normally don’t pay much attention to U.S. Supreme Court decisions. College football coaches normally don’t pay much attention to much of anything outside their coaching lanes. They’ve become notorious for their single-minded focus on the gridiron. But coaches have been paying attention to the nation’s High Court this week because the Supremes […]

In The Southeast, Climate Change Finds A Landscape Ravaged By Inequality

Above Photo: Getty Images. Meet The Groups Demanding Climate Justice That Fits The Region’s Unique Needs. The southeastern United States sees more billion-dollar disasters than any other region in the country. The region also sees more different kinds of natural disasters than other parts of the country. In 2020, six billion-dollar hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast, […]

How The Federal Reserve Is Increasing Wealth Inequality

Above photo: Wenjia Tang for ProPublica. The Fed’s low-interest-rate policies have stabilized the economy and turbocharged the stock market. But those who don’t own lots of stocks haven’t benefited anywhere near as much as those who do. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the Federal Reserve has gotten plenty of kudos for moves that have […]

The IMF And World Bank, Who Pay No Taxes, Are About To Talk About Tax Hikes And Inequality

By Michael Every of Rabobank Koestler-Push Inflation The IMF and World Bank spring meetings are about to kick off, where those who pay no income tax get to talk about tax evasion, tax hikes, inequality, and Building Back Better. US Treasury Secretary Yellen will use the platform to push for a global standardization – upwards […]

Inequality: Women Pay 20,000% More On Average For Their Starbucks Drinks Than Men

Inequality: Women Pay 20,000% More On Average For Their Starbucks Drinks Than Men U.S.—An alarming study released by The New York Times is revealing vast disparities in the prices women pay for coffee versus what men pay for coffee, with women paying an average of 20,000% more for their daily caffeine fix.  “I can’t imagine what […]

Maya Wealth Inequality Was Linked to Despotism, Claims Belize Study

A new study of hundreds of Maya habitations in Belize has revealed a massive wealth gap developed in the Classic Maya period. While it may not come as a surprise to discover that Maya society was authoritarian, through analysis of the remains of ancient houses, this research has concluded that societies with inequality of wealth […]

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