Posts Tagged ‘imperialism’

Germany joins Israel in dock for genocide… Western imperialism’s perverse evolution

April 12, 2024 Source Germany and the United States along with other Western powers are continuing deep-seated historical crimes by way of their proxy war against Russia. The repeating of history might seem tragic, even farcical. One may wonder how such apparent madness can be repeated. But the explanation is straightforward when it is understood […]

Australia Day 1788 Empires and Imperialism

‘The Founding of Australia 1788’, an oil painting by Algernon Talmage. Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales “England, in what is now Britain, wanted more land overseas where it could build new communities, known as colonies. These colonies would provide England with valuable materials, like metals, wool, sugar and tobacco, which they could […]

Gas, Gaza, and Western imperialism

Control of Mediterranean gas fields is not the reason for the current attack on Gaza, but the theft of Palestine’s natural resources has long been a goal of the Zionist settler-colonial project and its Western sponsors. Source


SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2023 Source CHRIS HEDGES Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — “We came, we saw, he died,” Hillary Clinton famously quipped when Muammar Gaddafi, after seven months of U.S. and NATO bombing, was overthrown in 2011 and killed by a mob who sodomized him with a bayonet. But Gaddafi would not be the only one to die.  […]

My book stridently condemns – not ‘absolves’ – British imperialism in Palestine

The British empire – and particularly the British Labour Party – bears historical responsibility for the Zionist colonization of Palestine which ultimately led to the expulsion of the Palestinians. Source

Hezbollah, Anti-imperialism, and the Compatible Left

March 11, Source: Al Mayadeen English By Sammy Ismail  A review of Banerjee’s “Fighting Imperialism and Authoritarian Regimes: Between the Devil and the Deep Sea” (2003) and Salamey’s “Hezbollah, Communitarianism, and Anti-Imperialism” (2019). “such power and the people who excercised it, embodied a mystique, expressed not simply in guns but in books, uniforms, social behavior and […]

Historic Year… Ukraine War Exposes U.S. Imperialism as Foremost Global Threat

February 24, 2023 Source Most people realize that the United States and its capitalist impoverishing-war-system must be defeated if the world is to ever live in peace. The war in Ukraine is now entering its second year, having reached its first anniversary this week. On February 24 last year, Russian forces entered Ukrainian territory. The […]

Sabra will be Marvel’s latest attempt at “woke imperialism”

Originally published at The Electronic Intifada. Most images have been removed from the Substack version due to email restrictions. Israel lobby groups celebrated as Marvel Studios announced in September that an Israeli “superhero” will appear in the 2024 movie Captain America: New World Order. The character of Sabra will be played by Israeli actor Shira […]

Malaysia’s Ex PM Explains Imperialism’s Roots In Capitalism

Malaysia’s longest-serving Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned that the US is trying to start a war with China over Taiwan. He also explained how imperialism is rooted in capitalism and detailed its economic exploitation of the Global South. It’s quite obvious that when the Eastern bloc was still there, it was a bustle between capitalism […]

Vladimir Putin blasts NATO ‘imperialism’ over Western military shake-up plan

Russia’s president said NATO’s pledges at the Madrid summit showed it was not acting in Ukraine’s interests or “the good of the Ukrainian people”. Source

On Father’s Day And US Imperialism’s Machinery Of Death

Let me indulge you with a Father’s Day story. Five years ago on June 10th, my father fell ill with a massive heart attack. He spent two weeks in the ICU before dying at the age of 69. That day changed my life forever. I was familiar with the commonness of death under U.S. imperialism, […]

Maduro’s success: principled resistance to imperialism pays off

The world has been stunned by a double wonder: Bolivarian Venezuela’s political survival and its miraculous economic recovery: the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean has reported that it expects the Venezuelan economy to grow for the first time since 2014, by 5 per cent, one of the highest in the region. Venezuela’s […]

A history of naked imperialism continues as Biden approves Somalia redeployment

Biden has reversed Donald Trump’s withdrawal of US forces from Somalia and will redeploy Special Operations Forces. It is just the latest move in a long history of destructive US-UK meddling in the Horn of Africa.

Review of Professor Joma Sison’s books  ‘Peoples War’ and ‘Imperialism in Turmoil, Socialism in prospect’

Professor Joma Sison in recent times has come out with some most analytical Marxist-Leninist works which are an invaluable collection in the treasure house of all Marxist or Progressive readers. In March in Netherlands there were book launches of his recent works on Critique of Philippines economy and politics and “On a Peoples War’. I […]

Africa, COVID-19 and Imperialism with Jeremy Loffredo

Originally published on 01/16/21 on In this episode, Whitney is joined by Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss the coming economic “great reset” and the plans to introduce a new and truly Orwellian economic system in its aftermath. The plans for that new system, especially the effort to merge identification, economic activity and vaccine records […]

Defending Japanese Imperialism

Three Senkaku Islands Common knowledge informs us that the surrender of Imperial Japan on August 15, 1945 brought an end to the Japanese empire and Japan’s occupation of all areas and countries that had been taken as a result of its military aggression. The Allied Cairo Declaration of 1943, for example, stated: “. . . […]

Why Poorer Nations Aren’t Falling for Green-Washed Imperialism

Fighting global warming is not just about providing a path to net-zero carbon emissions for all countries. It is also about figuring out how best to meet the energy needs of people across the world while working toward net-zero emissions. If fossil fuels have to be given up, which has now become an urgent need […]

The Age Of Imperialism Is Not Over

But We Can End It. Capitalist accumulation has always depended on cheap labor and resources extracted from the Global South. To end this violence we need a post-capitalist transition—otherwise, as climate breakdown accelerates, the ceaseless search for profit will drive us further into barbarism. As the failure of COP26 sinks in, it is increasingly clear that our […]

Canadian Imperialism

Canada was born of empire and still thrives within that milieu.  It is the progeny of French and British imperial quests in the ‘New’ World and is accompanied by its siblings within the Five Eyes, the most influential being the United States.  Canada’s creation out of mostly British imperial interests carried all the factors of […]

Quagmire of American Imperialism in Afghanistan and Beyond

Handover ceremony at Camp Anthonic, from US Army to Afghan Special Forces, Helmand province, Afghanistan, May 2, 2021. Many commentators from different ideological orientations provide a false equivalence of American withdrawal from Afghanistan with the fall of Saigon. It is false because American imperialism was thoroughly defeated by the revolutionary programmes and fighting spirit of […]

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