Posts Tagged ‘libyan’

Switzerland hands Foreign Ministry list of seized Libyan antiquities

The Swiss Ambassador to Libya, Joseph Ringli, has surrendered to the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs a list of items, including antiquities belonging to the North African country, which were seized inside Switzerland, Libya Observer reports. According to the report, this was announced in a government statement quoting the Director of the Antiquities Department, Muhammad Faraj. The […]


SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2023 Source CHRIS HEDGES Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — “We came, we saw, he died,” Hillary Clinton famously quipped when Muammar Gaddafi, after seven months of U.S. and NATO bombing, was overthrown in 2011 and killed by a mob who sodomized him with a bayonet. But Gaddafi would not be the only one to die.  […]

‘Don’t just watch TV’, Libyan teacher rallies pupils to help flood victims

A Libyan headmistress in Tripoli gave an impassioned speech to her students in the wake of deadly floods in Derna, imploring them to act and not just watch the tragedy on TV. Despite an ongoing civil war, Libyans from across the divide are rallying to help their country-people in the flood affected areas, sending food […]

Searchers Race To Recover Bodies In Libyan City Where 5,100 Died In Flooding After 2 Dams Collapsed

“Wherever you go, you find dead men, women, and children,” an aid worker said. Source

Thousands Dead And 10,000 More Reported Missing After Devastating Libyan Floods

Floodwaters broke through dams in the eastern city of Derna, washing away entire neighborhoods. The current death toll was estimated at 2,300. Source

Qatari emir, Libyan premier stress need to support efforts to end fighting in Sudan

Qatar’s emir and head of the Libyan National Unity Government on Sunday stressed the need to support efforts to end the fighting in Sudan, reports Anadolu Agency. This came during talks held by Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh at Lusail Palace in the Qatari capital, Doha, according […]

Libyan PM met Mossad chief in Jordan to discuss normalization: Report

SEP 4, 2023 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° The meeting, which took place in 2022, was sponsored by the US and the UAE News Desk According to a classified diplomatic cable obtained by Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh met with the head of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, David Barnea, in the Jordanian capital […]

WATCH: Libyan border guards rescue migrants in remote desert area

Border guards in Libya have rescued a group of migrants who said they were left in the remote desert area by authorities in neighbouring Tunisia. Source

Wagner Mercenaries Back Libyan Group That Says It Recovered Missing Uranium

A Libyan general with ties to Russia’s Wagner mercenary group claims to have recovered 2.5 tonnes of missing uranium.  Khaled Mahjoub, a media officer for the Libyan National Army (LNA), announced on his Facebook page that several drums of uranium had been found near the country’s border with Chad. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) […]

Libyan knot: no solution yet

In early October, Turkey and the outgoing government in Tripoli, led by Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, signed an agreement allowing Ankara to explore energy resources in the Mediterranean. According to general opinion in the Arab press and among political scientists, this is not only a blatant violation of international maritime law. It is also confirmation that […]

UK: Lobbyist for UAE, Russia backed Libyan forces appointed Chief of Staff by Liz Truss

Questions have been raised over the appointment of a lobbyist for the UAE-backed Libyan parliament to the position of Downing Street Chief of Staff. Britain’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss handed the job to Mark Fullbrook, who will be in charge of what is considered the most senior political appointee in the Office of the […]

Libyan Muslims turning to Christianity despite persecution

  Photo Credit: Ahmed Kerr/Wikimedia Commons Libya (Mission Network News) — All across the Middle East and North Africa, people are turning away from Islam and following the risen Jesus. But in Libya, new believers often face hostility both from authorities and from their families. Why would they risk persecution to follow Jesus? Sammy works […]

When Israel Shot Down A Libyan Airliner In 1973, Richard Nixon Told Billy Graham The Jews Have A ‘Death Wish’

On February 23, 1973, the Israeli air force intentionally shot down a Libyan commercial airliner — Flight 114 — that had inadvertently gone off course and entered Israeli-controlled airspace over the Sinai Peninsula on the border of Egypt — but nowhere near Israel itself. 108 civilian passengers and crew were killed. Like the Israeli attack […]

Libyan Elections Got Disrupted by the US and UK Intervention

On 24 December 2021, Libya was scheduled to hold a popular vote for the country’s first president, but it never took place: The Election Commission failed to publish the final list of candidates on time, and on December 21, the head of the Commission, Imad al-Saih, ordered the closing of polling stations. The vote was […]

‘I am Libya’: 24-year-old artist Shefa Salem re-imagines Libyan history

What does it mean to be Libyan? How to reconstruct a sense of belonging for the country and its people, starting from the deepest roots of Libyan culture, while preserving diversity? These are the questions that artist, Shefa Salem, is grappling with for her first solo show I am Libya, which took place a few […]

Libyan guards ‘shoot six migrants dead’ at Tripoli detention centre

Libyan guards shot dead six African migrants in a detention centre in Tripoli on Friday, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said, denouncing “terrible” living conditions in the overcrowded place. The shooting took place in the Al-Mabani detention centre where some 3,000 migrants are being held, IOM official Federico Soda told AFP. “Six migrants in […]

Libyan Refugee Crisis Highlighted Crime Problems

Illegal migration has turned into a lucrative business a long time ago as hundreds of thousand Africans and Asians stream into Europe. For criminal networks, law enforcement agencies and even international terrorist groups it has become a bonanza to capitalize on. Shortly before his tragic death, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was warning the EU that […]

A Continuation of the Libyan Political Dialogue

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has called on participants in the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) to hold an in-person meeting in Switzerland from June 28 to July 1 to “develop proposals on how to hold the national elections in Libya, especially in regard to the constitutional platform for the upcoming voting”. […]

Will Chad be Able to Stop Libyan Chaos?

After acting head of state Idriss Déby, who had ruled the country since December 1990, won the presidential elections in Chad on April 11, the Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT) militias that had taken refuge in unstable Libya supported the opposition forces and invaded Chad. The rebels said their goal was to […]

Reading stabbings: Libyan sentenced to life for deadly UK park attack

Khairi Saadallah was sentenced Monday to life in prison with no chance of parole for stabbing three male friends to death in an English park in June.

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