Posts Tagged ‘feeding’

NYC Mayor Adams: MIGRANTS from Venezuela feeding Big Apple’s new RED-LIGHT DISTRICT

(NaturalNews) A new and larger red-light district has emerged in New York City (NYC), thanks to female Venezuelan migrants working in the sex trade.Roosevelt… Source

Stop Feeding The Polarization Beast

Stop Feeding The Polarization Beast Authored by Alison Dagnes via RealClear Wire, A new academic year has begun, as is evident from the smell of Xeroxed paper in the hallways and the excitement of college freshmen who are new to our classrooms. These first weeks are glorious: students are cheerful and optimistic, believing that this […]

Bankers to enjoy a feeding frenzy on property mortgages

After substantial intraday movement on “Indigenous Columbus” Federal holiday, 30-year regular mortgage rates in **ALL** 50 U.S. states and DC for **ALL** credit scores, for a loan value of $400K after 10% down, are now **over 8.0%**, with a high of 8.458% in Arizona.  Last time rates were this high, Clinton was still president, and […]

Lobbyist-turned-novelist set to unleash ‘A Feeding Frenzy in Washington’

A Washington lobbyist-turned-congressional candidate-turned author is having a feeding frenzy with what goes down on Capitol Hill, releasing a new book his team calls a “laugh-filled work of fiction that exposes how Congress really works.” George Franklin spent decades in the halls of the Capitol as the Kellogg Company’s vice president of worldwide government affairs.… […]

CDC Endorses Trans “Chest-feeding” Ignoring Risks & The Dangerous Tripledemic Vaccine(COVID/Flu/RSV)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/6/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

BlackRock: Can You Avoid Feeding The Beast?

Visualizing BlackRock’s Top Equity Holdings Source

From Babylon to Christianity: Feeding into the Eucharist

There can be no doubt that the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist was derived from Jewish, Babylonian, Assyrian and Egyptian traditions of sun veneration and sun baking methods. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

COVID Technologies Feeding Into The Global Surveillance State

By Mike Maharrey In another frightening example of “mission creep,” governments around the world are using technologies developed during the COVID-19 Source

Ron Paul: ‘CIA Admits Feeding Americans False Info About Ukraine’

Late last year, a Gallup poll showed that Americans’ trust in the mainstream media has fallen to its second lowest level on record. Only seven percent of Americans responded that they have a “great deal” of trust in the media. Ron Paul, the greatest President America never had. That loss of trust has been well-earned […]

Feeding the “Good Wolf” Inside of Us

You may have heard the parable about the old Cherokee who is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil—he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, […]

‘I Can Take Care Of The Kids On My Own,’ Says Dad While Feeding Kids Handfuls Of Shredded Cheese For Lunch

‘I Can Take Care Of The Kids On My Own,’ Says Dad While Feeding Kids Handfuls Of Shredded Cheese For Lunch FT. WORTH, TX—While his wife was in bed with a stomach virus all day, local father Todd Fennick had high praise for his ability to care for their four kids without her. “She needs […]

‘Feeding frenzy’: Florida’s big push to remake gambling

Before the courtroom drama even starts, however, the governor and top Republicans this week must withstand a flurry of behind-the-scenes lobbying, including an effort by a major fantasy sports company, DraftKings, to kill the deal outright. State legislators are also worried that they could open the door to future casinos, including one at former President […]

Arizona Politician Is Just One Of Many Feeding Jewish Anti-White Agenda

Using the excuse of prison reform and being against mandatory sentencing legislation “progressive” Arizona Democrat Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley, representing the ninth district which includes Tucson, was the lone legislator who voted against a bill that would provide stricter sentencing for convicted child sex offenders. The following quote is from a PM (Post Millennial) article: […]

Hospitals Instruct Midwives to Use Terms ‘Chest Feeding’ and ‘Human Milk’ to Be ‘Gender Inclusive’

The sheer insanity advances … couple of years back we had a Medical Journal saying breastfeeding was ‘unnatural’ … WHO was telling us 5 YOs  need to be taught to masturbate …fast tracked indoctrination … Nwo Report Source:Cassandra Fairbanks A group of hospitals in Great Britain is raising eyebrows after instructing midwives to start using […]

UK Police Force Elderly Grandma to Stop Feeding Pigeons ‘Because of Coronavirus’

Disturbing video footage out of London shows an elderly grandmother being threatened by police for daring to feed some pigeons outside. No, this is NOT satire. The frail old woman was throwing pieces of bread to the pigeons before she was confronted by police who informed her that she was violating non-existing rules about “gatherings.” […]

Police Demand Elderly Lady Stop Feeding Pigeons Under COVID Lockdown Rules

Queensland Police in Australia responded to a man who bragged on Twitter about going on a jog that violated lockdown rules by paying him a home visit. “Sneaky run across the border and back. Avoided the CCP virus police,” tweeted author Lyle Shelton along with some pictures of a beach. Sneaky run across the border […]

 Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as ‘Feeding the World’

The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. Smallholder farmers are being criminalised and even made to disappear when it comes to the struggle for land. They are constantly exposed to systematic expulsion. In 2014, the Oakland Institute […]

What Are You Feeding Your Mind?

August 25th, 2020 By Paul Lenda Staff Writer for Wake Up World Your mind is like a garden. Flowers won’t bloom if you feed it mental poison. What are you feeding your mind? All sensory input we receive affects us, from major to minor ways. Everything from the music we listen to, to the clothes […]

Scientists Warn Stop Feeding Children These Hot Dogs Immediately

Multiple studies have determined that consumption of hot dogs can be a risk factor for childhood cancer. Peters et al studied the relationship between the intake of certain foods and the risk of leukemia in children from birth to age 10 in Los Angeles County between 1980 and 1987. The study found that children who […]

Flint workers treated water by feeding chemicals through ‘hole in the floor’

FLINT, MI — A hand-written log book shows workers preparing to put the Flint water treatment plant into operation in 2013 didn’t use a standard pump but a hole in the floor of the building to feed chemicals into Flint River water. Special prosecutor Todd Flood pushed the point as preliminary examinations […]

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