Posts Tagged ‘began’

How the ‘Bioterrorism’ Era Began

Bill Clinton Begins the Phony Era of Pandemics and Bioterrorism In November 1997 US Secretary of Defense William Cohen held up a 5 lb bag of Domino sugar in front of an army of cameras and told the world that if the bag contained anthrax it could wipe out NYC or Washington, DC. That was not true, […]

Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka: Hamas began planning the attack on southern Israel two years ago

(NaturalNews) Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka has revealed that Hamas started planning the attack on southern Israel two years ago after President Joe Biden… Source

The ‘inquiry’ into Covid a farce before it even began

See the above article in pdf version in the link: There apparently is going to be an ‘inquiry’ into the response to Covid where there is a push for a Royal Commission. Let’s look at the past history of Royal Commissions and how they have helped those persons who needed them. Out of the […]

New global internet censorship began today

Google’s new global censorship tool was introduced today at 9:10 a.m. via an email press release. According to LaToya Drake, head of Google News Initiative. Instead of global internet censorship, Google calls it “Fact Check Tools.” Its purpose is to eliminate dissent on any topic Google selects. Their partners are the: United Nations (UN) […]

On this day 3 years ago Australia’s largest health & legal farces began

On this day three years ago, the 25th of January 2020, Australia recorded its alleged first case of the disease named after the preceding year. How did the authorities factually establish that the man had the disease given the fact that no approved or certified testing method existed at the time? The Australian population was […]

How the corporate takeover of American politics began

Powell’s memo argued that the American economic system was “under broad attack” from consumer, labor, and environmental groups. Source

DHS LEAKS: Starting in 2020, DHS began meeting with Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and more monthly to coordinate ‘content moderation’ efforts

The Department of Homeland Security has been working to influence big tech platforms. This became originally evident when the Biden administration launched the ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board early in 2022, but has been a focus of their efforts even beyond that now-defunct unit, and before. Source

It Ends As It Began – As A Political Ploy

FEAR FACTOR: It Ends As It Began – As A Political Ploy – By Jeffrey A. Tucker SM  Source – “…Ask yourself: why the panic then and the calm now? What precisely has changed?…It was never going to end any other way. We knew this from February 2020. It’s the way every pandemic of […]

Iran says U.S. began litigation industry

TEHRAN— As proceedings in the Iran-U.S. lawsuit began Monday in the Hague-based court, Iran announced that the U.S. had built a “industry of litigation” over terror charges against Tehran in violation of international law. Iran’s lawyers filed a petition with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on Monday to unfreeze billions of […]

9 Months After Vaccine Campaign Began, Countries’ Birth Rates Plummeted

One of the scariest phenomena in the wake of the globalist elites’ mass COVID vaccination plot is the dramatic plummeting of birth rates 9 months after a country starts administering the Pfizer and Moderna shots. Birth rates have already been dropping badly over the past two to three decades, especially in affluent, modernized countries. But […]

Ukraine: 9,000 Of Its Troops Killed Since Russia Began War

NIKOPOL, Ukraine (AP) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which hits the half-year mark this week, has already killed some 9,000 Ukrainian soldiers, a general said, and the fighting Monday showed no signs that the war is abating. At a veteran’s event, Ukraine’s military chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said Ukraine’s children need to be taken care […]

Ukraine: 9,000 Of Its Troops Killed Since Russia Began War

NIKOPOL, Ukraine (AP) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which hits the half-year mark this week, has already killed some 9,000 Ukrainian soldiers, a general said, and the fighting Monday showed no signs that the war is abating. At a veteran’s event, Ukraine’s military chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said Ukraine’s children need to be taken care […]

Ukraine: 9,000 Of Its Troops Killed Since Russia Began War

NIKOPOL, Ukraine (AP) — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which hits the half-year mark this week, has already killed some 9,000 Ukrainian soldiers, a general said, and the fighting Monday showed no signs that the war is abating. At a veteran’s event, Ukraine’s military chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, said Ukraine’s children need to be taken care […]

Two Decades After Iraq War Began, China Colonizes Iraq’s Oilfields

Twenty years after the United States invested blood and treasure in liberating Iraq from the rule of Saddam Hussein, China is attempting to lock up control of Iraq’s oilfields. The Western intervention in Iraq was denounced by critics as a “war for oil,” but in the end, the great authoritarian menace of the 21st Century […]

Radiocarbon Dating Indicates Iron Age India Began 4200 Years Ago!

New carbon dating performed on organic deposits found in Mayiladumparai, Tamil Nadu has pushed the beginning of the Iron Age in southern India back by approximately 700 years, the Deccan Herald reports.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

History Of Assassins: When Human Hunter-Killers Began Hunting Humans

For at least 200,000 years Homo sapiens were hunter-gatherer-fishers and at the end of the last Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago, they flipped from being the number one prey food on the planet to being the apex predator. Read more Section:  News History Read Later 

Greek Buddhism, The Forgotten Chapter In A Philosophy That Began in India

A bygone era forgotten in Western circles but preserved in the histories of Buddhist traditions tells the story of the Greek contribution to Buddhism. Enshrined in the daily prayers of the Theravāda followers of Sri Lanka is a vivid throwback to this long-lost chapter of Greek Buddhism: “I bow my head to the footprints of […]

Children Are Dying at a Rate 62% Higher Than the 5-Year-Average Since They Began to Be Given the Covid-19 Vaccine

On September 13th 2021, the four Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO’s) of the United Kingdom advised the UK Government to offer the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to all children over the age of twelve. This was despite the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) previously stating they could not support universal vaccination of children. Is it […]

Knesset’s winter session began with an acrimonious exchange between Netanyahu and Bennett

Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, and former Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, were involved in a heated debate and bitter exchange of blame over major issues during the start of the Knesset’s winter session, Israeli media revealed on Monday. Bennett is the head of the extremist right-wing Yamina Party, which has a very few number of […]

Deaths Among Teenagers Up 56% Since Vaccine Roll-Out Began

A post on the Daily Exposé on Thursday showed concerning statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicating that deaths among teenagers over the summer have increased significantly on the previous year, coinciding with the vaccine roll-out. by Will Jones I dug into the data a bit and I have to say I agree […]

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