Posts Tagged ‘books’

Biden ordered Amazon to hide books criticizing vaccines during COVID “pandemic”

(NaturalNews) The House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government presented evidence this week to show that during the… Source

Alabama’s proposed law threatens librarians with jail for ‘obscene’ books

Alabama legislators, led by Rep. Arnold Mooney, have introduced a contentious bill, H.B. 385, that has librarians and free speech advocates up in arms. The proposed legislation seeks to extend criminal obscenity laws to public and school libraries, a move that critics argue could lead to the incarceration of librarians for the content of their […]

A Fed Pivot While Lamborghini Sees Full Order Books Doesn’t Compute

A Fed Pivot While Lamborghini Sees Full Order Books Doesn’t Compute Did the Federal Reserve jump the gun on the pivot? Last month, investors cheered after the Fed announced that interest-rate cuts are coming in 2024. Since then, the S&P 500 has powered to new record highs, and technology stocks have gone bananas.  The latest swap contracts […]

Three Books to End the Silence

Think of this. In the time since the Covid crisis has passed, no aspect of any federal power that was deployed to wreck a functioning society has been repealed. Not one law, regulation, edict, or power.  Some courts have struck down certain bureaucratic practices, such as the nationwide mask mandate and the eviction moratorium, which […]

Time for some history, which – naturally – isn’t in the mainstream books.

Many of you are probably aware of the film “300” of the King of Sparta, Leonidas. This marked the first resistance of Hellas/Greece against Xerxes’ Persian Empire. What you may not be aware is who started the entire ordeal. During the peak of the Persian civilization, there was a Chaldean Jew under the name of […]

A $1 billion hole in books of woke Wellington Council

Check out our Local Govt Watch pages at the main menu. Wellington already features there, Horowhenua is well worth a thorough read. I was able to watch that Council more closely for 3 years. A micro view at what is happening NZ wide, world wide even. Councils are the trojan horse for Agenda 21 now […]

Blocking Kid’s Access To Explicit Books Is ‘White Supremacy’ Says Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton

Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton and 175 other artists have signed a letter slamming efforts to block children’s access to sexually explicit books as “white supremacy.” The other signatories include Bravo’s Andy Cohen, Alyssa Milano, Ariana […] The post Blocking Kid’s Access To Explicit Books Is ‘White Supremacy’ Says Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton appeared first on […]

Canada: School Board Purges Books Written Before 2008 to Advance ‘Equity’

Defeat hate by purging all books written before 2008! The Peel District School Board near Toronto had its libraries remove all books written before 2008 as part of an “anti-racist and inclusive audit.” The purge took place over the past year with students shocked to return to school to see their libraries with half-empty shelves. […]

Canada BANS All School Books Printed Before 2008 Due to Non-PC Content

The Trudeau regime has announced a nationwide ban on all school books in Canada printed before 2008, due to the fact that they may contain ‘non-PC content.’ According to reports, Canadian schools are being forced […] The post Canada BANS All School Books Printed Before 2008 Due to Non-PC Content appeared first on The People's […]

Canada: Peel District School Board Removes All Books Published Before 2008 From School Libraries To Ensure, “Books Are Inclusive”

Takata is one of several Peel District School Board (PDSB) students, parents and community members CBC Toronto spoke to who are concerned about a seemingly inconsistent approach to a new equity-based book weeding process implemented by the board last spring in response to a provincial directive from the Minister of Education. Source

ABC: Senate Hearing on ‘Banned Books’ ‘Turned Racy’ When GOP Sen. Read From Some ‘Banned Books’

During a report aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “America This Morning,” the network stated that the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on which books children should have access to on Tuesday “turned racy at one point” when Sen. John Kennedy Source

US describes attacks on holy books as ‘abhorrent’

The US State Department on Friday described the act of desecrating religious texts as “abhorrent” when asked about the desecration of the Quran outside the Turkish Center in New York, Anadolu reports. “We are not tracking the details on this specific incident and cannot comment on the particulars,” a State Department spokesperson said in response […]

Politico Declares Biden Books ‘Bombing’ Right Before Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’ Rockets to #18 on Amazon

Right after left-wing Politico declared that “Biden books are still bombing,” Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s forthcoming book “Breaking Biden” rocketed to #18 on the Amazon charts. Source

Biden books are still bombing

NBC News’ Jonathan Allen went on a multi-stop national tour when he co-wrote a book on how Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” written with fellow journalist Amie Parnes, sold more than 125,000 copies and landed on the New York Times best-seller list. But for […]

The Best Gifts for Worms Lovers, From ‘Dune’ Art Books to Earthy Scents

Are you often a hot person who feels, even just a little bit, like a worm? Or maybe you’re just down with worms. Maybe you see those shoestring bodies writhing in the mud after the rain, and think, She’s just like me FR. You’re not alone. Worms have been having a huge year, from the […]

Reading is Fundamental: Children Who Love Books are Happier, More Physically Active

Renegade Editor’s Note: This study was commissioned by a digital reading platform, so it may be designed with Source


READ HERE:   Source

U.S. “History” Books Should Be Filed Under ‘F’ For Fiction

“when they remind us of their constitutional rights [to own slaves], I acknowledge them not grudgingly but fully and early; and I would give them any legislation for the claiming of their fugitives”. (Indicating support for the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.) Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was a war time attempt to start a slave revolt […]

Denmark Seeks “Legal Means” to Stop Desecration of Holy Books Following Global Backlash

July 31, 2023 By Staff, Agencies The Danish government says it is looking for “legal means” to stop desecration of holy books following the vehement global backlash over sacrilegious acts against Muslims’ holy book in Denmark. The Sunday announcement followed several incidents over the past month that featured desecration of the Holy Quran both in […]

Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools

Former President Barack Obama wrote a letter defending LGBTQ+ books in children’s schools and public libraries as Republican-led states move to restrict them amid growing concern from parents.  Source

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