Posts Tagged ‘nixon’

Laith Marouf’s update from West Asia – with Garland Nixon

Laith Marouf’s update from West Asia – with Garland Nixon  Tue 10:13 pm +01:00, 9 Apr 2024   posted by danceaway Well, well, well, the once believed Western media is no longer trusted in West Asia, including the BBC!! Excellent history and update once again; so refreshing to hear the perspective of an informed journalist […]

Now you know why the NWO globalist cabal had Richard Nixon ignominiously impeached.


Nixon Aide Said CIA Murdered Dorothy Hunt, Wife of Watergate Burglar E. Howard Hunt Who Knew Too Much About the CIA’s Role in Watergate and Other Crimes

[Source:] Hunt Was Among Victims of a United Airlines Flight That Crashed in Chicago on December 8, 1972, Soon After Richard Nixon’s Re-Election Dorothy Hunt’s life of adventure and privilege came to a tragic end at the age of 52 on December 8, 1972, when United Airlines Flight 553 crashed into a suburban home near […]

Released Documents Show Nixon’s Intel Briefings Related to US-Backed Chilean Coup

“What followed [the coup] was a vicious, decades-long reign of terror and repression during which tens of thousands of Chileans were killed, tortured, or disappeared by the Pinochet regime, which continued to receive support from the CIA,” as Common Dreams’ Jake Johnson has written.” Few Americans understand the history of the Anti-American CIA. The CIA […]

Garland Nixon Interview – False Flags, Psyops & UFOs, Oh MY!

Joining me today is host and political analyst Garland Nixon, here to discuss the recently exposed false flag that was the Nord Stream attack, as well as the madness surrounding the “unidentified flying objects” that are being reported by the corporate media, and what the true agenda behind them may be.  ( ( Source Links: […]

Garland Nixon Interview – Rise Of New Media & The Fight For Objective Journalism

Joining me today is independent journalist Garland Nixon, here to discuss a multitude of topics from Ukraine to COVID-19, as well as the ongoing suppression of anyone challenging the official narrative.. of any topic.  ( ( ( Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):   Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f) […]

When Israel Shot Down A Libyan Airliner In 1973, Richard Nixon Told Billy Graham The Jews Have A ‘Death Wish’

On February 23, 1973, the Israeli air force intentionally shot down a Libyan commercial airliner — Flight 114 — that had inadvertently gone off course and entered Israeli-controlled airspace over the Sinai Peninsula on the border of Egypt — but nowhere near Israel itself. 108 civilian passengers and crew were killed. Like the Israeli attack […]

When Nixon Suspended Convertibility of US Dollar Into Gold; We Will ALL Be Holding Worthless Dollars

by Admin · August 15, 2021 On August 15, 1971, President Nixon suspended the convertibility of the US dollar into gold, subjecting the American citizenry to an unprecedented and disastrous economic experiment. — Bitstein (@bitstein) August 15, 2021 Source

Princely letter: Philip apologized to Nixon for ‘lame’ toast

Throughout his decades in public life, Prince Philip was known for putting his royal foot in his mouth with occasional off-the-cuff remarks that could be embarrassing. But his faux pas at a White House dinner with President Richard Nixon in 1969 was enough for Philip to actually lose sleep. In a handwritten note to the […]

Nixon ‘opened’ China, but only superpower China could ‘open’ Iran (1/2)

Friday, 02 April 2021 2:52 PM  [ Last Update: Friday, 02 April 2021 2:52 PM ] Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the […]

The Empire Attacks BDS For The Same Reason Nixon Started The Drug War

The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Arkansas’ anti-BDS law violates the First Amendment of the US Constitution, because it plainly does. “The Arkansas Times has successfully challenged a law that prohibits the state from doing business with companies that boycott Israel,” Mondoweiss reports. “The Little Rock-based weekly filed the lawsuit in 2018 and was represented […]

Revisions on China: Abandoning the Nixon Legacy, Pompeo the Puffed-up Hawk

There is little doubt about it.  US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is the puffed-up hawk of the Trump administration, talons at the ready, beak protruding. While the president coos at the prospect of seeing, or admiring, the next strongman of international relations, Pompeo hovers over selected authoritarian targets.  This Jekyll-Hyde appraisal of foreign policy […]

Unlike Nixon, Trump Will Not Go Quietly

On Aug. 9, 1974, Richard Nixon bowed to the inevitability of impeachment and conviction by a Democratic Senate and resigned. The prospect of such an end for Donald Trump has this city drooling. Yet, comparing Russiagate and Watergate, history is not likely to repeat itself. First, the underlying crime in Watergate, a break-in to wiretap […]

WATCH – It’s All Run By Jews” – Nixon on US Media

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Nixon Tapes Expose Jewish Control over America

Nixon Tapes Expose Jewish Control over America note – nixon had balls and wasn’t the puppet the jews expected him to be so they had him removed from presidency by orchestrating the watergate hoax !  david duke writes –  More details of the influence of the Jewish lobby’s power in influencing American foreign policy has […]

Carnage and Cover-Up

What follows is a documented authentic eyewitness account. The accredited report is that of Leonora Geier (nee Cavoa born October 22, 1925, Sao Paulo, Brazil). It was placed before Dr. Trutz Foelsche, Ph. D. Present was Bernard Wassmann, Reiner Halhammer, Manfred Haer, Kyrrill Wratilavo. Witnesses confirm that the Leonora Geier made this report without any […]

National Health Spending to Exceed $10,000 Per Person for First Time

National health expenditures will hit $3.35 trillion this year, which is up 4.8 percent from 2015, according to a paper written by officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Officials project that health spending growth from 2015 to 2025 will average 5.8 percent, which will exceed growth in gross domestic product by 1.3 percent. […]

Ex-World Bank chief economist exposes “failure” of austerity, deregulation

In a little-known speech at the United Nations University, renowned Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz criticised Western approaches to addressing the global economic crisis for being obsessed with market solutions that cannot work. His remarks were made just two months before the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) issued its latest forecast of a […]

Obama’s Nixon Moment

  House Republicans Request Special Counsel to Probe Holder on ‘Fast and Furious’ Fox News October 4, 2011 EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans are calling for a special counsel to determine whether Attorney General Eric Holder perjured himself during his testimony to the House Judiciary Committee on Operation Fast and Furious, Fox News has learned. House Judiciary […]

More Likely Nixon Saw Off LBJ Than He Masterminded The JFK Assassination

By Trowbridge H. Ford The sudden death, perhaps even murder, on January 22, 1973 of LBJ threw a pall over Washington despite the fact that it had just celebrated the inauguratation of the re-elected Richard Nixon as President. He claimed when he returned to Washington for it that he wanted to clear up everything else […]

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